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Author Topic: Space Station 13: Urist McStation  (Read 2233344 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8280 on: July 30, 2013, 08:00:59 pm »

Holy shit.

Three traitors, only one succeeds. Anja was arrested near the end. Not sure what happened to her.
Oswald, on the other hand, had a borg on his side. Bass, the warden, had given me riot armour upon hearing everything was going to shit. I head down to escape, shoot the borg a bit because he called me nonhuman (by this point, it was 'shoot anything that may pose a threat'), get to escape. Find Oswald, shoot him, we're both choking due to a lack of air, I still take time to cuff him whilst choking. Drag him to maintenance so I can breathe, encounter HoS.
Leave him with her, she proceeds to kill Oswald, I get onto the shuttle and Bass saves Artemis's life.
That was intense shit. Bass Drags me on to the shuttle in the last second. Hurrahs are shared all around. They nearly kill me in the hallway, but I end up living because of armor. Try to run into escape one hit from crit, you know how that goes. Also, with the usual clown and mime fun earlier.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8281 on: July 30, 2013, 08:04:29 pm »

DarkWolf, if you have issues with another admin, PM Android, who is the head admin. If you have issues with the ban, PM him and Android. Take it out of the thread, and I would suggest that people stop responding to his comments in the thread as it will lead nowhere.

/authority voice.


By the way, fuck you, bdthemag, stop making the server your fucking private playground.
Goats will ignore your grass and eat the neighbours' roses. They're just evil bastards like that.
Probably thats why they are used with pentagrams on covers of Satanic Black Metal albums.


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8282 on: July 30, 2013, 08:07:30 pm »

I've got to say, regardless of how bad DarkWolf may or may not be, that is really a wildly inappropriate admin response, Bdthemag. Seriously, what the hell?
Let me explain to you why I reacted to him this way. The admin staff has had to personally deal with him on multiple occasions, and he has had two temp bans and three jobs bans so far. The entire admin staff (including myself) has been EXTREMELY LENIENT WITH HIM. I should of handed him a perma-ban on his third offense, but I thought that if I told him how everyone saw he was acting he'd realize that he was being a dick, and then play like normal. This is the first time I've ever reacted negatively to him, and Nien being the other admin who has had to deal with him before will probably agree with me. The only admins who are active recently are Nien, Red, and myself, so we've been the guys who've had to deal with him. If any other admins had to deal with him, they wouldn't be reacting as neutrally as they are right now.

Darkwolf has meta'd and behaved as an antag (Even though he wasn't) MULTIPLE TIMES. Some of these times probably happened without anyone bringing it up, and some of these times I haven't been there to give out a punishment. If this was any other server in the SS13 community, he would of been banned after the second offense. The situation that happened today was him being dragged off to surgery by a group of cultists, they planned to fuck with him and sacrifice him afterwards. Unfortunately for them, a non-cultist was with them and they didn't want to blow their cover. Que Darkwolf bitching in OOC and adminhelp multiple times yelling out that people are griefing him, and I plainly tell him that he may be being griefed or this may actually be an antag thing. I couldn't tell him which was which, because it's meta knowledge and I know how well he handles meta knowledge (poorly). Darkwolf then proceeded to try talking to them through /me commands because he was muzzled (That's a offense ranging from a kick to temp ban after enough times.)

Basically, he's a shitty player, and many other people can attest to that. I've gotten MULTIPLE complaints regarding him, some of which I chose not to act on because I felt it was unfair for Darkwolf. I'm frankly sick and tired of dealing with him, and so are the other active admins.

And dark, I didn't lie about not banning you from assistant. I applied the job ban for everything, and then removed the assistant job ban. It still shows up in the database, but it lists you as not being banned. You even asked me for a perma-ban multiple times, and after figuring you'd either come back and grief (which was extremely likely assumption, from the way you were acting.) I perma-banned you to solve the problem.

Yes, I was fucking with him for a good period of time. But if your job was to deal with players like him, wouldn't you? I tried to explain to him multiple times why people didn't like him, and gave him advice on how to change MULTIPLE times. So has Nien. He doesn't want to listen, and he clearly doesn't belong on this server.

DarkWolf, if you have issues with another admin, PM Android, who is the head admin. If you have issues with the ban, PM him and Android. Take it out of the thread, and I would suggest that people stop responding to his comments in the thread as it will lead nowhere.

/authority voice.


By the way, fuck you, bdthemag, stop making the server your fucking private playground.
This proves you don't know anything. Because this statement REALLY fucking pisses me off. I'm the admin who yells at other admins for trying to turn everything into their private playground, I'm the guy who is yelling at the admins trying to circlejerk with each other over some stupid thing, and I'm the admin who pretty much deals with the most player complaints and issues. I'm not saying I'm an amazing admin, or even a great one, it's difficult to be a great one and I'm certainly far from that.
Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8283 on: July 30, 2013, 08:33:54 pm »

I think honestly, don't Perma Darkwolf, give him a long ban, possibly 6 months. I used to be a shit player, and I still sometimes am (I am truly sorry that I blew you up as a borg greatorder. That was a dick move, even if it could be vaguely defended IC. I shouldn't have done it). I'm nowhere near as bad as I was though, but it took time for me to realize that I was ruining peoples games every round, and try to change. Bias is a self defense mechanism, but if he comes back after a long time, give him a chance and don't stay biased. It's hard, but try.
Collin Quay- [145.9]-broadcasts: As a professional doctor, I have to say, dodge the fucking meteors or you will die.


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8284 on: July 30, 2013, 08:34:55 pm »

I agree with pretty much all of what BD said, Guys was being so annoying.


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8285 on: July 30, 2013, 08:37:52 pm »

so hey guys i played on gibbed and it had a nice if pirate-infested time because the admins had a pirate fixation today for some reason?

oh you managed to produce a shitstorm when i were gone.

* LordSlowpoke retreats from the thread


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8286 on: July 30, 2013, 08:38:28 pm »

So I was alone with Axl in the library. I was a traitor and was supposed to kill her. She was wearing a beret.

"Nice beret." *parapen, drag into maintenance, butcher face, gave her my paper hat, and stole her beret.

Funny part is that I said the same thing to the mime in the salvage vessel, what happened next is up to interpretation.

Also I agree with what Mono said.
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8287 on: July 30, 2013, 08:41:23 pm »

I think honestly, don't Perma Darkwolf, give him a long ban, possibly 6 months. I used to be a shit player, and I still sometimes am (I am truly sorry that I blew you up as a borg greatorder. That was a dick move, even if it could be vaguely defended IC. I shouldn't have done it). I'm nowhere near as bad as I was though, but it took time for me to realize that I was ruining peoples games every round, and try to change. Bias is a self defense mechanism, but if he comes back after a long time, give him a chance and don't stay biased. It's hard, but try.
He can feel free to appeal to his perma-ban in a few months if he wants to. Otherwise, it's staying as a perma-ban. I think after five chances, he has had plenty of opportunities to learn.
Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8288 on: July 31, 2013, 12:34:31 am »

Can ypu give some better examples of Dark being a griefer? From what you've said he doesn't seem to have done much that is wrong, just misinformed. Oh and for the record, being told that you MAY be getting griefed or they MAY be an antag is the most annoying fucking thing ever.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8289 on: July 31, 2013, 12:54:54 am »

Among his list is, Well. I'll start from the beginning.

When he first joined, I explicitly told him how we run here, what to do, when to ask an admin about something, etc. He's completely ignored that, Meta'd obviously, Also, these two gems, straight from the admin notes.

26-Jul-2013 | Banned from traitor - For killing someone on a free objective before even thinking to ask for one. ~nienhaus2 [-]
26-Jul-2013 | Banned from Head of Security - For many accounts of abusing there job and acting as if they were an antag. ~nienhaus2 [-]
26-Jul-2013 | Banned from Syndicate - This is along with the Job ban, They really do not know how to role play at all. ~nienhaus2 [-]
26-Jul-2013 | Banned - Released the singularity as a non traitor. ~redfox47 [-]

Also, he has said he wants to be shitcurity, and he has been shitcurity. He has been warned multiple times, I've given him goddamn lectures. He hasn't understood it, and it doesn't seem like he will improve without a good time off.
(Probably Ex)Admin on Urist McStation, A space station 13 server.

It's pretty cool. Check it out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8290 on: July 31, 2013, 03:34:45 am »

-statement retracted-
I'm happy Glloyd is back. We need more admins, and I feel that this proves that.

E: And about the new map, if you have any questions regarding Research or Medbay, direct them to me. (Or the mapping thread, obviously.)
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 03:45:24 am by miauw62 »

Quote from: NW_Kohaku
they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8291 on: July 31, 2013, 03:56:33 am »

Boop de Boop de Boom.   Nobody is on.

Also, I just found the website for the ID card things, so I made one for no reason that I am now going to post here.
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Professional shut-in

You don't need to be good at video games anyway, right?


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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8292 on: July 31, 2013, 05:11:43 am »

Can ypu give some better examples of Dark being a griefer? From what you've said he doesn't seem to have done much that is wrong, just misinformed. Oh and for the record, being told that you MAY be getting griefed or they MAY be an antag is the most annoying fucking thing ever.

I do not thing he is actually a griefer, being a griefer implies that he actively tries to ruin your fun to get kicks from that. I do think he is playing on the wrong server, however. He should go play on Goon or something, and if he gets banned THERE, there is no hope for him.

Oh, also, as Hans will attest, on his very first round DarkWolf kept asking all the time where he can get guns and start killing, so that kinda sorta points to him being ill-suited to our kind of 2DSpessmen around-fuckery.
We are doomed. It's just that whatever is going to kill us all just happens to be, from a scientific standpoint, pretty frickin' awesome.

Man of Paper

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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8293 on: July 31, 2013, 08:20:26 am »

I's only Miauw and Cipher right now. I want to jump in, but don't know what to do with myself in sandbox.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Station 13: Urist McStation
« Reply #8294 on: July 31, 2013, 08:23:22 am »

I's only Miauw and Cipher right now. I want to jump in, but don't know what to do with myself in sandbox.

The feels, man. I know them.
We are doomed. It's just that whatever is going to kill us all just happens to be, from a scientific standpoint, pretty frickin' awesome.
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