[17:29] <@Hatkitty> lelelelelelel
[17:29] <@Hatkitty> swordmaster vs valor
[17:29] <Solymr> and then nothing
[17:29] <@Hatkitty> YOU GUN DIE
01[17:29] <BMM42> Aw hell
[17:29] <Solymr> tip
[17:29] <Solymr> rip
[17:29] <@Hatkitty> ARGH
[17:29] <@Hatkitty> FUCK YOU
01[17:29] <BMM42> AW HELL I LEFT MY AXE ON
[17:29] <@Hatkitty> sak;ghskgldsg
06[17:29] * @Hatkitty flips keyboard
[17:30] <@Hatkitty> sordmaster missed
06[17:30] * BMM42 laughs in a hideous fashion
[17:30] <@Hatkitty> valor countercrit'd
[17:30] <@Hatkitty> fuck
[17:30] <@Hatkitty> wrath
[17:30] <@Hatkitty> and you too
06[17:30] * BMM42 continues laughing
[17:30] <darkpaladin109> hehehehehe
[17:30] <darkpaladin109> that's just hilarious
[17:30] <Solymr> ARE YOU SERIOUS
[17:30] <Solymr> BWAHAHAH
[17:30] <Solymr> BIGGEST DUMB LUCK
[17:30] <Solymr> EVER
[17:30] <Solymr> POST IT
[17:30] <Solymr> POST ITTTTTTTTT
01[17:30] <BMM42> It's good to be the first of Critzocoatl's chozen, let me tell you
[17:31] <GB4L> lel
[17:31] <@Hatkitty> the fact that you had axe left on
[17:31] <GB4L> omg
[17:31] <@Hatkitty> is even MORE jarring
[17:31] <GB4L> haspen the game subconsciously hates you too
01[17:31] <BMM42> Swordmasters are my bitch
[17:31] <Solymr> HOHHOHOHOIHO
01[17:31] <BMM42> First Silverio, now this chump
01[17:31] <BMM42> Good thing Valor and Derick are pals
[17:31] <@Hatkitty> Hit: 126+15-55 = 86
[17:31] <Solymr> HE HAD AXE
[17:31] <@Hatkitty> Hit roll: 99, miss!
[17:31] <@Hatkitty> Valor counters!
[17:31] <@Hatkitty> Hit: 119+15-15-63 = 56
[17:31] <@Hatkitty> Hit roll: 28, hit! Crit roll: 18! //for god's sake stop those crits already
[17:31] <@Hatkitty> Damage: 32+1-1-14 = 18x3 = 54
01[17:31] <BMM42> Or he'd kill me for saying that
06[17:31] * Solymr laughs harder
01[17:31] <BMM42> DUDE YES
[17:32] <darkpaladin109> yeah, that crit against silverio defintelly saved you a lot of trouble
01[17:32] <BMM42> WAHAHAHAHAHA
[17:32] <GB4L> omfg
[17:32] <darkpaladin109> also HASSPEN, RUN THE TURN FOR NEF2
[17:32] <@Hatkitty> this approaches Tiron-bullshit-level
[17:32] <@Hatkitty> dk109 I'm running FEF1 nao
[17:32] <Solymr> KABOOM
01[17:32] <BMM42> Only if I do it three times in a row
[17:32] <darkpaladin109> I know
01[17:32] <BMM42> Please let me do it three times in a row
[17:33] <Solymr> RIGHT IN THE SOUL
01[17:33] <BMM42> Makin' bacon
[17:33] <GB4L> this is unbelievable
06[17:33] * BMM42 resumes laughter
[17:33] <@Hatkitty> now I have to rethink my attack plan
[17:33] <@Hatkitty> cuz valor being still a charisma totem is a bit unnerving
01[17:33] <BMM42> Aw, but they're mooks
01[17:34] <BMM42> They're not gonna think about it too hard
[17:34] <@Hatkitty> woo I have Sage in range c:
01[17:34] <BMM42> Just send them to their deaths
01[17:34] <BMM42> Mage Masher PS, don't fail me now...
06[17:36] * @Hatkitty sobs quietly
[17:36] <@Hatkitty> i will
[17:36] <@Hatkitty> i will just show
[17:36] <@Hatkitty> Hit: 140-10-55 = 75
[17:36] <@Hatkitty> Hit roll: 79, miss!
06[17:36] * @Hatkitty cries in corner
[17:36] <darkpaladin109> KNEW IT
01[17:36] <BMM42> YES
[17:36] <Solymr> oh boy
01[17:36] <BMM42> THIS IS WHAT I LIKE!
[17:36] <@Hatkitty> I'm afraid to roll counter attack
[17:36] <Solymr> great shit incoming
[17:36] <Solymr> oh boy
[17:36] <Solymr> HAHAHAHAH
06[17:36] * Solymr laughs in advance
[17:36] <Solymr> i knew i should have played a hero in nob
[17:36] <Solymr> noh
01[17:37] <BMM42> Hero is such a fun class
[17:37] <Solymr> valor and tiron the bullshit duo
[17:37] <GB4L> they're laughing all the way to the bank
01[17:37] <BMM42> Valor puts aside his mage hatred and welcomes Tiron as his brother in bullshit
01[17:37] <BMM42> New time life movie
[17:37] <@Hatkitty> well Valor rolled 70 on crit but I have to number this.
[17:38] <Solymr> haw haw haw
[17:38] <Solymr> haw hawhawhawhaw haw
01[17:38] <BMM42> Hm. I might miss that there
[17:38] <GB4L> weeeeeeelp
01[17:38] <BMM42> I get 30 from Seyena, and 40 from Wrath
01[17:38] <BMM42> a few from skill
01[17:38] <BMM42> But I dunno Sage luck offhand
[17:38] <@Hatkitty> 13+30+40-10 = 73
[17:38] <@Hatkitty> ...
[17:38] <@Hatkitty> ARRRRGH
[17:38] <Solymr> BOOOOOOOOOOM
[17:39] <Solymr> THE AXE IS REAL
[17:39] <Solymr> 2 DA MOUF
01[17:39] <BMM42> IT IS ME
[17:39] <Solymr> HERO
[17:40] <GB4L> haspen is probably a little suicidal right now
[17:40] <@Hatkitty> I have two bishops in range but fuck you
[17:40] <@Hatkitty> they will go bonk Alex
06[17:41] * @Hatkitty pouts.
01[17:41] <BMM42> Wahahaha
[17:42] <Solymr> hahahah
[17:42] <Solymr> did alex move?
[17:42] <@Hatkitty> ye
[17:42] <GB4L> I moved
[17:42] <GB4L> him
01[17:44] <BMM42> Hey, are you guys gonna do anything in NoH or what?
01[17:44] <BMM42> I'm not seeing a lot of strategery.
[17:44] <darkpaladin109> so, sine we're not talking about anything else right now, how long do you estimate that FEF1 will take until it ends, Haspen?
[17:45] <Solymr> id rather otiros shoot first
[17:45] <Solymr> or ciel giving me vulns
[17:45] <@Hatkitty> dk109: I hope for 11x to end within a week
01[17:45] <BMM42> Should probably mention that.
[17:45] <@Hatkitty> then it's definitely not more than 5 turns of final battle
01[17:45] <BMM42> Also, you can trade and make an action.
[17:45] <@Hatkitty> so dunno, two, three weeks top?
01[17:45] <BMM42> Just not move after
[17:45] <Solymr> yeah but
[17:45] <@Hatkitty> now I forgot what I was doing.
[17:45] <Solymr> if they get revived
[17:46] <@Hatkitty> oh right bishies vs alex
01[17:46] <BMM42> Making Bishops slap Alex, maybe
06[17:46] * @Hatkitty resumes numbering.
01[17:46] <BMM42> Okay, yes
[17:46] <darkpaladin109> BMM, is the recruitment for NoH closed?
[17:46] <Solymr> your troll archers might just throw them down again
01[17:46] <BMM42> Yes, it is.
[17:46] <darkpaladin109> just curious
01[17:46] <BMM42> Unless someone drops again.
01[17:46] <BMM42> Which... May be the case?
[17:46] <Solymr> why say that
01[17:46] <BMM42> Kale's player said he was going on hiatus just before Chapter 4 started
01[17:47] <BMM42> And he hasn't been on since.
[17:47] <Solymr> :I
[17:47] <darkpaladin109> well, I don't want anyone to drop, but if they do.....
[17:47] <Solymr> now i cant animasupportbullshit anymore
01[17:47] <BMM42> I'll talk to him when it looks like the map is wrapping up, see if he wants to come back
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> HA!
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> HAAA!
01[17:47] <BMM42> If he doesn't
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> CRIT ON FIRST STRIKE
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> ...
[17:47] <darkpaladin109> PFFFFFFF
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> NOOO
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[17:47] <Solymr> too bad
01[17:47] <BMM42> I'll let you know
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> NOOOOOO
[17:47] <Solymr> big shield
01[17:47] <BMM42> Big Shield
[17:47] <Solymr> like a fucker
01[17:47] <BMM42> Gotta be
[17:47] <Solymr> HAHAHAHAHAHAH
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> Hit: 137-5-29 = 103, autohit! Crit roll: 15!
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> Great Shield roll: 5!
[17:47] <@Hatkitty> Attack blocked!
01[17:47] <BMM42> YES
[17:47] <Solymr> ijdkabsucjwbaizbfbwj
06[17:47] * @Hatkitty cries.
[17:47] <Solymr> GET DECIMATED
01[17:48] <BMM42> I LOVE THIS TURN
[17:48] <Solymr> BEST TURN ECER
[17:48] <Solymr> I PULLED OUT
[17:48] <darkpaladin109> and this is why I love my decision to go on IRC
[17:48] <Solymr> MY 5 LEAF CLOVER FOR THIS
[17:48] <Solymr> IT WORKS
[17:48] <@Hatkitty> still 3 attacks to roll cuz they double him anyways
[17:48] <Solymr> THIS IS GREAT
[17:48] <Solymr> too bad
[17:48] <Solymr> he can take it
01[17:48] <BMM42> DP, if you end up joining, what class and stuff?
[17:48] <Solymr> like a baws
[17:49] <Solymr> pls say thief
01[17:49] <BMM42> We're short on women, and possible thief tree
[17:49] <darkpaladin109> I'l take a look through the sheets first
[17:49] <darkpaladin109> you don't have a thief?
01[17:49] <BMM42> If Peach drops for good
01[17:49] <BMM42> yes
06[17:49] * GB4L eats popcorn
[17:49] <GB4L> dis gun be gud
01[17:49] <BMM42> He is our thief, so.
[17:49] <@Hatkitty> 2nd attack normal hit
01[17:49] <BMM42> Damn
[17:49] <@Hatkitty> ...
01[17:49] <BMM42> He catches the dead with one more, I think.
[17:49] <Solymr> HO HO HO
[17:49] <@Hatkitty> shit I HAVE to hit with two next cuz Alex has 24HP left and one hit takes 21dmg
06[17:50] * @Hatkitty flips table
[17:50] <Solymr> needs two bishops to take him down
[17:50] <Solymr> such a boss
[17:50] <Solymr> SUCH A WAHL
01[17:50] <BMM42> Alright Alex
06[17:50] * @Hatkitty prays for crit.
[17:50] <@Hatkitty> oh wait
01[17:50] <BMM42> This is why I wanna try Wahling at some point.
[17:50] <@Hatkitty> they have autohit vs him
[17:50] <@Hatkitty> HAHAHAHAHA
01[17:50] <BMM42> Eh?
01[17:50] <BMM42> Oh right
01[17:50] <BMM42> C'mon, more big shield...
[17:50] <Solymr> big shield twice
[17:50] <Solymr> np
[17:51] <darkpaladin109> Big Shield's still in play
01[17:51] <BMM42> Alex only has like 20 skill though
[17:51] <@Hatkitty> 3rd attack normal hit
01[17:51] <BMM42> Not exactly likely
[17:51] <GB4L> Haspen's happy
[17:51] <@Hatkitty> 18 SKL
[17:51] <GB4L> he got em
[17:51] <darkpaladin109> soemwhere around 1 in 5 chance is still alright
[17:51] <@Hatkitty> fucking
01[17:51] <BMM42> What
01[17:51] <BMM42> what
[17:52] <@Hatkitty> he rolled 3 on Great Shield on last attack
[17:52] <@Hatkitty> goddamit
[17:52] <@Hatkitty> just
[17:52] <darkpaladin109> YES
01[17:52] <BMM42> YES
[17:52] <@Hatkitty> nnnnhnhghhgggg
[17:52] <Solymr> omg
[17:52] <Solymr> this is
[17:52] <Solymr> unbelievable
[17:52] <@Hatkitty> why RNG denied him Great Shield on regular basis and now this
[17:52] <GB4L> wow
[17:52] <darkpaladin109> and then someone one rounds the final boss?
[17:52] <GB4L> Haspen
[17:52] <@Hatkitty> Twice in one turn
[17:52] <@Hatkitty> just
[17:52] <Solymr> bring out your awesome music
06[17:52] * @Hatkitty flips GB4L
[17:52] <GB4L> ow ow ow ow
[17:52] <GB4L> why
06[17:52] * BMM42 catches GB4L and sets him down
[17:52] <Solymr> too fucking good
[17:53] <GB4L> my husbando~
01[17:53] <BMM42> lol
[17:53] <GB4L> ugu~
[17:53] <Solymr> im bringing out megaman 2 - wily castle 1
01[17:53] <BMM42> youtubing?
01[17:53] <BMM42> link plox
01[17:53] <BMM42> need music for this
[17:54] <Solymr> im fetching
01[17:54] <BMM42> yay
[17:54] <darkpaladin109> overused
01[17:54] <BMM42> You got somethin' DP?
[17:54] <Solymr> i dont care
[17:54] <@Hatkitty> well this archero and this sentinel... nope.
[17:54] <@Hatkitty> hmm.
[17:55] <darkpaladin109> use something like this instead
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDFa33uZLu4[17:55] <Solymr> we need as much awesome as possible
[17:55] <Solymr> just quit
[17:55] <Solymr> haspen obv rng wants you to stahp
[17:55] <@Hatkitty> snow snow floor floor
[17:55] <@Hatkitty> 6mov, ideal
[17:56] <@Hatkitty> wait a moment...
[17:56] <Solymr> need phoenix wright music too
[17:56] <@Hatkitty> 34-1-2-1-30 =
[17:56] <@Hatkitty> FUCK
[17:56] <GB4L> ha
[17:56] <GB4L> ha ha ha
[17:56] <Solymr> ho
06[17:56] * @Hatkitty headdesks.
01[17:56] <BMM42> WhAT
[17:56] <Solymr> HO HO HO
[17:56] <Solymr> AUTOMISS
01[17:56] <BMM42> WHAT
01[17:56] <BMM42> AUTOMISSING
[17:56] <@Hatkitty> Alex is now impervious to lances it seems.
[17:56] <darkpaladin109> OH WOW
[17:56] <GB4L> oomg
[17:57] <GB4L> my sides
01[17:57] <BMM42> JESUS
[17:57] <darkpaladin109> IS THAT A FIRST OR WHAT
[17:57] <GB4L> are in orbit
[17:57] <Solymr>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNwbkPtDUU001[17:57] <BMM42> Oh yes, way better
[17:57] <@Hatkitty> Sentinel has 34 atk base and alex has 30 def base
[17:57] <@Hatkitty> but Alex has warhammah so thats axe, so -1
[17:57] <@Hatkitty> and -2 from PS
[17:57] <@Hatkitty> and -1 from Anja
[17:57] <@Hatkitty> no damage
06[17:57] * @Hatkitty siiiiiiiiiiiiighs.
01[17:57] <BMM42> Turnabouts yo
[17:57] <Solymr> now
01[17:57] <BMM42> The Sentinel could try to fight me :3
[17:57] <Taricus> Now you have all experienced the utter joy of completely trolling haspen
[17:57] <Solymr> just crit counter pls
[17:58] <Solymr> haspen just got
[17:58] <Solymr> decimated
[17:58] <Solymr> save this irc pls
[17:58] <Solymr> and post it
[17:58] <Solymr> for the future
01[17:58] <BMM42> For posterity
[17:58] <darkpaladin109> yeah
[17:58] <GB4L> someone
01[17:58] <BMM42> This thread must be passed down
[17:58] <GB4L> do it
03[17:58] * Retrieving #feftalk modes...
[17:58] <GB4L> through the generations
[17:58] <GB4L> and this day shall be known as the day
[17:58] <GB4L> when Haspen's jimmies got rustled
[17:59] <darkpaladin109> that the players trolled Haspen insted of Haspen trolling the players
[17:59] <darkpaladin109> well, more like the RNG, but you get what I mean
[17:59] <Solymr> haspen turned the game with reinforcements
[17:59] <@Hatkitty> Alex retaliates!
[17:59] <@Hatkitty> Hit: 94+15+10-55 = 64
[17:59] <@Hatkitty> Hit roll: 81, miss!
[17:59] <Solymr> he didnt know the rng had a plan
[17:59] <Solymr> aw
[17:59] <Solymr> too bad
[17:59] <GB4L> damn
01[18:00] <BMM42> I'm not even disappointed
01[18:00] <BMM42> In my mind, Alex didn't even swing
[18:00] <Solymr> he just blocked two magicks
[18:00] <darkpaladin109> oh well, everything else worked well, at least
01[18:00] <BMM42> He just kept blocking
01[18:00] <BMM42> And didn't even bother to fight
01[18:00] <BMM42> Because damn
06[18:00] * @Hatkitty headdesks.
[18:00] <Solymr> oh boy
[18:00] <@Hatkitty> I completely forgot I have Druid with Hell tome.
[18:00] <Solymr> more stuff
[18:00] <@Hatkitty> I could've
[18:00] <@Hatkitty> at beginning
06[18:00] * @Hatkitty cries.
[18:01] <Solymr> hahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahh
[18:01] <Solymr> hahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahha
[18:01] <@Hatkitty> running turns at midnight isn't my forte ;_;
01[18:01] <BMM42> Cheapass Druid screwed them all!
[18:01] <Solymr> FURTUKA
[18:01] <Solymr> GET IN HERE
[18:01] <Solymr> JOIN THE LAUGHS
[18:01] <Furtuka> IM ALREADY HERE
[18:01] <Taricus> HA HA
[18:01] <Solymr> TIRUIN
[18:01] <Solymr> YOU TOO
[18:02] <darkpaladin109> YOU TOO, DAVE
[18:02] <Solymr>
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKoZBRAFNTg02[18:04] * darkpaladin109 (
Mibbit@anf.si.96.547.00.766.dc.cable.static.telemach.net) Quit (Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[18:04] <Solymr> wait waot
[18:05] <Solymr> im pming ffs to get in
[18:05] <Solymr> hes not online
[18:05] <Solymr> sad
03[18:06] * darkpaladin109 (
Mibbit@anf.si.96.547.00.766.dc.cable.static.telemach.net) has joined #feftalk
[18:06] <@Hatkitty> aha
06[18:06] * @Hatkitty goes hell salvatore
[18:07] <@Hatkitty> aww yiss, a hit.
[18:07] <Solymr> hell was the half hp thing right?
[18:07] <@Hatkitty> some joy at least.
[18:07] <@Hatkitty> yup
[18:07] <Solymr> you wont accomplish anything xP
[18:08] <@Hatkitty> 10HP shoved off
[18:08] <@Hatkitty> and he has to survive 8 hits
[18:08] <@Hatkitty> from them falcos
[18:08] <Solymr> at 1 damage per hit
[18:08] <Solymr> gg
01[18:09] <BMM42> Matilda's just gonna fix that
[18:09] <Solymr> he still blocks
[18:09] <Solymr> and all dis counters
[18:09] <@Hatkitty> Shall kindly inform you they have 6% crt chance
[18:09] <@Hatkitty> and they have ranged weps
[18:09] <Solymr> will leave them ripe for smashing
[18:09] <Solymr> inb4 sal crits
[18:09] <@Hatkitty> and sal has iron axe, not a throwing wep
[18:09] <Solymr> half the time
[18:10] <@Hatkitty> ...which if I'm seeing correctly is the very axe that Adrien bought before Chapter 2.
[18:10] <darkpaladin109> they can't all attack him at range
01[18:10] <BMM42> It sure is
[18:10] <darkpaladin109> wow, that's pretty morbid
01[18:10] <BMM42> Hehehe
[18:11] <Taricus> It's gonnalet him down when he needs it most
[18:11] <darkpaladin109> though it propably serves a purpose more useful than it's original user
[18:11] <darkpaladin109>
01[18:11] <BMM42> Heh
[18:11] <Taricus> Not likely
[18:11] <Solymr> how much hit do falcos have
[18:11] <darkpaladin109> yeah, I suppose
[18:12] <@Hatkitty> 123-15-26
[18:12] <@Hatkitty> is their hit
[18:12] <@Hatkitty> vs Sal
[18:12] <darkpaladin109> that's 85 hit
[18:13] <@Hatkitty> *82
[18:13] <darkpaladin109> they're very likely to hit, though they might get a miss or two
[18:13] <darkpaladin109> EVEN BETTER
[18:14] <Solymr> inb4 they miss half the time
[18:14] <darkpaladin109> since I'm curious, did Adrien do anything bad besides killing that messenger?
[18:14] <@Hatkitty> HA
[18:14] <@Hatkitty> HA
[18:14] <@Hatkitty> HA
[18:14] <@Hatkitty> Salvatore counterattacks!
[18:14] <@Hatkitty> Hit: 112+15+15-60 = 82
[18:14] <@Hatkitty> Hit roll: 93, miss!
06[18:14] * @Hatkitty dances.
[18:14] <darkpaladin109> pffffffffffff
[18:14] <Solymr> haw
01[18:15] <BMM42> Fack
[18:15] <Solymr> like it makes a difference
01[18:15] <BMM42> @DP: Mostly it was antagonizing other members of the party
01[18:15] <BMM42> His paranoia feuled the others distrust in him
[18:15] <Solymr> trying to jail the healer
01[18:15] <BMM42> Yeah
[18:15] <darkpaladin109> ha!
[18:15] <darkpaladin109> wow
[18:15] <Solymr> bargaining with the big bad
01[18:16] <BMM42> Trying to burn down the mansion where they suspected the mcguffin would be
[18:16] <GB4L> lol
[18:16] <GB4L> he was great
01[18:16] <BMM42> Just a string of really bad calls.
[18:16] <@Hatkitty> [spoiler=HP]Mercs:
[18:16] <@Hatkitty> Alexander Jorinn: 3/53
Regen:2[18:16] <@Hatkitty> Olison Eul: 22/40
Regen:2[18:16] <@Hatkitty> Salvatore Vaughan: 8/44
Regen:2[18:16] <@Hatkitty> Seyena Ikane: 7/40
Pure Water (1/5) Silence (1/5)[18:16] <@Hatkitty> Valor Inara: 3/42
(Poison) [18:16] <@Hatkitty> current HP spoiler and I'm not done with Sal yet.
[18:16] <darkpaladin109> uhhh, Haspen?
01[18:16] <BMM42> Aw man
[18:16] <@Hatkitty> wut
01[18:16] <BMM42> I really hope I don't catch dead
[18:17] <darkpaladin109> nothing, I just though that what you just posted was a mistake
[18:18] <Solymr> roll faster haspen
01[18:18] <BMM42> Don't rush the man
[18:18] <@Hatkitty> falco J 2x normal hit
[18:19] <@Hatkitty> HA
[18:19] <@Hatkitty> CRIT!
[18:19] <Solymr> yo blade tell xan about yaaic
[18:20] <@Hatkitty> Sal has 2HP left and must survive 4 more hits
[18:20] <@Hatkitty> oh wait I can't reach Danya anyway
[18:20] <@Hatkitty> bleh
[18:20] <Solymr> ha
[18:20] <@Hatkitty> 2 more hits actually
[18:20] <@Hatkitty> and he downed
[18:20] <@Hatkitty> but I can't get anywhere so
[18:21] <@Hatkitty> time to move onto allies
[18:21] <Solymr> he did a good job wahling
[18:21] <Solymr> let the murderination start
01[18:22] <BMM42> I already told him
[18:22] <darkpaladin109> Shattered Hope Chapter 1 is a go, it seems
01[18:22] <BMM42> That's cool
[18:24] <Solymr> and i have to go soon
[18:24] <Solymr> and she didnt answer :V
[18:31] <Solymr> hey hasp hows it going
[18:31] <@Hatkitty> 00:30am and I'm trying to properly roll a staff hit
[18:31] <@Hatkitty> jeezuz
[18:32] <Solymr> welp im going to sleep
[18:32] <Solymr> id like to see this on the forums tomorrow xP
01[18:32] <BMM42> You should make a cheat sheet for those on the stat sheets
01[18:33] <BMM42> Set em up as if they're casting at 1 range
01[18:33] <BMM42> Then you can make adjustments for range and resistance after without any nonsense.
[18:36] <@Hatkitty> but honestly to those who didn't see reinforcements coming: Chapter 11x Splits and REUNIONS
[18:37] <@Hatkitty> I lampshaded this in chapter title.
[18:37] <@Hatkitty> lel.
[18:37] <@Hatkitty> supervaguely yes
[18:37] <@Hatkitty> but still :3
[18:37] <@Hatkitty> but honestly I love the turn where Valor dropped
[18:37] <@Hatkitty> and Silverio + co happened
[18:37] <@Hatkitty> your reactions were priceless <3
01[18:39] <BMM42> I bet
01[18:39] <BMM42> I raged so hard that day XD
[18:39] <@Hatkitty> yus
01[18:39] <BMM42> I was at work too
01[18:39] <BMM42> So I was like, seething between cars
[18:39] <Solymr> now we got our revenge
01[18:39] <BMM42> Car comes in
01[18:39] <BMM42> Hi there, your total is x, need any sauce, Have a nice day
01[18:39] <BMM42> Car leaves
01[18:39] <BMM42>
[18:40] <Solymr> anyways
[18:40] <Solymr> later
[18:40] <@Hatkitty> cya Soly
01[18:41] <BMM42> by soly
[18:41] <Solymr> its gonna be great to wake up
[18:41] <darkpaladin109> bye Solymt
[18:41] <darkpaladin109> *Solymr
02[18:41] * Solymr (
yaaic@922.pool977-302-24.static.orange.es) Quit (Quit: #lata)
[18:44] <@Hatkitty> Well now just fluff talk and few rolls
[18:44] <@Hatkitty> should be done in 15mins
01[18:45] <BMM42> WHEEE
01[18:45] <BMM42> I'm so excited!
[18:46] <darkpaladin109> ME TOO
[18:52] <@Hatkitty> fine I won't be like that
[18:52] <@Hatkitty> should Matilda heal Valor or blast mooks? v:
[18:52] <@Hatkitty> oh wait Anja can dance
[18:52] <@Hatkitty> nvm
[18:53] <darkpaladin109> healing sounds more useful, but I don't play FEF1, so I'l leave this to BMM
[18:54] <@Hatkitty> too late anyways
[18:55] <@Hatkitty> lol I healed Valor and in good moment
[18:55] <@Hatkitty> he rolled 5 on poison roll
06[18:56] * BMM42 wipes sweat from brow
01[18:56] <BMM42> Am I still crit-boosted? Or did that push me over?
[18:56] <@Hatkitty> Tiron healed you for 31 and you ahd 3
[18:56] <@Hatkitty> 34-5 = 29
[18:56] <@Hatkitty> definitely over Wrath point
01[18:57] <BMM42> Damn. Oh well.
[18:57] <@Hatkitty> of course the deadly 30 from support is still there
06[18:57] * @Hatkitty grumblegrumble.
01[18:57] <BMM42> Yes it is
01[18:57] <BMM42> Now the only question left is who do I murder?
01[18:57] <BMM42> I'll answer that for myself once the turn is actually up.
[18:57] <darkpaladin109> well, first thing to do is see who's still alive
01[18:58] <BMM42> Where are we EXP wise?
01[18:58] <BMM42> I want moar level
01[18:58] <BMM42> Since Silverio's gang is likely to be breathing down my neck in the epilogue.
[18:59] <@Hatkitty> unfortunately imgur decided to be bitchy right now
01[18:59] <BMM42> Nuuuu
01[18:59] <BMM42> See this is why I photobucket
[19:01] <darkpaladin109> so, does that have any sort of effect on the turn?
[19:01] <@Hatkitty> yer currently at 371exp
[19:01] <@Hatkitty> even just killing
Hodor Hegen will give ya lvl
06[19:02] * @Hatkitty quick re-checks.
[19:02] <@Hatkitty> Yep, done there!
[19:02] <@Hatkitty> posting~~