Can't you just share the Drive doc and let us observe the game without you having to manually screenshot every board every turn?
Probably. I'm just not sure how; I've never tried. Besides, this seemed more convenient for you guys.
Also, I still don't like my color, and now I additionally don't like the green one. Maybe you should do a bogstandard white-versus-black-on-brown-field, since only two colours may ever be present on the same board?
That seems a bit dull...but I will if I must. Although I just got an idea...
And answer my ten questions already, FFS. I mean please.
I missed those somehow. So
that's what you've been talking about...
And while I'm here,
1. Can Dragon jump over multiple pieces at once?
2. Does Fool's ability have any effect on anybody except pawns and scouts?
3. Can Sorcerer capture the piece if it moved the full three spaces? (I'll term this capture-after-movement special-capture for brevity)
4. Can Sorcerer special-capture pieces in all eight directions?
5. Does Sorcerer move to the captured piece's tile after special-capturing?
6. Can Summoner summon pawns in all eight directions?
7. Same question regarding the Wizard's action: can he affect any space that's reachable by three or less king-moves, any space reachable by a single Wizard's move, any space reachable by a single Queen's move, any space that's reachable by exactly three king-moves, any space exactly three spaces distant diagonally or any space exactly three spaces distant in one of the eight directions?
8. Is there any limit on the transforming into pawns (time limit, numbers limit or something else)?
9. Do the summoned pawns last forever (until capturing, that is)?
10. Is there any limit on the number of summoned pawns simultaneously in play?
1. Yes.
2. Huh? It doesn't let pawns/scouts move in retrograde advances, it causes the pieces it captures to move to the ally other than the normal one.
3. Yes. The Sorcerer's capturing ability is part of the normal capture, not a special ability replacing movement like the other spellcasters' abilities are.
4. Yes.
5. Yes. It's just normal capturing.
6. Yes.
7. Three or less king-moves. A seven-by-seven square, I suppose.
8. No.
9. Unless promoted, yes. And after that they're just not pawns.
10. Yes. There can't be more than 100 per board...actually, 90, because the last row would get promoted. No, wait, it wouldn't, there's something to fix next version. 99 pawns per board, the Summoner needs a square. But no practical limit, no.