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Where Shall We Embark?

The Scintillating Swamps -- A serene, temperate marshland that presents us with a massive river conflux.
- 0 (0%)
The Plain of Artifice -- a coastline with two streams and three biomes comprising good, evil, and neutrality.
- 1 (25%)
The Satiny Hill -- a good, if savage land with a curious map feature and access to a necromancer tower.
- 1 (25%)
The Lustrous Steppe -- A wilderness of monumental cliffs, possessing both a volcano and a major river.
- 1 (25%)
The God-forsaken Waste -- a terrifying desert with no trees, no plants, no running water, and no mercy expected.
- 1 (25%)
The Scintillating Swamps -- But WITH its Aquifer
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Author Topic: The Everseeing Dimensions [Succession Game]: Choose the Form of the Destructor  (Read 1059 times)

Tevish Szat

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The Everseeing Dimensions (Dominated by the much-less impressivley named "Land of Cacti") is a world rich in three things: Minerals, Magma from its fifty volcanoes, and Megabeasts (so many that even at 1050 with the starting pop of beasts dead, the world is still in the Age of Myths because they bred).  It teems with both good and evil, and overflows with weird and interesting embark sites.  Though designed with advanced parameters, it's ultimately a vanilla DF world.

When I genned this world, I was hoping to find one good site for a succession game.  Instead, I found more than I could reasonably hope for, that present a mix of fun and ‼Fun‼ for dwarven fortresses.  Before I get to the five-and-a-half candidate sites, some basic rules for the succession

1) One year = One Turn.  You'll be starting on the First of Granite and when the cheery green text declaring "Spring has arrived!" shows next, that means it's time to hand the fortress over to the next madman overseer.

2) When it's your turn, you have one week to take your turn.  If you start but don't finish, please upload the save because the next sucker gets to finish your turn in addition to doing their spring-spring turn.  If you're providing a constant stream of updates, you'll have a bit of a grace period, but please consider the people after you.  If you don't start or vanish without posting your save, we'll just go from the last end-of-turn save.

3) If the fort gets utterly trashed to unplayability in a way not befitting the end of our little story, we'll revert to an older save.  If there's any hope we can recover from the mess, though, we'll soldier on.  Hopefully this won't happen.  In general, don't open the circus without both a plan to handle it AND a failsafe mechanism should your plan go pear shaped (I'd say don't open the circus, but we might get to the point where that becomes an option), try to avoid flooding the fort with sourced water/magma, and realize that FPS massacre like draining sourced water into the magma sea for perpetual cave-in fun will probably be frowned upon.

5) Dwarf people on the Dwarfing List when possible.  Try to report dwarfings and deaths of named dwarves in your turn

6) Depending on what embark we pick, there will be... extra challenges: suggested themes for the fort and rules/missions for overseers to follow.

Note: All embarks have shallow metals and deep metals, because I forgot to change the scarcity from my "toying with evil, need more resources" paramaters.  Additionally, unless otherwise noted all aquifers will be breached with the "Modding" method, so you can safely ignore "Aquifer" marks in the site finder.  We've also got a lot of levels above ground to have fun with (and levels "at bottom" should we get there)

1) The Scintillating  Swamps: a Serene, Temperate, heavily forested Freshwater swamp.  The embark location is at a place where the massive major river Grizzlesong seems to be crossed by another waterway: all four map edges are connected by a river.  This is probably the easiest embark (the one I'm least likely to lose horribly year 1), so I can leave the aquifer in upon request, though that will probably result in a very dull start to the fort.  Access to all races.
Spoiler: The Embark (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Embark Conditions (click to show/hide)

2) The Plain of Artifice is a Calm temperate plain, but our embark contains two other biomes: The serene temerate desert known as The Desert of Clearing on one edge and the Sinister temperate ocean called the Disgusting Gulf of Decievers taking up the most overall area.  The embark contains two streams, which are not connected to each other. Access to all races.
Spoiler: The Embark (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Embark Conditions (click to show/hide)

3) The Satiny Hill, Temperate Joyous Wilds far north along Grizzlesong from the Scintillating Swamps.  It's wooded, sloped, has some clay... and has access to a Tower in addition to the normal races, so the pristine, holy wilderness is going to get swarmed by zombies.  This embark will include both a minor tributary of the great river in one corner (a brook, if I guess right) and a site called Aromnunur (which I believe to be a cave though it won't show in legends) in the other.
Spoiler: The Embark (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Embark Conditions (click to show/hide)

4) The Lustrous Steppe, a Warm wilderness Savanna.  Also containing a slice of Satiny Hill (Warm and Mirthful at this point in the world), this is another embark along Grizzlesong: the major river cuts through one corner of the embark, while there's a volcano called the Mindful Blaze in the opposite corner.  Nothing in between rates less than "Steep Cliffs" (7 in the finder) and in the quarter of the embark nearest the volcano, the cliffs get extreme.  Sadly or happily, the Tower can't reach us here
Spoiler: The Embark (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Embark Conditions (click to show/hide)

5) The God-forsaken Waste (I couldn't believe that was a random name at first) is an aptly-named Terrifying Temperate Sand Desert.  While some bits are ever so mildly less harsh, our particular embark would have no trees, no plants, and no running water on the surface... nothing but slghtly rolling dunes of savage evil.  Hopefully the stark desolation will keep the potential Thralled Giant Desert Scorpions off our backs.  Access to all races.  While I'll ABSOLUTLEY remove the Aquifer if we actually play here (terrifying surroundings that offer nothing are NOT where to learn how to breach an aquifer), it's worth noting that little gem would normally make this embark site even harder.
Spoiler: The Embark (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Embark Conditions (click to show/hide)

List Of Overseers
1: Tevish Szat
2: UristtheGrey
3: Trev_lite
4: ?
5: ?
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 02:21:18 am by Tevish Szat »
A medium-sized humanoid fond of fantasy and science-fiction.

Tevish Szat likes books, computers, board games, and cats for their aloofness. When possible, he prefers to consume hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. He needs caffeine to get through the working day.


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Sounds good, Ill take a turn. A sinister ocean sounds fantastic.


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I didn't vote for the Satiny hill, but I would really recommend moving the embark site a few notches up and west to incorporate the river fork.  You will almost certainly get a righteous waterfall where the major and minor rivers meet.


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can i please have then seed.

seems like an interesting world.

Tevish Szat

  • Bay Watcher
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can i please have then seed.

seems like an interesting world.

sure thing.

Spoiler: Paramaters (click to show/hide)
A medium-sized humanoid fond of fantasy and science-fiction.

Tevish Szat likes books, computers, board games, and cats for their aloofness. When possible, he prefers to consume hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. He needs caffeine to get through the working day.


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edit:also sign me up. i have not done a community game but this seems fun for a fist time doing a bloodline game. me being a noob nessing things up will be FUN
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 11:32:41 pm by Trev_lite »

Tevish Szat

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Been poking around at legends while the poll is running.  Here are the dwarven civs, with their current monarchs:

High Arrow:
Current Monarch: Olon Pickslap, a Vampire.  Seems to be a warmonger, most recently crushing the "Confederacy of Vegetation", a human civ with a significant dwarven population in a brutal war waged from 1001-1002.

The Boat of Clasps
Current Monarch: Unip Minedspeaks, an ordinary dwarf.  His family, including a wife and four children, is all dead, however, so there will be no heir to the throne.  Not sure what happens if he dies in fort mode.  Do you get to promote a replacement?

The Bolt of Uniting
Current Monarch: Tosid Focusboots, a Vampire born in 579.  Not much else interesting about him.

Lens of Winds:
Current Monarch: Zefon Sellrim, a vampire who has been alive since 36.  He's their third king, and of the origional line.  He's probably still king because he does nothing interesting with his time.

The Windy Shields
Current Monarch: Ushat Ironpartner, a dwarven vampire queen since 102 (alive since 83)

The Icy Sensitive Glaze
Current Monarch: Feb Roastedconstructs, a vampire born in 247.  Pretty boring.

So, it's Boat of Clasps unless we want a vampire for a monarch.
A medium-sized humanoid fond of fantasy and science-fiction.

Tevish Szat likes books, computers, board games, and cats for their aloofness. When possible, he prefers to consume hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. He needs caffeine to get through the working day.


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we could pick the boat of clasps and when we get the monarch we could try to get him to fall in love with another dwarf and get so princes and princesses.

also high arrow seems interesting.

are any of the civs currently at war?

also what is the age of unips since he is mortal.

also do the vampires have any heirs.

an idea is to stage an accident for them to have their non vampire heir become the monarch. (only works if the heir is alive and not a vampire)

Tevish Szat

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Olon Pickslap (the youngest vampire) had a wife and four children -- all dead.  All the other vampire monarchs are in similar situations, except one: Zefon Sellrim, the oldest of the lot, never married in worldgen so might be able to be set up with a wife in fortress mode.  I'm not sure if vampires can procreate, but they do we can raise a home-grown heir to the immortal throne.  It's possible the age gap might prevent marriage, though, since dwarves can't marry outside ten years.

Unib Mindspeaks (not unip -- I typo'd it the first time) was born in 949, so he'll be 102 when we start our fort.  Plenty of reign ahead of him.  He was also married and had kids in world gen, but his wife and all children are dead. (his wife was killed by a minotaur when she was 23, and their four children were all murdered thereafter: the three sons by a dwarf, a goblin, and a human and the daughter by a different dwarf.).  I think worldgen relationships get respected, so he won't marry in fortress mode.

None of the civs appear to be at war as of 1050.  Unfortunate that... it would have been interesting to see a war.
A medium-sized humanoid fond of fantasy and science-fiction.

Tevish Szat likes books, computers, board games, and cats for their aloofness. When possible, he prefers to consume hamburgers and macaroni and cheese. He needs caffeine to get through the working day.