Isis reclined back in her chair, placing the heel of her left foot on the table delicately and crossing her right leg over in a very lady-like manner. "Well, the choice is obvious, is it not? Shouldn't the face of our union be a face that can launch a thousand ships? Let's be honest, dears; I'm the only one possibly qualified for this role. Mage Hellbinder is far too chaotic to provide stable leadership, and no offense to you, our scientifically-inclined friend, but I don't think a bunch of bandages would make a good recruitment poster."
She slid her eyes over to Orcas. "And you wouldn't care for such an office yourself, would you, dear? No no no no no, no. You would much rather be the head of the armies we will amass, I am quite sure. Really, we're all so perfectly suited for a role and the office of High Lord is mine. Under me, Seerus would have all the test subjects he likes, to create his concoctions and gadgets to further our cause; Derm would get first pickings of all the magical trinkets we amass, to grow his power and strengthen the rest of us by proxy; and you, Orcas, would be our general, planning wars against those dreadful sinners we both prey upon, bringing the full might of our weapons and armies to smite them."
Isis shivered delightfully, thinking of all the pretty fires they would make razing the land, and all the treasures they would gather back to these towers. Gold and jewels of every kind, the most exquisitely designed clothes of the rarest materials, the legions of slaves to wait on her hand and foot, do her bidding at the slightest command. Kings and queens alike would bow before her throne and kiss her boots to show their allegiance... and maybe she'd even spare them 1% of their kingdoms for it. Her wings unfolded slightly, trembling. "Unless... one of you think you would be better suited for such a position?"