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Author Topic: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD  (Read 10631 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« on: January 27, 2013, 11:29:57 pm »

Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD

Chapter 1: Awakening of the Chosen

You open your eyes, expecting to see the same bedroom that you left when you fell asleep.
There was no reason to fear that it would be gone, after all you have left it for the night thousands
of times before, and it was always there for you in the morning. But this time was different, instead
of the the suns light welcoming you to the new day, the purest darkens shrouds you like a fog, and
you are standing on a stone floor, not laying on your bed like you expected to be. You try to move,
but your body wont budge, something is holding you in place. "How did i get here?" You wonder.
"And where is here exactly?" Not knowing any other course of action you could take, you scream
out for help.

"Hello, can anyone hear me? If you can please help me. I am trapped, and don't know
where I am!" Suddenly, and without warning, a deep voice calls out to you. Its menacing tone
chills you to the very bone. "No one is going to help you human, for you are in the
land of the dead."
You try to look for the man who is now talking to you, but the room is too
dark for you to see your own hand, let alone someone that is so far away from you. You decided to 
give him a piece of your mind instead. "Land of the dead, are serious? Listen here asshole, I don't know
how you got me here but if you don't let me go I wi......." "SILENCE! You are in no
position to make demands.
The voice screams so loudly that the sound waves toss you into
the back wall. Strangely, you felt no pain  from the impact. A unknown force then lifts you
back to your feet, and a ball of light descends from the ceiling, illuminating the room like a summers
day. The man, or what you thought was a man, stands before you. His black robe fails to hide the
skeletal body underneath. Bits of rotten flesh cling to his ancient bones, and he holds a massive
scythe in his left hand, giving him a frightening  visage.

"Who are you?" You ask, your body now shaking with terror. "I go by many names."
The creature says, its mouth is unmoving. You have no idea how it can possibly be talking to you.
"Anubis, Izanami, Angel of Death, The Taker of Souls, Dark One, but you would
know me as the Grim Reaper.
" His words hit you like a sledge hammer. "What, no!
This cant be real, You cant be real. You are lying. If you were the Grim reaper, that would mean I am
dead, and I am not, I can't be!" "Denying the truth dose not make it any less true.
You are dead and I have come for you. Your body is mutilated, and is now only fit for food for
vultures, and worms. Your soul is mine.
" "But I can't die yet, please give me another chance."

"You want another chance? Do you want me to show mercy on your wretched
soul? I have been watching you for a long time human. I have seen your dark deeds. 
Tell me, how many of your victims asked the same of you? How many begged you to spare
their lives, as you took great delight in watching them suffer. Tell me human, how many people
have you killed? Why should I let you live when you have no respect for the lives of others?
You do not deserve a second chance. By all that is good and just, you should spend eternity in the pit   
for your sins. But the fates have dictated that you will have your second chance. That is if you can
accomplish what is asked of you.

"I will do anything to be alive again, just tell me what it is." The reaper nods its head." Since the beginning of
time, darkness battled light for the souls of the living. This war takes place on every planet, in every 
solar system. Each with its own heaven, and its own hell. The overall balance of power between these
two sides is always equal, but the balance on individual planets shifts. Some become holy paradises, and
others are consumed by darkness. Sometimes on those evil worlds, the pit fills up, and vengeful spirits
escape. And once in a millennium, a demon lords crawls its way out. Demon lords lead evil spirits to
other planets, seeking to cover them in there shadow."
"I tell you this because one of them is coming to earth, some of its minions are already there. They
have killed hundreds of people so far, but that is just a taste of the destruction that will come.
If the demon is not stopped, your race is doomed. There are four, seemingly normal humans, that 
possess the power to defeat this demon. They just need to unlock their true potential. You are one
of those four.

"If this is true, and I am so important, then why did you let me die?" "I have very
little control over what happens in your world. I simply bring souls from one world to the
next, nothing more, nothing less. I could not prevent your death any more then you could.
"Then can you just bring me back to life? I mean, you the Grim Reaper after all."
"No, I do not have power over life and death. Only the Creator has that power. I am no god, merely a
" "If you can't bring me back to life then how will you bring me back to earth?"

"I will simply bring your back as a spirit. Your death has taking away most of your
powers so you will no longer be able to have a direct roll in the coming battle, but as a spirit your 
remaining powers will be much easier to control. So instead of fighting the evil when it arrives, you will
have a different, but equally important mission. You will protected the remaining three chosen, and help
them unlock there ability's. If they succeed in defeating this evil, your sins will be forgiven, and the 
ones above me will grant you a second chance at life. However, should you fail, you will spend   
eternity burning in the ever lasting fires of the pit. You will know agony the likes of which you have
never known before. Do you understand?

This was your only chance at a new life. If you succeeded you would be able to start over. Something
that most people can only dream of. This was it, no turning back now. "Yes, I understand." You say with
confidence. The Grim reaper nods its head. "Good luck human. Although I think you deserve to be in the
pit, I much rather have you free, and the earth safe, then the other way around.

Death then snaps his fingers and the ball of lights starts to become brighter, and brighter. It soon becomes
so bright that you need to close your eyes to protect them from it. Minutes pass before you are able
to open them again. When you do, you find yourself standing over your dead body.



This is a RTD in the style of  interactive fiction games. Every turn you get one examination action, and
one normal action. A examination action is anything involving looking. Such as looking around a room, or
look closely at a object, person, ect. Normal actions are pretty much anything else. Walking short
distances will not take a action, and talking to other characters will only use the action of the person
who started the conversation. 

These turn rules will be strictly enforced, so think carefully about what you want to do for a turn. If
you have too many actions for your turn, I will use the first ones listed.


This game will use VERY realistic combat, and damage for the chosen. So if you get hit in the leg, you
may break it, and then you will have a limp. If you get shot in the head you will be dead. You can bleed
out, and your wounds can possibly get a infected. You have a max of a 100 soul points or sp.
Soul points are needed to use your soul powers, most powers you use will deplete sp. If you are not at
100 sp, you will have a will check at the end of every turn. The check will determine how much sp
you regenerate that turn.

The Guardian uses a sp system for powers like the chosen, but he also uses sp for health. You will have a max of 100
sp, and will lose some when you take damage. If you run out of soul points, you wont die, because
you are already dead. But you will be banished to the land of the dead for ten turns, after which
you will come back to earth with 1 sp.

Soul Powers

At the start of the game the chosen have no soul powers, and the Guardian has only a few weak ones.
Over the course of the game you will acquirer soul shards. You can use a shard to ether gain a random
new power, or upgrade a power you already have. You can also give your shard to another player for
him or her to use.   

Wining the game.

The Guardian will only win if the demon lord is defeated, but the chosen have a variety of ways they
can beat the game, and not all of them will be good for the rest of the players. You will need to find
out what those ways are on your own.

Its RP stupid

This is less of a rule, but more of a request. Try to role play as much as you can. Try not to do actions
that your character probably would not do, and don't act on information that another player knows
but has not told it your character yet. This game will be a lot more fun if you all role play instead of
power game.

Character creation for the Guardian

One player will be the guardian, He lacks a physical body but makes up for it with his spirit powers.

Name: can be anything you want.

Age: How old you are.

Gender: I think you can figure it out.

Appearance: Most people can't see you but this is how you look like to the ones who can. Just
                    describe how you looked when you were alive, but with a faint glow.

Bio: Can be anything you want, just have it involve killing innocent people, and generally
        being evil.

Now for your stats. You have 4 points to put in any stat you want. For every 2 points in a stat it will
get a +1 to all rolls that use it. A stat with no points will have -1 to all rolls that use it.

Will Power: Mostly effects sp regeneration, but it is used for other things.

Spiritual Endurance: Effects how much damage you take.

Light Soul skill: Effects your use of Light soul powers.

Dark soul skill: Effects your use of dark soul powers.

You start out with the following soul powers.

Low Level Telekinesis: You can move small objects with your mind. Costs 5 soul points.

Pass Through Matter: You move through matter as if it was not there. This is a passive
                                power that uses no sp, and dose not use a action. It is always active.

Sense Chosen: Lets you sense the emotional state of a chosen, no mater were he or she is.
                       Costs 10 soul points.

Low Level Telepathy: Lets you speak into the minds of living creatures. Costs 5 Soul points.

Flight: You can fly. This is a passive power. Dose not cost a action if you only fly a
            short distance.

Teleportation: Lets you teleport to a chosen. Costs 20 Soul points, and takes two turns.

Character creation for the Chosen

Three players will be the chosen. They must first chose one of three backgrounds. Which background
you pick will effect your story, but not your starting stats. They are just basic outlines of things you need
to have in your characters bio. You will need to fill in the blanks. There can only be one player per background, and only the starting three chosen need to pick one. Everyone else dose not.

Detective:  You been on the force for many years, and have solved your far share of cases. You
                  are the father of high school girl.

High School Girl:  You are a female student at the local high school. You are the daughter of the
                         detective, and the girlfriend of high school boy.

High School Boy: You are a male student at your local high school. You are the boyfriend of
                          high school girl. Your past holds a dark secret.

After you pick a class, you can start making the rest of your character sheet.

Name: Can be anything you want but detective and high school girl will have the same
            last name. So the last name for high school girl will be whatever the detective picks
            for his.

Age: How old you are.

Gender: I think you can figure it out. Must be the same as your background.

Appearance: What you look like.

Bio: Can be anything you want as long as you take your background into account when you are
        making it.

You have 5 points to put into any stat you want. For every 2 points in a stat it will get a +1 to
all rolls that use it. A stat with no points will have -1 to all rolls that use it.

Combat skill: This stat effects your fighting ability, and your use of weapons.

Body: Your overall physical health, strength, and stamina. Also effects how much damage
            you take when hurt.

Mind: How smart you are, and your deductive reasoning ability.

Will Power: Mostly effects sp regeneration, but it is used for other things.

Soul skill: Unlike the Guardian, you only have one soul use stat, instead of two. This effects
               both light, and dark soul powers.

Final notes

You will have two days to post your character sheet. After those two days I will pick the four
character sheets that I like the best, and they will be the starting players. If you do not get picked,
and wish to be in the wait list, you will need to edit your character bio because the background you
picked will be taken. There will be no wait list for the guardian. The character can't die so if the player
who controls him or her dose not post a turn for a long time I will just give the character to someone else.

Active character list and wait list

Spoiler: Jackson R. Daubs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Rhea E. Daubs (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Alec Morgand (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Wait list (click to show/hide)

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2013, 01:49:40 am »

So, here we are. And here is my sheet.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 10:37:07 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2013, 02:37:11 am »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2013, 02:49:37 am »

Spoiler: High School Girl (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 28, 2013, 03:23:11 am by scapheap »
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2013, 02:54:54 am »

I will try to put up a High School Boy sheet, only I'm confused: are the detective, high school boy and girl all the alive guardians or are they all dead?
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm a good guy...girl. My horse just eat souls.
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2013, 03:03:48 am »

I will try to put up a High School Boy sheet, only I'm confused: are the detective, high school boy and girl all the alive guardians or are they all dead?
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2013, 03:20:59 am »

reserving High School Girl.
You will have two days to post your character sheet. After those two days I will pick the four
character sheets that I like the best, and they will be the starting players. If you do not get picked,
and wish to be in the wait list, you will need to edit your character bio because the background you
picked will be taken. There will be no wait list for the guardian. The character can't die so if the player
who controls him or her dose not post a turn for a long time I will just give the character to someone else.

That being said, 

This is going to be an interesting RTD, for the watchers and the players. Looking forward to your narrative AKQ ^^
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 10:31:52 am by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm a good guy...girl. My horse just eat souls.
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2013, 03:26:17 am »

It was just for a head up for the other on what I'm doing than a dip.

also done sheet.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2013, 03:27:59 am »

Reseved, working on sheet. (High School Boy)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: January 29, 2013, 07:44:39 pm by Gamerlord »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2013, 03:31:04 am »

Reseved, working on sheet.
It would probably be a good idea for you to do a boy sheet; otherwise the girl will be stuck with my inevitable (slight) psychopath.
Sig! Onol
Quote from: BFEL
Quote from: Toaster
((The Xantalos Die: [1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 6]))


  • Bay Watcher
  • The king lost his golden pantaloons, go find them.
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2013, 04:55:21 am »

I will try to put up a High School Boy sheet, only I'm confused: are the detective, high school boy and girl all the alive guardians or are they all dead?

The Guardian is dead, the chosen are not.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The king lost his golden pantaloons, go find them.
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2013, 03:05:17 am »

reserving High School Girl.
You will have two days to post your character sheet. After those two days I will pick the four
character sheets that I like the best, and they will be the starting players. If you do not get picked,
and wish to be in the wait list, you will need to edit your character bio because the background you
picked will be taken. There will be no wait list for the guardian. The character can't die so if the player
who controls him or her dose not post a turn for a long time I will just give the character to someone else.
That being said,

This is going to be an interesting RTD, for the watchers and the players. Looking forward to your narrative AKQ ^^

Are you going to try to be one of the starting four players, or just wait to be in the wait list? If
you want to have a chance to be one of the starting four you better post you character sheet soon,
you are running out of time.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Life is too short for worries
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2013, 04:44:25 am »

I was finishing it off-Forum.

That said, I am finished with it. :P Sorry for the...lack of brevity.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2013, 07:45:02 pm »

Finished sheet.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Guardian of the Chosen: A Interactive Fiction RTD
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2013, 01:25:36 am »

And now, we wait!
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