Awesome! Love how it's going so far, and I can already pick out a number of things I need to fix... particularly the lifespan of the megabeasts/semimegabeasts... I'm surprised they didn't survive worldgen, but I guess with everybody picking on you at once, you die off pretty quickly. I never had them all die off, though... What year did you gen to?
The snake-thing said it was snake-like because it had the body of a snake, but I suppose I should be a little more creative with that. The "tunnels through the rocks" is a holdover from when all the creatures were underground-only, back when it was going to be a supplement for my Corpse Fortress mod. I should remove it. As to the eyes that are purple and there are only one of... yeah, that's a mistake on my part. It was easy to miss.
On the plus side, you have lots of weird, bizarre civs to trade with! (hopefully.) I'm looking forwards to hearing how that goes... And to how your sieges with the randomly-generated civ go.
I still can't believe you took almost everything else out, though.
I did advise against it... no fish, unfortunately, but this will be very interesting... very interesting indeed...
If you're still taking dwarfing requests, dwarf me as Talvieno, The Nobody. Make me haul rocks or something. If I'm lucky, that'll keep me out of the way of the evilness aboveground. (Fingers crossed)
Oh, and, uh... watch out for esevills. They sound particularly nasty.
Also, I find the thought of winter approaching, the "eblees" getting hungry, and the potential discovery that they're mouthless, extremely amusing.