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Author Topic: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread  (Read 414869 times)


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Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« on: January 18, 2013, 05:32:35 pm »

Application Thread
RP Thread

IRC-Channel: #PantheonB12 on

Okay, so what is this about? I think all or most of you have read at least one of the excellent Godhoods from Caesar. While Godhood is an awesome game and all, it lacked the rivalries and constant infighting between the Gods that is present in so many Mythologies. What it also lacked (in my opinion) was the ridiculous amounts of Not-Quite-Gods and Maybe-Gods,Ascendants,Titans,Demigods,Heroes and what have you not. If you look at your average Mythology it becomes pretty quickly crowded with a myriad of such beings why you can't really classify as Gods although they can stand toe to toe with one.

This gave me an idea. Why not enter different "types" of gods which play entirely different? Why not make a Pantheon a wee bit more useful? And why not turn the whole game into a giant free for all that the ancient Mythologies oftimes were in contrary to (and that is not meant as a critique) Godhoods mass alliances?

But enough of Explanations what i have in mind is this:
I will accept 10 players to begin with. The number may raise or fall depending on how much work this turns out to be. Now you guys can choose between a little Arsenal of different "types" of gods, each playing (hopefully) different.

First of Acts:

In Godhood we had usually the System of just simple Acts. They were the amount of power a god used for doing something. An Act entails the creation of a Race or the raising of a Continent from the Seas. Now in between there were tries to further differentiate Acts. After all using one Act for giving a Race the Knowledge to create Steel and creating a Planet seems a bit weird. Thus suddenly we had Minor Acts, Normal Acts and Mighty Acts, each interchangeable like your 100 Cents for the Euro.

In Pantheon this will be different. Indeed there are Mighty Acts, Acts and Minor Acts but they are NOT interchangeable.

Mighty Acts
And from his own Substance he cut away and created a son.

Mighty Acts are truly things of omnipotence. The Creation of A World requires an Act, as does the Killing of a God(at least). Mighty Acts are usually restricted to the Overgod and the Elder Gods, maybe one of the mightier Titans is able to get his hands on some. Other beings just aren't as powerful.

And from the Mud he formed a Being and with his breath gave it life.

"Normal" Acts are actions of true godly power. The Creation of an entire Race, the Raising of Continents from an Ocean are all Acts. Acts are restricted to the Younger Gods, some of the Titans and the odd Demigod or Ascendant. Though the Ancients can't get them directly they occasionally gain them through not so savory means(but usually they don't need them anyway due to having Mighty Acts).

Minor Acts
And he brought them the Fire and taught them how to use it.

Minor Acts are action beyond anything a mortal can hope to achieve. Razing a Mountain or Giving a whole people a Technology or flying/teleportation are things which can be considered Minor Acts.
Demigods/Ascendants are usually restricted to them although many a thing a Titan can achieve can be called a Minor Act in itself. The Ancients have no need for Minor Acts, they are so mighty that they can do a Minor Act at their will. However the Younger Gods are not that powerful. They can get Minor Acts occasionally by small Blood Sacrifices or by spikes of power in their Spheres.

Now let's Continue onwards to which roles you can take:

Spoiler:  The Overgod (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  The Elder God (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Younger God (click to show/hide)

Spoiler:  Ascendants (click to show/hide)

And last but not least:

Spoiler:  Ancients (click to show/hide)

Finally, the game is meant to be RP-Heavy. Fluff your Actions out, explain the reasonings behind your actions such things. Build the Character of your God and don't make him a bland blank.

As before i'd like to point at Godhood for Inspiration, Remember Mythologies were full of colorful Gods who were anything but perfect in Character...

Make your Acts count. It is Boring to just read:

Cthulhu creates a Planet to 50% covered in Water.

Give people something to read fluff out your actions. When you are done with that you can still post the exact measurements in your Action at the bottom of the post...

Gathering his Powers Cthulhu uses them to create an Ocean World he will call Gaia. Conjuring up a massive Molten Ball of Rock he waits till it is cooled down before he fills the vast canyons with water. Still primeval Gaia could be best described as brooding. Jagged Mountainsides rise from the vast Oceans, which are whipped by constant terrible Storms and Rains, occasionally a Mountain Peak explodes and showers the surrounding areas in brimstone and Lava. All life seems impossible on this foreboding World.

I figure you get the gist.

It's not first come first serve. Even if somebody already chose a Sphere or Element, you can still apply...i will choose once i have enough Applications.

Direct Combat

Direct Combat works the following way:

each Combatant has a set amount of HP. I roll Opposing 1d6+Bonus until one runs out and dies.

If several Combatants are in the battle they only add HP and Bonus on each other. That is if there are just two sides. Three sides mean an additional 1d6 and so on.

Indirect Combat

AKA using of Acts to kill A God.

1 Act causes 3 HP Damage
1 Mighty Act respectively 9HP Damage.

inflicted wounds in Direct or Indirect Combat last until healed. 1 Act suffices for healing. 1 Minor Act for Ascendants.

Bonuses, Weaponized Acts etc.

generally there are 3 Ways to enhacne your combat capability:

Weaponized Acts: add a bonus respective to the infused Acts to the Rolls

1 Act adds thus +1 to your 1d6 roll
1 Mighty Act adds +3 to your 1d6 roll

Armors: add HP respective to the infused Acts to the Rolls

1 Act adds thus 1HP to your Health
1 Mighty Act adds 3 HP

Focuses/Relics: are things which give you either a HP or a Strength Bonus. That means you have to be close to them to get the Bonus. An example would be Sychasis. On the plus side Relics/Focii can be overloaded with Acts hurled at you on the negative side, they cost more than they give in Bonus. Example:

A)Sychasis has been Made from 2 Mighty Acts. God A throws 1 Act at Sabt Golgo. She instead overloads Sychasis with it. Sychasis will keep the Act for Sabt Golgo for the remainder of the Battle. After the Battle Sabt Golgo can use the act for herself, that is if she survived.

B) Sychasis has been made from 2 Mighty Acts. God A throws 2 Mighty Acts at Sabt Golgo. She instead overloads Sychasis with it. Sychasis is destroyed from overload.

The Overgod, can be only killed in his sleeping phase by Direct Combat. While he is awake he can be killed by all other means.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2013, 11:14:47 am by Ghazkull »


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 05:53:05 pm »

Younger god

Appearance:Random metal objects group together in a humanoid shape about 40 feet high.
Description:When mortals discover metal they first thought of their gods, that is was a gift from them. The more they found though made some think it was too widespread to be a gift of a god and worship the metal itself.

He is a very war-like god that like artists who use metal in their works. He will not suffer cowards. His worshipers tend to be blacksmiths, miners and warriors. His places of worship are usually simple, a place for the worshipers to sit and an object with his symbol caved into it(An equilateral triangle(one corner up and a side down)with a line going vertical from the top corner to the middle of the bottom side.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2013, 08:34:17 am by scapheap »
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game

Ukrainian Ranger

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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2013, 05:55:28 pm »

Younger god:

Name: Vanida
Sphere: Sex
Appearance: Gorgeous redhaired female. Despite oblivious and stunning beauty she always "wears" modest and elegant dresses. Her voice suit her very well, too. In fact her behaviour and appearance are close to the top class courtesan.

Description: She was created by prostitutes that started to worship her asking for aid and protection. Later, generic women started to worship her, too especially ones that are unhappy with their sexual life or simply rebellious ones (OOC: I'd be happy to have some Amazon worshipers).  Some men do worship her, too, but they aren't her favorite worshipers as they mostly don't understand her true goals and just need an excuse for their hedonistic, lustfull lives. Many say that she is a goddess of pure lust and animal instincts. That she cares about nothing else but she views herself as a protector of  females and their interests. Hurt a woman (especially in a sexual way) and you'll get her as an enemy

Also, she has very liberal views, dislike the whole concept of monogamy (one can choose to be a monogamous, but not forced to) and  any rules in sexual relationships as long as all involving parties participate willingly.  She dislike family, too. No, it's fine for her to live together, help each other and raise kids, but she hates lifetime vows. Right to choose a sexual partner freely is very important for her, forced marriages is nothing but rape in her set of rules

« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 06:57:08 pm by Ukrainian Ranger »
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2013, 05:56:13 pm »

Waiting for a mortal to be touched by fate (waiting for ascendant).


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2013, 05:57:28 pm »

-Younger God-
Name: Alexandus
Sphere: Life
Appearance: A man with pale skin, dark hair, and aquiline features. Wings of flame adorn his back, and the fractal patterns of life spiral across the skin of his arms in the form of red veins.
Description: Just as Life has can be nuturing one moment, and vicious the next, Alexandus is a capricious God who nonetheless is aligned to Chaotic Syntropy (Syntropy being the opposite of Entropy, of course). Generous to allies, and infinitely cruel to enemies, he believes freedom leads to progress, more than anything else. He specializes in creating living creatures, as well as speeding the evolution of existing ones. He is usually benevolent to mortals, willing to provide a plentiful harvest in times of famine.

« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 07:10:39 pm by Corruptor »
Chaos rises, as all Order dies.

Instinct, Intellect, Intuition

Walk always in the Shadow, and both Darkness and Light will follow.


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2013, 05:59:21 pm »

Scapheap, i need to know what you want to am i supposed to discern anything from that?

What God do you want to play?
and of course i need the description...

EDIT: Ukrainaian a bit more description would be nice same goes for Corruptor. Otherwise you guys are fine so far...and pretty interesting principles...
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 06:01:00 pm by Ghazkull »


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #6 on: January 18, 2013, 05:59:57 pm »

Name: Corvus
Status: Younger God
Sphere: Knowledge
Appearance: Wizened anthromorphic crow, with a red orb attached to his belt, as well as a scroll. He wears a grand purple robe, with a gnarled cane. Two crows fly around him, bound to him.
Description: He was created by the desire of librarians, scholars and other knowledgeable people to be represented by a god. He is a crow because of their association with being intelligent, as well as being the pet of many of these scholars.  He is fairly hammy, yet subtle in machinations, and carries the knowledge of all mortals with him. As such, he can draw from a widening pool of knowledge as life expands further and utilize it in any way he wishes.

Corvus defends the intelligent aggresively and with his full might. Hurt any of his patrons, and beware the crows that watch you. And Corvus does not suffer a fool gladly.

Finally finished his description.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 06:14:27 pm by IamanElfCollaborator »


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #7 on: January 18, 2013, 06:01:04 pm »

Younger God
Appearance: when he shows himself, he is a sly, and younger looking assassin, shrouded with an aura of living shadow. He wears a dark, hooded cloak. Cannot be seen by mortals unless he allows himself to be seen
Description: Shadows; they are mysterious and contain many dangers, Aldemas is one of those. Born of mystery, and his intentions literally shrouded in darkness, he will keep to the shadows. He assumes the form of an assasin because he tends to enjoy when mortals cannot see their end coming.  His followers tend to be on the lower rank of society, such as thieves, assasins, and murderers; and as such, would usually do well to listen to him, as he may grant them tools of their trade, or secrets best hidden. He is motivated by the thought of a world in which light no longer is able to be seen, and the future will lie mysterious to all
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 06:39:52 pm by javierpwn »


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #8 on: January 18, 2013, 06:05:28 pm »

People please post what Type of God you want to play. Apps with no Type of God on them will be ignored...

Elf: Knowledge is a Sphere for the Younger Gods...



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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #9 on: January 18, 2013, 06:06:05 pm »

I know, I corrected myself.


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #10 on: January 18, 2013, 06:06:20 pm »

Scapheap, i need to know what you want to am i supposed to discern anything from that?

What God do you want to play?
and of course i need the description...

EDIT: Ukrainaian a bit more description would be nice same goes for Corruptor. Otherwise you guys are fine so far...and pretty interesting principles...
I was getting the Sphere before someone nab it since I was thinking of a description to put. And since elder has an elemental and overgod has none and younger have a sphere I didn't put it. It done now.
You were planning to have a 15 year old magical girl kill Witches by drinking them under the table!? It's original, at least.
Morpheus, a magic girls game


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2013, 06:10:36 pm »

No need for reserving Spheres

It's not first come first serve...The Best Applications will be taken not the fastest Ones...


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2013, 06:14:11 pm »

Yay! Finished mine! Was always bad at English class:(

Is it any good?
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 06:16:31 pm by javierpwn »


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2013, 06:26:01 pm »

to be honest: meh.

Expand on his Character, how he looks, what his motivations are...and on his believers.


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Re: Pantheon: A Game inspired by Godhood OOC and Application Thread
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2013, 06:35:12 pm »

I'll PM you an Ancient I have in mind.
Sig! Onol
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