Regular suggestions:
Keep agitating Al: +GWG, +javierpwn (2)
Bloodshape a ranged weapon for Cherish: +TopHat, +darkpaladin109 (2)
Party: Advance: +Ochita (1)
Ask Ecco some questions: +draco1234 (1)
Shipping grid suggestions:
Al -> Al: +javierpwn, +TopHat, +Darvi, -darkpaladin109, +PM, +vastaghen12, -birdy51, +RanDomino (4)
Proxxy -> Ciro: +Ochita, +darkpaladin109, -javierpwn, +Culise, +GWG, +birdy51 (4)
Ciro -> Slog: +birdy51, +TFN, +draco1234, -javierpwn (2)
Ciro -> Proxxy: -javierpwn (-1)
Ciro -> Riltia: +swordsmith04 (1)
Goom-bess -> Ciro: +flameboy99, +monk12 (2)
Goom-bess -> Slog: +NAV (10
Slog -> Ciro: -javierpwn (-1)
Oric -> Ciro: +mastahcheese (1)
Al -> Al: +javierpwn, +TopHat, +Darvi, -darkpaladin109, +PM, +vastaghen12, -birdy51, +RanDomino (4)
Proxxy -> Ciro: +Ochita, +darkpaladin109, -javierpwn, +Culise, +GWG, +birdy51 (4)
...Since it ended in a tie, I'll increase both. BUT JUST THIS ONCE.
Al gains a
Perfect Heart with himself! If there were another exact copy of Al out there, somewhere, he would learn a
Bro Attack. Unfortunately, this world wouldn't survive two Als.
Keep agitating Al: +GWG, +javierpwn (2)
Bloodshape a ranged weapon for Cherish: +TopHat, +darkpaladin109 (2)
He's impatient, but he has a point. Now is not the optimal time to get into this with Al. BUT NOW YOU KNOW HE'S HOLDING OUT ON YOU.
(Bloodshape: 14+2 BLOOD) You Bloodshape a shoddy-looking revolver for Cherish. It doesn't look like the handle is on quite right. Whatever, this is a quasi-medieval anachronistic fantasy adventure. The Bloody Harry costs you
3 MHP. You're pretty sure ranged weapons are supposed to cost MSP, but maybe this one's intended use is threatening punks up-close.