Hi all. I've been watching this awesome story since this started and have been happy to watch you guys play it. However I finally saw something that made me join up and post.
Here's the evidence for this assertion:
Firstly, Riltia knocking the influx out of Ciro's hand when she tried to switch perspective is highly suspicious.
Surely just bumping into Ciro would have achieved the same end. However by knocking the influx out of Ciro's hand and then picking it up for her, Riltia has the opportunity to pull a fairly basic bait and switch. Her actions also goes against the taboo that was established long ago that you don't touch another person's soul star (I think it came from Proxxy). I know as player characters we've been breaking that rule but has Riltia ever done so?
Secondly, in the update following the switch we're told rather sarcastically that the Influx is out of power and won't work for a long time, thus encouraging us to avoid using it and to not be surprised if it doesn't work. If I remember correctly the influx has never had a cool-down time when used for switching perspectives before and if it did I see no reason why this time the waiting period would be any longer than usual.
Thirdly, as FallacyofUrist noted after Riltia handed the influx back to Ciro the appearance of the influx has changed and looks distorted. This suggests that it could be a fake.
Unfortunately I can't seem to get images to work but it's all in the last two updates if you want to check the evidence.
Of course I could be wrong. Therefore my suggestion is that we try to second shift the influx in order to see whether or not it's the real one. If it's not, I don't know what to do. I guess we gang up on Riltia and make her tell us the truth, or maybe even ask her first.
This is an amazing piece of work ffs and I'm sorry to see you go grape-picking. Have an awesome time.
Oh and, spirit class: Kamikaze Chemist,