First of all, it's Damocles. Second, there will be much chaos and mayhem yet, to be sure. However, the forces of Order have decided to invade Murdermachines and turn it into a new sort of place. A place where hell-sick dwarves can have some rest before being plunged into the great beyond that many cannot fathom and almost none have returned from. Order will reign, and with it sanity, wisdom, guidance, beauty. Do not fret however, there will be time for the liquefaction of those who would oppose such a beautiful future. Indeed, though it may be quite likely that through Order more blood will be shed than in chaos. You are the one that makes the false assumption that Order is inherently non-violent, confusing terms such as good and evil with Chaos and Order. Discord may oft be an agent of darkness, but Order can be even more so. Genocide does not happen by mere chance. Chaos is also not inherently evil, as while it typically uproots and destroys life, through chaos stagnation is prevented. Say for example, and forgive the most undwarven and even elvish analogy, a large forest. In the undergrowth there is much that decomposes in an Orderly manner. However it chokes out life underneath and harms even the trees. However, an unmitigated force of chaos can come in the force of a strike of lightning, blasting a tree asunder and setting the entire forest ablaze. This blaze will kill much and reduce the wood to ash and char. Can one disagree that such a wildfire is a force of chaos? Yet nonetheless, from the ash fallen seeds buried beneath the surface are awakened by the heat and fed by the dead former population. Can one say this is evil? For what would be stagnation and inevitable death of a forest instead becomes a face of regrowth and renewal. Much like the legendary Phoenix rising from its own ashes, the forest can spring afresh from its own ash. So to is MurderMachines. It will rise again from its ashes. First, however, there must be an established order which has not totally been seen since near the very beginning. Be patient and wait to see what happens friend ChaosMaker. We must first have a veritable orchard of dwarven kind before we dare do such a thing as providing the spark, lest they not bear seed and the entire fortress sterilize. Is that truly what you would desire?
@Terry: Yea, I know. Also, seriously? Cthulu? Out of all the... Cthulu? Well, I guess there is no accounting for taste. I always preferred Giygas for my horrorterror. Though, I suppose "senpai" no longer really applies to Giygas due to his loss of sentience. And I have never truly been anyone's kōhai. Instead, I have had to learn largely on my own. Of course, that could well be why I am still a form of dwarf and you have already become what you are. After all, look at our best-fit mentors. Giygas made himself a monster, largely. Though, I must say that I do not necessarily wish to go the route he chose. The power is phenomenal, enough to make you look like a mere sneeze and me even more insignificant. However, evidentially even psionic bulk is subject to the square-cube law... largely rendering it not worth the effort.