Known godsEnemies:
Maher(Keep his word)[Death, Lightning and Creation] Grumugga(as the goddess of Orcs, she very hard to kill)[Orcs, Earth, and Water]NAP:
Unknown god(dead)Uristiel[earth,creation and war]Krait[snakes, chaos and air]Other:
Quentas(dead?)[Light, earth and something] a God of Kobolds(ally with
Grumugga against
Serena[Air, Knowledge, and Light]Agamemnon[chaos,
Gods created racesFirejacket: Got foe or friend targeting. make Fire Nector. Reproduce by gathering heat. Our creation.
Undead: Zombie all changed to Fungus Spawn. skeletons still working.
Maher creation.
Chaos trees: Trees that are a danger to some. Beings with flesh that fall near them become Fungus Spawn. Our creation.
Fungus Spawn: Similar to zombie. Our (sort of) creation
Mud Golem: What they sound like.
Grumugga creation
Stems: Carry the next generation in their hair. Our creation
Giant Web-Spiders: What you would think one is. Our creation.
Gold Dragon: Giant dragon. Fast regeneration. Three breath attack(fire, chaos and life). Low intelligence. Our creation.
Flamedrakes: Poison tail. breath fire. Our(with
krait adding) creation.
Fire mole: A large digging mole with fire claws. Our creation.
Baelthorax: A kill and replace assassin. Some of them blistered at silver. Agamemnon creation.
Unnamed tall, thin man: Tendrils grow from back. Light pass through it. Eats bark. Vomit flammable oil and fungus spores(make Fungus Spawn). Telepath. Smart.
ItemsFire Nector: Made by firejackets. Tasty. Healing properties when used as a salve. Explode when mix with salt water. Our creation.
Unnamed chaos rose brush: 5 foot tall. Intelligent. Friend or foe gate. Our creation.
Bluemelons: Bush with watermelons-sized berry. Our creation.
Unnamed tree: Infused with
Life and
Fire to the point it interfere with
Death. Our creation.
manarack:Mana made stone
non-god NPCAzula: god-powered fire user, worship usEldrick: god-powered plant user. Grandson of Tiberius. worship usLara: Eldrick wife. Life boon. worship usTuron, priest of Quentas: Former worship Quentas now worship us. We destroyed his house making FirejactetUstan, the town merchant: Worship us.Tiberius: Former old man now flight-capable chaos plant/metal/fire golem. Grandfather of Eldrick. worship usLaksus: Werepire(sort of). Fast. Hyper-speed regeneration(only in human form). Daggers-user. Tough as hell(took Tiberius' kick like it was nothing). Reborn. Like fighting. worship no one, but like us.Narcissus: high priestess of Krait. Wings and serpentine fangs. Has healing boon from us.Carlson: someone.Edward: alchemist. Chaos boon. worship usUnknown names of mentionIgniel the Wrathful: Fire user. lead armies.
PlacesCeres: Nearby city. Many gods there fighting for worshippers.
Minas Iroh: The first village. Human. Our only powerbase
Gorden Freeman was hereOne of Maher's ex-powerbase. Werewolfs.
Minas Nurgle: Human.
Aquitaine: Human.
Halls of Beard-Vomit: Dwarfs.
Leafgarden: Elves.
Maherport: Maher' ego as a city.
CivilizationsEmpire of Tranquility: Like order so order gods encounter likely(may have Frost and Death). Mages and other magic users are killed.
Other thingsAlpharia: Name of planet.
Duroni: Our starting continent.
NRDL right don't bite the hand.