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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 993361 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5175 on: May 18, 2013, 09:03:51 pm »

Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5176 on: May 18, 2013, 09:43:28 pm »

I'm probably a terribly cruel, evil person for suggesting this, but:
A group of people, or a person with 10 pool or more, who has/have already spoken the Other word or drawn the Other rune should create an A56 circle with 5 instances of the Other rune in it.
Some distance from the spawn area, such as in the graveyard.
That would be safe, yup. Perfectly safe for all involved. I'm still opting out of helping draw that one.
The Cyan Menace

Went away for a while, came back, went away for a while, and back for now.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5177 on: May 18, 2013, 10:28:13 pm »

Why would you want someone already corrupted?  That just carries more chance that they die and the circle is lost before it can be explored.  Anyways, does the Zentol rune even work in circles?  I'd figure it's like the word version- it immediately cancels the circle and acts as if said on it's own.

If it actually does work with circles, that could be a powerful and unblockable weapon- just get your enemy in a circle with enough Zentol to put them at eight.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5178 on: May 18, 2013, 10:50:50 pm »

A circle only loses power when all the people who made it die. So it should be explorable if any of them survive.
And I want someone already corrupted so that it DOESN'T cancel out in that manner, which I assumed only happened 'cause it was the first time that character used that word, or similar reasons.

I figured that this would send us to a world where what we're trying to stop has already happened, and unleash another avatar of the Other... so that we could pit them against each-other.

Or, even better, let's find an E rune that completely reverses the circle's normal effects (Time for more science!), and use it in the all-zentol circle. This way, hehheh, we'll find a completely orderly world, unaffected by the Other or one of it's Avatars, and we can start filtering corruption OUT of this world and fix it bit by bit. Or find the ultimate weapon against the Other in there.
The Cyan Menace

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5179 on: May 19, 2013, 04:58:04 am »

"So, what can I get for one soul? Information on how to expand my pool with words or runes?" Kin takes the drink. "Or maybe you can teach me that trick you just did, a tap and suddenly there's a fully made magic circle."

Kin sits around and listens to the barkeep. He also takes a sip of his drink.

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5180 on: May 20, 2013, 07:49:38 pm »

Dammit, I don't even care anymore.

I was planning to make the dimension explode with me riding outside the sphere with the shockwave on a surfboard made of pure force making me look awesome but as there's no exit...

You succeed on doing nothing except accidentally causes a bit of fire to spray out into your face. Which ignites the fumes around you. Which leads to a rather large fireball.
Fortunately booze, even if it's burning or exploding, is still under your control with the ring. You manage to shield yourself from the blast by not letting any of the vapor near you. You end up a bit singed, but no worse for wear.

Ok, now that the area around here is clear, lets try that again.


Mother fucker. Ok, enough left for one more.

You successfully summon a burst of flame. Not animate flame, only had one point left after all, but flame. And thats good enough for Shub.

{Air inscription: Circles and Runes can be inscribed in mid air using nothing but the tip of the finger.}

"Aha. See, it disappeared completely. I believe that merely touching the orb will transport you inside the thing. And possibly that you need to find the edge to get back out."

Tear off some more of the paper plants, and oragami them into some runes, laid down flat on the stone block I made earlier.
Origami is a verb now, eh?

You create the circle and it's inscribed rune.
But not the first free standing rune. And you don't have the mana for the other one.

The cube tilts slightly, as if wondering what went wrong. The cube spins along the Z-axis out of boredom shortly after. Out of curiosity, Glassco the cube moves over to the half-built ship and touches it with one of his corners. No matter the result, he'll move away from it and observe.
The result is:
1. Bad for the boat and blows out a small hole.
2. Bad for you. Though it's not very noticeable, it seems like when the energy your body is made of reacts with something, some of that energy is lost as well. In other words, the energy will eventually run out if you touch things.

How the heck did that happen?
Science may be...delayed, Aetherians.

Medicalize! by which I mean, make sure I'm not bleeding or anything, and if it is bandage it up.
(Science is dangerous when you don't have a +1 to potency. Well, more dangerous.)

You disinfect with your booze and use your robe to wrap up the stump. Now you're naked, bleeding and reeking of booze. Just like an authentic Eastern European.
I meant to put those points into Potency! DAG NAB IT!
Shareeb Contallthelthel! AND TRY HARD THIS TIME!
You get a sweet steel broadsword. It's pretty awesome. You bet you could totally stab a guy with it and he would be like "Blarg, what ho, I have been stabethed"

Order my zombie to stay back for now.  If the monkey seems to be leaping directly at me, cast Laserdome spell.  If it's not dead or it's running at me, say word at it twice. 

If it seems highly injured or weakened, tell my raider to attack it.
[mw spd:1+2]
[mw aware:4]
Your dome of arcane energy appears as the creature charges in and swings it's staff at you. But the Monkey is smart. As soon as your dome appears it releases the staff and leaps back as its weapon is consumed by the dome. It screeches at you as the dome vanishes and you shout a word at it once, since thats all the magic you can manage. It has no noticeable effect.

((Someone should tie one end of a rope to something inside the anti-magic zone, then throw the other end into the sphere, just to see what happens.))
"Ooooh, I wonder what would happen if we made another elemental plane within this one?"
Fly up and look for something that isn't a tree or ink sea. Weren't crystal and diamond runes used to create this place after all?
You fly up. Straight up. Straight up toward shimmering blue sky. After several miles of flying you can clearly see that the "sky" isn't sky whatsoever. It's Diamond. A diamond expanse covered with unbelievably massive crystals, like some sort of inverted mountain range. It stretches off in all directions, the Firmament of this strange world.

OOOH. I found something very important I think.
Have a small scholar-gasm. Then attempt to replicate the mosaic perfectly on paper. Also attempt to find a meaning within the designs.
You don't have any paper. I'll assume you want to make some.
You get a giant mass of papers. Yay paper. You char some wood with your ring to make a rather crude charcoal writing stick and do your best to copy the image. When that doesn't work you just make rubbings.

Now, as per the meaning in there, we don't really have an intelligence stat for me to roll, so you might actually have to use your own brain. Or ask someone who can use theirs in your stead.

"This could take a while, I might as well do something productive."
Draw Circle Magic in the air, then after I see the effects (or lack thereof.) fly higher up the tree.
((Do these two things take up all 3 of my pool?))
These things take up 2 pool.

You scrawl the circle in front of you and a solid log of wood as thick as the circle and 10 or so feet long sort of extrudes from the circle and then, once it's clear, falls away. Huh.

You scribble the rune in mid air, a brilliant white glow tracing the path of your finger, and activate it. The rune turns into ice and falls away.

Words of power, then rush to attack!
[CB spd:5]
[CB str:2]
[cb dex:2]
The Carrion beast swings at you, but its malformed arms jerk suddenly and miss you completely.
uh...Well. Guess you're both feeling kinda silly.

I know you said rush to attack...not sure what you wanted to do there though or if that just referred to the "look at it" action. And I don't want to have you charge in and get yourself murdered without explicit say so.

"Man... I feel absolutely GREAT! Now, something to kill, something to kill... AHA! Catacombs ALWAYS have something to kill!"

Head to the catacombs and find some unfortunate ghoul to test my new golden might against by smashing it in the vital bits with my throne.

You head back down the ladder in the temple and into the small graveyard in the cave with the giant door on one side. There are plenty of corpses in their own little alcoves, some even buried with stuff, but none of them seem to be attacking you. does one anger a corpse...

"Perhaps we should rescind our activation permissions?"
Silica steps outside the anti-magic area and says <words>
Well that doesn't work. Not even really sure what it would do if it did. Hmm. Probably something weird.

"Well uhh... I really don't know what any of those entail.... could you explain?"
ask above, also see if I can figure out what runes he is using in the circle of beer-summoning
Circle of beer summoning appeared to be A2, b17,c44,b23

"Information entails information. The kind of information thats hard to come by. Panaceas cure wounds, poisons, that sort of thing. Mageblood provides a temporary boost to magical potency and mana stores, but makes you more vulnerable to magic while it's under effect. And identifying magical objects means I can tell you what a particular magic object does, if you happen to find something strange out there and don't want to test it out."

Okay, that's cool. Question is, which gave the clockwork, which gave the bow?

Try again, swapping a word for another.
You get a pair of clockwork gauntlets. They appear to amplify the strength of your hands. Coolio.

science type stuff.
Why exactly do you want to summon that, I wonder?


Commence plan "Better Idea".
You become a giant, fast air man. That is to say a man made of air, not a pilot.

"Gah, science is suffering a severe case of xPowerx!"
Run into the Temple, and into the basement.
If I encounter any monsters, jump straight into combat with WORDS OF AWESOME POWER!
"It is time for !!MURDER!!"

((BTW, yes, with fire... or a close substitute!))
You encounter a bunch of crates and casks of wine. But they seem like nice enough guys, not monsters at all.

Remember to actually repost the words. Because when you say "Again!" it requires me to dig back through the last post and my inbox to find out what "Again" entails.


Well fuck.

Continue onwards.

You emerge from the crevice into the wide open area, a dry basin with high stone walls on all sides. Scattered throughout this basin are thousands of balanced stacks of round, smooth, black river rocks. Some of the rocks are balanced very simply, while others are arranged in ways that seem physically impossible. At the exact center of the basin is a stack of 8 boulders, balanced tip to tip, standing a dozen meters high. Something about them, about this entire place, seems deeply unsettling. It is perfectly silent.

Yay! It worked! Now, for my plans for large amounts of armor. And other stuff.
Say Adamenstiar three times. Will the results into a pair of boots, and a shield, using my old chestplate(the not clockwork one) and my non-crystal edged sword as the primary materials. Put some small spikes on the front of the shield, to do more damage with bashes. Also, tap each tree once, and look for anything that happens. If attacked, will the lumps of diamond into a blizzard of shards, and put the attacker into a meat grinder. If that does not work, stab them to death with the crystal edged sword.
[pot:4,2,3+1 all]
Your diamond control helmet shatters.

One final ring. Give it to Angle since it could help him will the stone instead of digging it.
Thats a hell of a plan. And a hell of a lot of documentation you've got there. Also they would, but it would have to be unused for some time. You wouldn't get goblins in the bathroom just because no one has gone in there in the last few days.

It's imperfect, but it can control acid, stone and force, so it's better then nothing.

You start to hand the ring to Angle when an ungodly amount of magical discharge starts erupting from the ring. You step back and it goes away. You step forward it it comes back. Step forward again and it burns the first layer of skin off your fingers.

You notice that Angle's other two rings seem to be glowing and discharging as you get closer as well. Hmm, maybe there's a limit to how many highly charged rings or objects can be in proximity.

I devote my time and effort to the plan that Paris PM's you, by accepting the ring and using my newfound control to have my digging fungus develop complex mechanisms on the end of it's mycelium, that are essentially drills with acid seeping out of them. That acid is designed to melt stone but not the fungus. This fungus should tunnel out a man sized tunnel, coating the edges with fungus and cementing the rock together to keep it stable. Use my control over rock to then will out the loose stone that fills the tunnel.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
No ring for you yet, sir.

Say my words again with one extra thing while imagining it forming a huge middlefinger while clapping in my hands while facing to the roof.
Still nope.

Thrakor bowed his head.  "Mighty Scarlon, how would I strengthen my mind to dominate others better and to shield it from mental attack?  Are there words or runes that would help me?"

Ask the above.
"Kill the Betrayer and I shall grant you these words and more."

"Well that was cool but ultimately useless."

Travel away from the temple a bit, making sure I don't get eaten along the way.

You walk down to the village outer gate.

Wow.  I've only now realized that I actually have an effective +6 spd for dodge rolls.  One natural, one tatoo, one willed form, one god, and two from wielding fists.

Does this mean I get to speed blitz people when I roll above ten?  Or at least flash step?

Also, I edited my action.  No dagger now.
Technically it would only be a +4 (only +4, ha) unless you're actively engaged in melee combat. If you are just saying words and some guy runs in to stab you then you don't get it. But yeah, a 6+6 would be a hell of a thing to see. In fact it might be TOO fast.

Ozzy blinks his now bare eyebrows and pats down any parts of him that are still on fire.

"I guess Parathun has something against hair.  Message received oh great and powerful one!"

Forget thoughts of growing out a beard.  Use "Zorhalth" on the scorched area again.

Regardless of outcome try "Kenthael".

Well, you burn that already scorched area a little bit more. It doesn't seem to effect anything. Hmm.

Also you're lucky I don't reduce your head to a red mist when you fuck up forms like this.

Also, the names of locations may be helpful. Check your "location" section, for instance.

Strange Words!

Say that twice regardless of if the first one succeeds or not.

Welp, the second round produces a block of wax. First one fails to make anything.

You head into one of the burnt out houses on the village center and root around. You find nothing but ash, but you think you might hear something moving in a pile of debris over there.

"So, what can I get for one soul? Information on how to expand my pool with words or runes?" Kin takes the drink. "Or maybe you can teach me that trick you just did, a tap and suddenly there's a fully made magic circle."

Kin sits around and listens to the barkeep. He also takes a sip of his drink.
"That trick be the result of a long and profitable stay with He of the Inksea. I can offer some information about words, more about circles and runes though. As per expanding your pool, Mage blood will do that temporarily. Or you can use a full body mark with the right words. But those right words and their combination will cost ya more then one little soul. I'll tell you this for free though: careful with your wish for power. Taking in too much too fast can be fatal if your soul isn't strong enough to handle it. You'll burn away from the inside."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5181 on: May 20, 2013, 07:52:11 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5182 on: May 20, 2013, 07:52:35 pm »

Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5183 on: May 20, 2013, 07:55:13 pm »

Go off and explore somewhere. This place must have some purpose to it. WORDS while I go.

Maybe it's a mini 'dungeon' rune?
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5184 on: May 20, 2013, 08:05:21 pm »

The cube spins violently away from, well, everything. There's no clear indication of how its spinning, rather just randomly spinning in alarm while keeping a good distance away from anything solid. After a moment or two, the cube settles down in a slow rotation along the y-axis while floating up and down, returning back to view the small hole without touching it. The cube used its mental prowess to close the hole and form more words along the ship's hull. "Well, that was surprising. And weird. Felt like a bit of me... Vanished. Let's not do that again, yes?"

Spoiler: Rest of Turn's Actions (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 04:19:54 pm by Xanmyral »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5185 on: May 20, 2013, 08:08:23 pm »

((It seems I forgot to say 'activate'. Oops.  :P))

Activate the circle. Observe it's effects, then deactivate it. Remove the rune from inside it, and put a new rune made from oragami into the slot. Reactivate it and observe effects. Once that's done, create some more oragami runes and try throwing then and activating them mid-air.
The Cyan Menace

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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5186 on: May 20, 2013, 08:11:46 pm »

Attempt to mentally match up where I have been to the map on the mosaic
Nevermind the disturbingly knowing look that kobold has on her face. That dwarf SHOULD be embarrased!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5187 on: May 20, 2013, 08:12:40 pm »

Say "Zaral." at the rubble as many times as is needed for it to work. I ain't takin' chances.

((Ninjas! Ninjas everywhere!))
Funding rebels because seriously, fuck those guys.
((They're basically the new Mongols.  I gotta say, I have a newfound respect for the Jamaican police force after playing this game.))


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5188 on: May 20, 2013, 08:18:41 pm »

((Did I fly higher up the tree, or was the turn to short for that?))

Runic Experiments and then, if there is enough time left, fly higher up the tree.

((Do I get favor for all circles and marks, or only for sixes and/or fives?))
« Last Edit: May 21, 2013, 01:05:28 am by Vakothu »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension
« Reply #5189 on: May 20, 2013, 08:29:35 pm »


Walk to the boulderstack, and examine it.

((Must. Resist. Urge. To. Smash.))
The non-assholes vastly outnumber the assholes but the assholes can fart with greater volume.
((You're an arm and a torso in low orbit. This was the best possible resolution of things.))
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