Be annoyed at loading times. Tap foot impatiently. Also, you know, dodge.
Find some weakling to beat too death.
You choose rand. Since rand hasn't moved. And seeing as he's brain dead, you just walk over and shove him off the edge of the arena.
[you gain 1 point]
I'm going to assume that you mean "still too big for a mere mortal to lift" massive.
Thrakor cocks an eyebrow. "Mr. Mace? Can you hear me? Can you make yourself a more manageable size?"
Ask the mace. If nothing happens, try again to make it normal-sized.
The mace reconfigures itself into a size that you can manage.
"I love you, mr. mace."
"~I aaaammmm... bored!~"
Do Things.
You climb out of your protective bunker and say a word.
You get a goddamn massive hunk of diamond. I mean it is Fucking massive. Like, camper trailer sized.
"Bling Bling."
"Sir, I am a floating cloud of energy that is still somehow bound by the laws of gravity. Do not even begin to question these things. The universe just might answer, and no one here would like that."
(In truth it's best not to question the laws of physics. Lest they might take notice of you and begin to enforce themselves.)
What a lovely image of fucking nothing you've got there.
"Ah, 'tis abaht tahm fo' some fayuh fortune."
(I'm trying to imitate the accent of Stephen Blackpool of Hard Times and failing miserably. Help?)
Draw circle using the ink.
You dip your finger in the ink and draw up the circle you have in mind. It doesn't even cost you any mana.
(By the way everyone; you can hide the circle you're drawing, send pm's about it and stuff, but if someone comes up and looks at it, I'll have to show what it is.)
NAHERE JOINS THE PARTY!Also, for the sake of fun, from now till whenever (Either I realize it was a horrible idea or It becomes standard), If you are not actively in combat, your pool completely regenerates at the end of every turn. For the sake of science and less waiting around for no reason.
Corsair:Corsair: Pool:4/4 [Third floor, center platform.]
Stephen:GWG: pool:1/1 [third floor, south stairs]
Baba(1):Akingsquest: Pool:0/0 [First floor, west stairs]
Royce:Onyxjew:Pool 2/2: (Spider man. body of arcane energy)(no legs)[5th floor, North area, on pillar]
Tod-1(14):Harry: Pool:6/6 [first floor, east stairs]
Thrakor(31):Toaster: Pool:5/5 [Third floor, east stairs]
Nahere:: Pool: 3/3 [second floor, west stairs]
Derm:Derm:Pool:4/4 [second floor, west stairs]