I still remember it, still don't play it, and it is still hilarious and confusing.
Firing practice.
Wonder how cave hasn't collapsed.
Started as outcast as usual, wandered into Golden Tusk Distillery. One week of working as booze seller was somehow enough to fully learn three of location's secrets,
(a glitch, perhaps?) among them is that i could win a lottery for lifetime supply of booze, which i did (and apparently immideately converted it in a ton of money).
Then i bought myself a shack and found out that if you buy yourself a shack, you are immideately put in charge of defending Colony from invading force, all by yourself.
Nani the fucc...
Hiding offensively.
Another bug. Those "-"'s are options without effect.
Straight razors deal more damage than cannons, apparently.
Local faunae.
Beaches are cheap around there.
Consuming a landship, yeah. Reminds me of Elona.
First win (from outcast) was rather anticlimactic. Looked like gaining deep negative weariness from blackmailing aristocrat turns you into the baddest ass to ever live (or i somehow got entirely too much stats without noticing it). As long as i had it, i won at every single stat check even if it said "you don't believe you have a chance", dealt 100-200 damage per attack with a carbine, winning every fight, and stalwart army retreated from my overwhelming badassery every time. So i just gathered all pieces of supercomputer without opposition and won the game. Building up the house? Recruiting people? Gaining moneys? Making love potions? Nay.
Best shot i had, i think. Also it was the first time i seen civilian casualties.
And another bug.
Such fighting, much destruction.
Stalwart Army "relocating".
Apparently, "All Fronts" is a distinct place.
Lol. Stalwart army just destroyed whole Colony trying to kill my (well, burrowed with a lot of favors) Kitten Spider Swarm, which does no damage. Only booze remained. My and Golden Tusk's. Then i realised that it can't be picked as a battlefield because i try to extract arkhe from it. The moment i stopped, it turned into a wasteland, finishing the game.
Does population still get tracked after "society has collapsed"? Events killing few people at at time still popped up, i wonder if you can be the last one to
die live. Even though last location will still be entirely available...