Woop! Woop! I had been waiting for the release. Thank you for keeping on working on it!
After playing it pretty intensively, I must say this is a strangely addictive game. I like the new additions, they add depth into the game and more to do.
However, I feel the pacing of the game could do some work. As it is, the game has two difficult points - the very beginning and the time after you've taken over a couple of territories, due to the constant attacks. When you are, for example, close to 100% faction population due to immigration reforms or close to assembling the artifact, nothing comes around to resist you.
Winning the game is a little empty since you get just "you won" sort of thing. Maybe in the future we could try to take over the world, so after winning Arrakens we could go on to some other location, till the whole world belongs to the faction you fight for? With resistance getting harder every time, naturally. Maybe leaving your fellow Renascents as governors in the places you take over and depending who you leave achieving different results.
The game crashed only once for me and haven't encountered any big bugs. I've noticed that you might still get the same location twice on the island or the same interest group twice, though. Likewise, if an interest group is destroyed, it is replaced by a new iteration of the same group, instead of a new one.