Crazy Cow, not only did I read Murky 7, but I also dumped
30 pages of feedback on the author and
made some pictures. Sadly they didn't make it into M7 gallery, because I used things from MLP Vector Club and similar. I listed the contributors, but didn't ask for permission.
Red Eye is my most favourite character in the entire FoE universe, maybe except for Lacunae, so of course I've read a story about slavery in Fillydelphia.
More on topic, I had another idea:
Flux Converter, a workshop which allows magically talented unicorns to recharge depleted batteries "off the horn". Flux converters are made cannon by Flim-Flam episode as well as the boat in Project Horizons. The workshop should require wiring to build, do not take up much space and be much less efficient than the Prismatic generator. There should be no reaction for a batch of 5 batteries and the job shouldn't be automatic at the Flux converter. This is to give the unlucky player, who has trouble getting a power talisman, another option to use technologies involving batteries. I'm not sure which skill should be used. Mechanics, maybe? Also, the reaction needs to take longer than the generator version and I can't see an appropriate tag in the RAWs. I know that Strand Extraction takes a long time.
I should have some time to play today. I got my first slave caravan lately and their wagon has some good stuff, including medium quality salvage.
The traders seem to spawn close to the same spot each time. I wouldn't recommend statues, because building destroyers will wreck them... Unless you make 500+ of them and wall off your entire embark, except for one spot.