Grab the 5 gun, give EVERYONE 5'S.
Grab the 5 gun, give EVERYONE 5'S.
No. Sting this motherfucker.
Attack anailater with the mech before he can 5 everyone.
[4-1] Everyone gets one closer to five this turn!
... I just failed at failing? How does one fail at failing?
Take my Viable Plan of Destruction, and meditate on it to gain a deeper understanding of the fleetingness of life, and attempt to gain a bonus to my rolls.
... I just failed at failing? How does one fail at failing?
Take my Viable Plan of Destruction, and meditate on it to gain a deeper understanding of the fleetingness of life, and attempt to gain a bonus to my rolls.
Buzz in her ears.
[5-1+1] You understand Life. You will get a +1 bonus to all future rolls that you take extra time (~1 turn) to think about. Unless you roll a 2, which fails, or a 1, which gives you -1.
Develop immunity to insecticides. And fire.
Two. Actions.
Conjure flamethrower, burn bees.
[6] Ready to Pyro! Oh, and you're on fire. [4+1] Thankfully, the bees are, too. Respawn?
Attack anailater with the mech before he can 5 everyone.
Your post was later, so nope. However, [3+1] you do convince the mech to fire a shell down at anailater, [4+1v2+1] blowing him up. Respawn?
Huh, the spaceship you're in will crash next turn.
Summon up that omnilingual dictionary I saw the other day that can successfully translate what I've seen to my understanding.
[6-2+1] You have a big, omnilingual dictionary. Good job!
GM Turn:
The cloaker decides to enjoy some Beès Suzette. [3+1v1+1] Omnomnom.
There is a spaceship'll land next turn.