Ok I held off posting this until I had both parts together so I discuss it, so here is Episode 8:
http://youtu.be/x6eSDzw-8n4Basically this is the episode where I flee, I then concede and agree to start using my brain a little and playing the battle a few times off camera to get used to things.
This turns out to be a pretty good idea, as I state in Episode 9 (which I'll post a link to at the end), as it gives me time to test a few things. I also manage to level most of my characters at least once, and get Tao Blaze lv 2, which is amazing.
I also try the weapons shop, simply to see if anyone could get a better weapon, which is a big resounding nope and speak to everyone in Guardania, just in case I missed anything. Whilst both of them turn out to be massive time sinks, in a game like this I though tit was better to be safe than sorry.
Now as for Episode 9, I feel I did a lot better here, though rather than spoil what I did I'll just leave a link and see what you guys make of it.
Episode 9:
http://youtu.be/BWK7OS1YMMsRight now onto responding to a few things!
Spellcasters rule but they are XP hogs.
Already I agree 100% Spellcasters do rule!
Centaurs/Paladins will vary by character. Some get great HP. Some get great DEF. Some get great ATK. Some even get a little magic. But they never seem to excel in more than 1 category. Early game they will make up the bulk of your army, late game you'll struggle to find a reason to use them, and you'll have TONS of them.
I don't know if its just me, but besides the healers (Gong and Lowe), the Centaurs have been the hardest ones for me to level, they get low exp from attacks and often don't output enough damage, so you have to wait to put them in a position to get a killing blow. So if I end up getting loads of them then it seems they are not getting used, unfortunately.
What about WLFBRN? Would you guess that means Wolf Baron? Some of the class names are easy to figure out though like SMURI and I think one is just called NINJA.
I also subscribed, I'm actually pretty interested in your thoughts on later, harder levels.
Ok if there is a class called Wolf Barron I want it, that sounds bloody amazing!
As for the spoiler, thank you kindly good sir!
Right so until tomorrow, where I should enter Alterone and probably end up spending an episode chatting with NPC's, take care guys!