As someone who has spent a few years of my life in this country I looked around on the forums for things relating to this topic. I saw a few people talking about it, but I was wondering if anybody want's the whole story. It's amusing at the first level and infuriating deeper down. I was going to ask if you wanted to read it, but then I realized that this is the internet, if you don't, you can just hit the back key.
In 2001 - 2002 the Zimbabwean government, led at that time by Robert Mugabe Dictator President, decided on a way to get more money for themselves. They printed more. It was that simple. Soon, the need came for bigger units of currency. So out came the $500, $1000, $10,000, $50,000, $100,000 and $500,000 bills. But there they stopped. They didn't want to be one of the first countries to print a million dollar bill. That would be humiliating. So they went through a process known as knocking off zeros. They alerted their people that a new set of currency was being printed, and they could trade in 1 million dollars of old currency in for about a penny of new currency. In doing so, they knocked of eight zeros. (I'm not exactly sure how many they knocked off when, but it is something like this)
After that, they inflated right back up there again to the $500,000 and now they printed bearer cheques. These are not technically currency, but function exactly the same. So there was the 1 M, 5 M, 10 M, 50 M, 100 M and 500 M bills. They stopped here too. Even with the bearer cheques, printing a billion dollar bill would be embarrassing. So they knocked off a few more zeros and ended up printing a one cent bill. And back up it went, all the way to the 500M again. And here they did something amusing. They printed a 750 M dollar bill. And to go with that came a 250 M. (Again I'm not sure whether they knocked off zeros here or just kept going) next thing you know, the billion dollar bill was out and with it came $5 billion all the way up until $500 billion. They might have knocked zero's off here again, but I'm not sure. The upshot of it all was that in the end a $100 trillion dollar bill was printed and when it came out, it was worth 10 cents American.
The people who run the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (money printing place) were making huge amounts of money, by trading for American dollars and making a lot of money off the exchange rate.
This all happened between 2001 and 2008
Now they have started using American dollars