There was some nonsense at the beginning of my dream involving driving or something, later I see my mother and apparently she's Zach Adams and something bad is going to happen or something.
I was fairly confused about this, after awhile some sort of apocalypse started at some point. I'm now looking through my room to find useful things, I look through a coin purse and I find a large rectangular penny, apparently it was made in 1504, I was amazed at this discovery of a really old coin in my room and thought about all the money I could get from it. The dream transitions to my bathroom, the entire floor had been lifted and rotated a bit, I was talking to some weird creature that found a weirdly shaped penny for me, this one being made in 1709.
At this point I leave the bathroom and I'm now with two other people, then I'm attacked by a rather large possum and dragged away, I was nearly lost under the floor of the bathroom but the people with me saved me. After we leave the bathroom a small group of other people approach us, I think they wanted our stuff or wanted to kill us I'm not sure, we fight and it's not going well so me and my companions go into a berserk mode and we grow taller and extremely muscular and fight off the people attacking us, one of the stayed behind and I went with him to sit at a bar or something, he told me his boss wanted me for some reason. I don't remember much else at this point but I think we talked about the rectangular penny I had and how wallets were made to hold them back then. I then wake up.