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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 568157 times)


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2250 on: December 26, 2014, 09:25:04 am »

I had a couple of dreams about mazes

the first dream was a treasure maze with all sorts of hidden Gimmicks and Commander Shepard had to navigate it by talking to Handsome Jack while kneeling to him as though he were King.

The second dreamwas a lot like Dragon Age Origins in the fact that you had allies who were capable of dying or utterly leaving you, the focus of the dream as a golem-conjurer who left her golem near the cavern entrance so it could hold off any intruders and took and Ogre and a Knight into the main cavern chamber, fought a slave-using mage then began to navigate this maze of library shelves, the ogre wasn't thrilled about the need to do that maze but the knight was much happier they decided to not give the Mage his inital diplomatic request of leaving the ogre there as a new slave.
Preferred pronoun: "They/Them".

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2251 on: December 26, 2014, 09:39:10 am »

Had a dream that I was in the hunger games. This was a few days ago so not too much detail is remembered.
I temember it was quite high tech, I think I even went lucid for a bit. I also took an arrow to my eye and pulled it out causing the rest of my dream to have bad depth perception and look like I was seeing from one eye. Though bits of my dream jumped to third person view and that just kinda messed up that whole screwy vison. Did help to show that it was a dream and after it did the whole third person a few times I went lucid for a bit, didn't know what to do so I think I woke myself up.
Upon waking up I remembered I had something I was supposed to do IRL that if I didn't do my mom would have been mad so, thanks subconscious for giving me a thirty minute nap and warning me when it was time to get up.
Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
Cryxis makes the best typos.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2252 on: December 26, 2014, 01:09:09 pm »

I had a dream that was supposed to be the game Spore, except I have almost no clue what Spore is.

So the dream was actually putting little dots on rocks that were a really far away from the sun (if they were realistically near the sun the dots dragged the rock into the sun), then putting them on other rocks, except once you started putting them on other rocks, big purple and yellow lines showed up and turned your dots purple or yellow. When all your dots were purple or yellow, you lost. I made a really terrible pun at the end, which I thankfully don't remember.

I also caught Spiritomb from the Pokémon games halfway through for some reason.
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.

Cryxis, Prince of Doom

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2253 on: December 28, 2014, 10:04:04 am »

My subconscious just gave me the best idea in my most recent dream

The dream was just me sitting on the couch playing video games with people I knew but at the end of it my dad (or who was it?) threw me a purple skin green on the inside apple. I bit into it and it tasted like a grape but slightly sweeter, I asked my dad (in dream not lucid) what kind of apple it was and he responded calling it a concord apple.
I want this to happen now....
I woke up drooling
Fueled by caffeine, nicotine, and a surprisingly low will to live.
Cryxis makes the best typos.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2254 on: December 28, 2014, 12:51:08 pm »

This night i had the first dream i remember in months.

Me and my stepbrother were walking in some kind of swamp. Suddenly a bear jumped out of the bushes and started running towards us. So we ran and ran until we arrived at some kind of savannah. We continued running, but suddenly there was a wolf in front of us, so i did what everyone does when they encounter a hungry wolf: i hit it with a pan. After that i had to hit the bear, which was still chasing us, with the same pan. The bear jumped away and the wolf came running towards us for the second. I hit it on the head with a pan again. This continued for a long time, but after a while, the wolf and the bear came running at us together. After that i woke up.

Wtf brain. I get ambushed by some predators and the only weapon you can come up with is a fucking pan?

Spehss _

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2255 on: December 30, 2014, 11:20:46 am »

Last night I had something like 4 crazy-ass vivid nightmare dreams in a row. Can't remember all of them now. They all had the same setting, some sort of college setting I'm not familiar with. Each dream there was something wrong with me.

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I woke up shortly afterwards and decided to get up instead of sleeping in and have a fifth crazy dream. I suspect either the soylent I've been drinking or the fact I forgot to take my anti-depressant last night had something to do with the vivid surreal nightmares. Possibly both. Googling "soylent crazy dreams" and it looks like other people had similar experiences.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2256 on: December 31, 2014, 05:34:32 pm »

Had a rather comforting dream. Just minding my own business wandering some massive empty complex, like a mega-mall, (maybe about half an hour of wandering this random place), and out of nowhere, one of the familiar recurring characters (red-haired purple-eyes) charges at me from out of nowhere (literally, she came from open space, nowhere to come from that would make sense, as if she came from thin air), and jumps at me and glomps me to the ground. After catching up on a few things, the complex suddenly became more lively (no longer a ghost town (my usual environment of preference), and signage and whatnot came into display), and for no real reason, I guess you can say, I had what would amount to a date with this girl. Mostly galavanting and BS-ing, and going lucid and screwing with reality for a bit (generally setting our [Existence=0], and trolling people that can't acknowledge we exist; mostly harmless stuff. Including making invisible objects for mimes to run into. Even shooting them with paintball guns so they look like they're being attacked by bees. They actually got paid well for their "performance".). And basically anything else you might include in a date (from dinner to dancing to possibly [REDACTED]).

I like when there's consistency, because she's the same exact girl the many other past dreams I've had (looks, personality, voice & accent, etc.); although oddly enough, her hair seemed shorter this time, and lightening up to a more blonde-ish color. From all the dreams she's been involved in, I find it pretty nifty her hair color changes according to length (shorter = blonder, longer = redder/darker), like a naturally occurring anomaly. All in all, I really wish there was a way to bridge the gap between realities. They're too awesome to not exist whatsoever.

On another note, another recurring dream-girl (heterochromia (red/blue eyes) blonde super-genius) and I, when we run into each other (other dreams that happen from time to time), usually discuss how we can actually pull it off. Generally using the dreamverse as the point to strike from, given it's flexibility of rules (including temporal rules, so time is not even a limit, given we can condense it), and overall availability of content/technology our time/space/reality has yet to obtain (Basically, if this was GURPS, then it's 'Tech Level 12: Anything Goes' here; including using elder gods as machines or power sources; with their consent, of course. Plus, like my avatar, screw physics. Reality's not a barrier/limit where our research is concerned.). Ironically enough, we also had some rather scary looking elder god things join in on this, and have them provide their input. Never expected a snail-like insect-thing with a humanoid face for a shell (like something from H.R. Giger) to actually be eloquent and kindly about things. It was a true gent, despite looking like the embodiment of sin that fell off an ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, and rooted itself like a sapling in the process.

Needless to say, on off-hours of our research, we had to have a drink with it. Also due to the fact I wanted to see it down several shots simultaneously with it's many limbs and mouths, and see how well it can handle it's booze. It was actually pretty cool to watch. I swear, even the humanoid shell thing on it looked buzzed/drunk afterward. Watching what appears to be an elder god being drunk is oddly funny to witness, despite how utterly horrifying to the common person they are to look at. Sometimes, I swear my dreams are a melting pot of a horrifying combination of games, comedy anime/manga and H.R. Giger/HP Lovecraft and action films, with a dash of romantic comedy. let's not forget to lob in some zeerust style and some cheesy campiness on some areas here and there, and have a little 90's flair to it. And these are normal areas, relative to most other places. You'd be surprised, but Hell (or at least My Personal Hell) is dull as ever, like working at Wal-Mart for eternity, and demons and elder gods and such are regular everyday people which are just pain-in-the-ass customers. To be honest, I'd rather have nightmares of them as the true eldritch horrors they really are instead (like the horror-shoggoth thing I described earlier). At least then I have something interesting to look at. Being surrounded by IRL everyday bullcrap (like being stuck in a single era for eternity) is my personal Hell. Like retiring from insanity for a spell. I guess my hardness to nightmares is caused by sufficient boredom of the everyday norm.

Come and think of it, I swear I had ended up working in such a place in a dream, and it made me feel uneasy. I'll be amused if demons really were just shopping there, and I was employed there, and they were regulated to wear human avatars (to also support the hell-zone as a hell for the particulars there (eg-Employees)). It makes sense in context, based on my experience, I guess. My interpretation: I think I prefer some flexibility in my life, to a more lucid level.

After playing Fract OSC, and solving some of the puzzles, the liveliness changeup of the ghost mall is like what happens as you solve more of the game. It goes from dark (or in the case of the mall, grey) and cold looking to warm and inviting with a more funky feel to it. Oddly enough, people flourished out of the blue. Combine a few movie plot mechanics to explain what the hell must've happened, my visitor must've brought some friends or security, or both. The changeup was also kinda coloring book style. I had the outline, and she filled in everything else.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2015, 12:35:54 am by Itnetlolor »


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2257 on: January 07, 2015, 05:06:51 pm »

I had dreams.

In one I was playing dwarf fortress, I was playing as the adventurer that I am currently playing as, for some reason I was upset by the fact that a human had become lord of a hamlet even though I gave that position to a dwarf. I then killed said human. That was the end of that dream.
The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. At least that's what the restraining order says.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2258 on: January 08, 2015, 07:21:21 pm »

Twas a dream not a week ago, of four sections;

Of the first, my family and I were living in an apartment complex at the top of a hill in a low-density seaside town. There was a bay downhill from us, and between the apartments and the bay were, in this order; a small village of mud and thatch shacks, a village of thick log cabins capped by a temple on the side nearer the bay, and a fortress, such as were built in the 17-19th centuries. I was waneering about outside the apartments when I spotted a tiny, unbelievably pale (albino/no pigmentation) man with a round face that seemed like he could do nothing but scowl, wearing nothing but rags. He was stealing from a toolshed, and when I confronted him he ran downhill, towards the first village, where he threw the tools he stole in one of the shacks and other people, very similar looking, came out to chase me away. I ran further downhill into the next town, where the people were just as unhappy about my presence, because they and the other village were cultist colonies, who hated each other. I had inadvertently started a war, and while they were fighting I kept running downhill to the harbor, where I learned that the fortress was a factory producing modern tanks, and ye olde cannons and muskets. They were in the process of deploying these to fight the cultist horde that descended the hill after me, and most of the tanks didn't bother using the door; they just drove through the walls. I ran inside and hid for the duration of the fighting, mostly dodging rubble.

The dream transitioned very abruptly to playing a game of planetside 2. I was alone on a coastline fighting a squad of half a dozen of those purple faction folks, can't recall for the life of me what they're called, and they were all women (female characters, I mean), apparently knew each other quite well, and all were in either max suits or assassins, using their UFO helicopter gunship variant or whatever. Kicking my ass, quite literally. I controlled only one point, and it was exposed, out in the open. My anti-air weaponry sucked, im terrible with the aircraft, and of course I was alone.

Again, the scene suddenly transitions back to the apartment complex. I'm explaining the cultist situation to my family, the very apparent firefight going on at the beach, but they think I'm full of shit. I keep arguing with them for a while, and suddenly everyone leaves, including our neighbor. I go into his apartment because why not and hes got an occulus rift. And, of course, what do you do with your VR set but play hentai porn games? Sadly, it wasn't a very good game and I eventually left with my family.

We all went out of town to the cabin I live in right now. Pretty soon a police car shows up escorting a cobalt blue jeep. They stop by the neighbors first and the cop has a discussion with them, then they come over here. When the cop shows up there's something obviously wrong with the guy, he's obviously nervous for one thing. He wants to talk to each of us alone, so he and my mother go outside to talk for a bit. When he comes back, my mother isn't with him, and he next pulls aside my brother. I watch them walk out back through a window, and after a brief time be shoots my brother. I am now freaking out, and when he comes back in I draw a gun on him and threaten to shoot him, so he explains to me that the guy outside in the jeep is a very rich man, someone you don't say no to, and he wants our land. I tell him to fuck off and he then shoots me, because I wasn't watching him. He wasn't paying much attention either, though, and actually just missed my side, but I fall over anyway. He turns around looking out the window, and I kill him. Then I go outside, and I shoot the man in the jeep and his driver. I call 911 at that point while I go check on my family; my brother is dead, but my mother was strangled, poorly, and she is alive. The sheriff shows up first, and when hes seen everything he tells me the "cop" was an imposter, not one of his deputies, and the other two men were members of a drug cartel operating out of mexico, probably wanted our land to grow and store some of their shit. Also, they shot my neighbor, too.

Goddamn dreams so fucked up I might be full of bacon and shrooms.
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2259 on: January 08, 2015, 10:47:27 pm »

I had a dream I was playing Hexen and found a portal to a secret level on the roof of a building. The building in the game is made of red brick and my apartments (in the dream) are made of red brick, so I conclude that there must be something on top of my apartment. I go up a narrow stairway that the landlord said never to go up, and suddenly I'm playing Hexen in real life while accompanied by three effeminate Asian men in suits.

What the hell
This game is Curtain Fire Shooting Game.
Girls do their best now and are preparing. Please watch warmly until it is ready.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2260 on: January 08, 2015, 10:57:35 pm »

I generally tend to have really short dreams, I remember them vividly but they can be (usually) month(s), or years apart. They tend to be extremely premonitious-That is to say when I dream I dream of later possibilities in life? I mean, it's like complete deja'vu, except reversed? I don't even know if I can make sense of it but this has been my entire life that I've had precognition. I guess the technical term would be clairvoyant, but idk at this point.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2261 on: January 09, 2015, 11:15:32 am »

I dreamed last night that my family and I were visiting relatives in Utah (for some reason. IRL they all live in Idaho ???). I was posting about it on the happy thread or somewhere and then people started posting random suggestions like it was a forum game, then forum game crap started happening IRL (in the dream).
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2262 on: January 09, 2015, 11:28:06 am »

Possible consequence of having a suggestion game based off your own life?


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2263 on: January 09, 2015, 11:29:28 am »

Possibly. Perhaps it's a sign I should update. Also, you guys made some really weird and catastrophic stuff happen.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
Darkest Garden - Illustrated game. - What mysteries lie in the abandoned dark?


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2264 on: January 09, 2015, 11:31:20 am »

Well, it is Bay12. I'd be more surprised if Bay12 actively improved your life.
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