Follow up on my Norwegian Wood attempt:
It is now 1780, I've got 25 provinces left to capture from 11 nations, including Great Britain, France, Portugal, Spain, and 2 HRE member states. I managed to take everything I need from commonwealth, and have the largest navy with 75 tripledeckers. Portugal and GB both have 50, so I could still lose to their combined Armada. Spain has the largest army, but no navy, and I share a dynasty and royal marriage with them, so I may be able to nab them in an PU before time runs out, however it may be simpler to just take the provinces i need from them in an imperialism war.
The Ottomans are flying towards bankruptcy with a current debt of 23,000 some ducats. France got torn apart in a series of wars with Spain and Austria after they stranded a 100k army in the Caribbean for a few decades. I can occasionally get an alliance with Spain or France, who go back and forth from being friendly to hostile.
My biggest problem right now is that I think i'll need to fight Austria in 3 wars, 2 of them as HRE wars. They are allied with Brittany, and I still need Genoa, and a province out of Bohemia. I could do it easily if I can get Spain back as an ally, but I'm not sure if that will happen. I should be able to drag GB and Portugal into individual wars by declaring on their small pacific allies and taking what i need by getting the 100% warscore after 5 years of occupying the nation that I declared on. This would allow me to eliminate their navies one at a time. I'm a few years away from Commonwealth being able to declare on me, which would pull in GB and Portugal, so I need to kill their navies before that happens.
Spain has the most territories I need, and I think I can get it all in one war, so I'll probably leave them for last, so I don't have to suffer so much overextension.
Which leads me to my last challenge, overextension. Commonwealth had noble traditions, so i'm still struggling to core the provinces I took from them, along with everything else I'm grabbing up.
I feel like i'm close, but i'm worried I'll run out of time. I'm currently thinking my next step would be to fight a land war against the ottomans and ethiopia while i fight successive naval wars against GB and Portugal (declaring on the second once the first's navy is destroyed.) Then blockade them both for awhile to let the war timer wear out a bit before I take the provinces I need from their colonies. I shouldn't actually need to fight their armies, which means once I beat the ottomans I can take my land armies against austria.
I can pull austria into a non-hre war by declaring on Brittany, but I'm afraid that will preclude me from declaring on HRE members. At the very least I'll be able to fight austria without the rest of the HRE and break them before the upcoming HRE wars.
It is exciting being so close, but also a bit stressful. I just wish I had a good ally that didn't own any naval resources. Commonwealth would have been great if I hadn't let them take the baltic coast.