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Author Topic: Europa Universalis IV  (Read 461978 times)


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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #750 on: October 03, 2013, 07:12:26 am »

I'm playing the colonizing game as England, and I have ran into a problem: I have no use for monarch points. The Welsh have gone extinct and I'm afraid the Irish will soon follow :/

Catastrophic lolcats

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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #751 on: October 03, 2013, 07:14:47 am »

Who are you playing?
Oyo. It's a landlocked African native two-province-minor south of Songhai bordering Benin. It has a pleasing bone/beige colour.

I'm playing the colonizing game as England, and I have ran into a problem: I have no use for monarch points. The Welsh have gone extinct and I'm afraid the Irish will soon follow :/
Sometimes you get stuck with points you can't do anything with and just have to suck it up. It's not uncommon to be sitting on 999 military points in a lot of games. I've learnt that there is a kind of "tempo" of national ideas which usually goes somewhat like mil - dip - dip -admin - mil although it's heavily depended on your unique national ideas and your leader.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 07:20:51 am by Catastrophic lolcats »


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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #752 on: October 03, 2013, 07:28:05 am »

Yup, Oyo. The two province minor in subsaharan Africa. At the start you can take Benin out, the Hausa requires a bit of work, since it's a capital that you can't claim and so needs some craftiness (such as exploiting a war between Songhai/Kanem Bornu and Hausa). Note you can't core provinces not connected to your capital, so I had to vassalite Hausa somehow. After that, force vassalizing Kanem Bornu was as simple as taking candy from a baby. Those two vassals kept Songhai at bay.

Then years pass by until you can unlock your first settler. I opted to go with Expansion ideas rather than Exploration. Luckily Ashanti wasn't conquered by then, so as soon as I colonized the province leading to Gold Coast and Ashanti, I took 'em out briefly. Voila, gold mine! Watch the inflation, however.

After that, I could go for Mali or the rest of Hausa. There was another option - colonizing the way to Kongo and conquering it. Luckily, Mali was being shaken with constant revolts, so I subjugated it rather quickly while Songhai wasn't looking. Mali has two more gold provinces which are also 8 base tax. Most of those are animist, I left Sunni provinces out for later. In hindsight, vassalizing Mali may have been the better choice, only taking Jenne for myself so I could gun for Songhai.

In the end, I overcame Songhai and painted central africa beige. Colonize the whole coast so that Europeans couldn't settle. I had to unlock Quest for The New World to explore Fernando Po and St. Helena to deny the both to Europeans. Then from Kongo towards Cape and onward to Swahili...

Rather interesting game, some elements of luck, craftiness and insight. And oh, why won't inflation go down?! Sigh. There are too many gold provinces in Mutapa... Next time I'll just vassalize them.

Oh, and keep the Incapable Ruler malus in mind. Oyo is a tribal despotism, it gets punished for having over 10 provinces if it has an incapable ruler (below 4 stats). There is 3 revolt risk, 200% coring cost and -33% tax... manageable if you know what you are doing. You need to fill one of the ideas (I picked Economic) to change government form.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 07:30:37 am by Mipe »


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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #753 on: October 07, 2013, 11:04:48 am »

So I recently started playing this. Never played another in the series or even any game by paradox (for shame!) so this one is a first for me. I'm really very impressed thus far, but needless to say I could use some help!

Specifically, the trade system complete eludes me. I understand there's static trade nodes and provinces belong to a certain node, and that trade flows to and from other nodes. But that's as far as I figured it out, no idea how this stuff works precisely. Apparently you can redirect flow somewhat, and trade value flows and accumilates to downstream nodes? And the trade value you get is dependant on your trade power in a trade node, and the trade value of said node?
Argh so confusing.

I'm also pretty puzzled by the specifics of warfare. Thus far I've mostly won through force of numbers wich seems effective enough. Still, I see it's not all numbers and dicerolls, I've lost battles I thought were in my favor and have had pretty assymetrical casualties in even fights. I see there's something called combat width, don't know what else is relevant.

And much more ofcourse, I'll have a read through some of this thread and see if I can learn anything, figured I'd start by asking first.

I should probably have chosen one of the recomended nations, for some reason I had the bright idea to play the Maya. Here's what happened in my game so far:

Laid some claims, warred with the zapotec and aztec respectively and assimlated some of their lands. Went through a rather dark time of civil unrest and rebellion, me not having Monarch of age certainly didn't help there. Cracked down on the rebels and the new ruler came of age and heralded the countries resurgance as it conquered what was left of Zapotec and Aztec.

It's about 1500 now and I have central america under pretty stable control, treasury is filling up nicely. Only problem it seems is the civilization is completely technologically backwards, and I incur a pretty hefty tech modifier as a new world civilization. Wich leaves me wondering what to do next, don't have any neighboring nations to conquer, and I can't colonize the nearby uncolonized land until I tech up. I've seen a portuguese vessel pass by so western nations are sure to come about sooner or later. Is my only hope to hang in there and hope I can westernize to compete and tech up?

Oh also what's up with royal marriages, I see it plays into the heir system? Apparenly huayna capac eligible to succeed my rule, since I made made a royal marriage with the Inca? Is this a bad thing?

Catastrophic lolcats

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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #754 on: October 07, 2013, 11:19:18 am »

Well first off the bat never play a new world nation. They're completely flavourless and useless. Go for a nice powerful European nation as your starting choice.
Portugal is the main newbie country since all you have to do is be friendly with Castile and you can play the colonisation game and later come back to Europe with your colonial conscripts and wreck shit.
England used to be a good country in EU3 to pick but in EU4 they start in a very bad spot due to the 100 years war and the war of the roses.
Sweden is a decent choice since it becomes such a powerhouse in the Baltic, it also has the most flavour and some of the most powerful ideas in the game. You do start in a personal union with Denmark but that tends to be of a boon than a problem in the early game since it provides a lot of protection. Later you'll have so much powerhouse from expansion into the Baltic you'll be able to hit Denmark into submission and become independent with ease.
Castil is a lot like Portugal although a lot stronger but they do face the might of France which is extremely problematic. If you can starve off France for the early and mid game you have the very really possibility of taking the whole new world, returning and dominating all European politics.
France is a very powerful country but tends to be ganged up on by the whole of Europe extremely fast. The early game can be fairly difficult and the medium game can be very hard if you went too over board with conquest. France is a lesson in patience and discipline. Expanding too fast and too greedily will meet you the same end as Napoleon.
Austria and the German states have the HRE mechanics to worry about so they shouldn't be a first nation pick. If you do want to play the HRE game Brandenburg is a very decent minor with the possibility to have the strongest land army in the game.
Venice is an interesting choice to play the trade game. It does have to worry about both the Austrians and Ottomans. Pushing into Italy isn't recommended since it will push the brunt of the HRE onto you while pushing into the Mediterranean may push the brunt of the Ottomans onto you. Genoa isn't nearly as interesting as Venice but they do have the protection of the HRE. The Hansa is the trade power of the north which while protected by the HRE is highly limited on room for expansion which limits its options.

As for trade you'll want to consult this as a start and then play as one of the trading countries (like Venice or the Hansa) so you get a better understanding. You can then move on to the really in depth guides if you feel you need them but they're really not needed unless you really want to abuse trade mechanics.

Land combat is really quite awful in describing how it works and really isn't transparent at all. To be honest there is actually quite a lot of conflict over what is the real way the system works. The wiki has a nice breakdown of how it works. All I could really say is to make sure you have a bigger army than the enemy, make sure you're not fighting in bad terrain, not be behind the enemy in military tech and to never get in a land war with France.

As for royal marriages it really just means that if you have low prestige and no heir that a successor from another country may claim the throne, forcing you into a personal union which is like a vassal that doesn't pay tribute. It really isn't something to be too concerned with as a player as long as you maintain decent legitimacy and prestige.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 11:35:47 am by Catastrophic lolcats »


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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #755 on: October 07, 2013, 11:55:11 am »

I'm playing the colonizing game as England, and I have ran into a problem: I have no use for monarch points. The Welsh have gone extinct and I'm afraid the Irish will soon follow :/

I usually start to spam corresponding buildings, this including taking loans, inflation is not such a beast in IV.
Hire generals up to limit, convert cultures. Real problem is adm points. You need this for coring and stability all the time, and these give ideas, which is a blessed points suckers. So if you have big problems with capped dip/mil points dont take admin ideas if possible. Wait for 3-4 dip/mil already taken.
Or just cry out the loss  ::)
In Soviet Russia cigarette smokes you


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #756 on: October 07, 2013, 12:09:22 pm »

Well first off the bat never play a new world nation. They're completely flavourless and useless. Go for a nice powerful European nation as your starting choice.

Europe is not easier at start, and playing as HR state is also nightmare to maintain reputation, which means years and years of eventless sitting in front of computer. Easiest games too boot is either Ottomans (-33% core cost? I mean wtf?) or Muscovy. Both have huge forcelimits and army NI's, good and easy income and cakewalk rivals at start. Also you have all action from start to finish and you still close to all interesting stuff in Europe, but in a relaxing way.
In Soviet Russia cigarette smokes you


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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #757 on: October 07, 2013, 01:34:32 pm »

Well an out of the way non european nation seemed like a good way to start off with laid back diplomacy. It's a little tooo laid back now though, nothings happened in the last 50 years...
Also, more fun to steer history in the most improbable absurd direction.

Since nothings happening at the homefront, and I have close to no vision of the world beyond I took a look at the map on my latest save to see what the rest are up to. Apparently both the Portuguese and the Castille (I think they were called? Proto Spain) both have a colony at Brazil, and the former also have a colony at nearby Jamaica. About that, since it's an island, can I attempt to colonize nearby Cuba and westernize asap, or do I need a physical land border for that?

Additionally it seems the Flanders nation formed, in around 1550. Myself living in Flanders Belgium, this makes me giddy.  :P
Note to self, keep this save and give rise to the great Flanders empire.

P.S. Exploration or Expansion idea for colonization? I figure exploring europe and beyond could be economically interesting, since I have a good amount of gold, sugar and coffee production. But then I still don't get trade, so you tell me. Or maybe europe will be coming to me instead very soon.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 01:38:07 pm by Jelle »

Catastrophic lolcats

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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #758 on: October 07, 2013, 01:49:13 pm »

Well you need a colonist to start colonising provinces and you can only get those from the Expansion and Exploration national ideas. You can colonise islands but there is a thing called "colonial range" which governs how far you can colonise provinces. It is governed by tech and national ideas and is based off your closest cored province. You can only colonise provinces that can be cored by you which means coastal/island provinces if you have coastal access or provinces bordering your own.

Portugal and Castile are the main colonisers. They do so very fast and very efficiently. As a new world nation you'll find that after conquering all nearby tribes and nations you have nothing to do but wait for the europeans to come and conquer you. Believe me a new player will have no chance against an European invasion so it's a better use of your time to just start a new game after you've subjugated your neighbours.

Flanders I believe is owned by Burgundy at the start of the game. Burg will usually start to collapse a couple decades into the game and the low countries will be free. I believe if you play as Burgundy you can just release Flanders as a vassal and play from them, allowing you to form your mighty Flemish empire.


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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #759 on: October 07, 2013, 02:17:18 pm »

Burg will usually start to collapse a couple decades into the game and the low countries will be free.

Not really free. If Burg collapses (monarch dies without heir), it gets split between France and the Holy Roman Emperor. Burg has to lose a war that causes the release of Flanders for Flanders to exist (or play as Burgundy and release them yourself, like you said).
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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #760 on: October 07, 2013, 03:50:42 pm »

Portugal and Castile are the main colonisers. They do so very fast and very efficiently. As a new world nation you'll find that after conquering all nearby tribes and nations you have nothing to do but wait for the europeans to come and conquer you. Believe me a new player will have no chance against an European invasion so it's a better use of your time to just start a new game after you've subjugated your neighbours.

Later, I want to mess around and figure stuff out a bit more first.
For instance: I keep losing ships I sent out exploring due to 'navigating treacherous waters'. What gives? I was paying attention to the attrition, and it was only at about 30% I was navigating the spanish coast to, so close to the rest of europe...

Edit: Never mind, percentage was attrition value increase, not total. Wich I guess means my ships aren't good enough to cross the atlantic.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2013, 03:59:13 pm by Jelle »

Catastrophic lolcats

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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #761 on: October 07, 2013, 03:54:22 pm »

Check the health of your ship. It takes damage from that attrition very rapidly. You have to send it back to dock for it to get repaired before you can send it back. Coastal waters obviously have less attrition than open waters which will sink ships extremely fast until you get much more naval tech.


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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #762 on: October 07, 2013, 04:34:58 pm »

Edit: Never mind, percentage was attrition value increase, not total. Wich I guess means my ships aren't good enough to cross the atlantic.

Few ever are. You're going to need an in-between island to repair and then set out again from there. If you don't have one, try and get fleet-basing rights from someone that does. Otherwise you'll have to go north and hop from Iceland to Greenland then down south, but that may take a while before you can get colonial range on the coast.
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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #763 on: October 07, 2013, 05:20:21 pm »

You really need to explore across oceans in stages. This is because even when you can explore fog it takes a lot longer than traveling across explored world. So if you explore like 2-3 fog things, then you go back to heal, then go back out and get 1-2 more. Also a good admiral with even 1-3 maneuver lowers attrition a lot.

Having islands is more for colonial range than crossing the ocean per say.


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Re: Europa Universalis IV
« Reply #764 on: October 07, 2013, 05:41:24 pm »

Well I made the crossing from Brazil to Africa, and agreed to docking rights in Castillic ports. Explored most of european coasts, however the ships still systained damaged eventually...not that I needed them much after that anyway.

Things are starting to get more interesting to. In the far east Korea is starting to dominate, controlling land all the way from Russia to the now decimated Ming. Russia and Sweden both getting real big, probably going to duke it out sooner or later. Netherlands formed and started colonising North America, being the first to do so. And Castille creeping ever closer across the Brazillian coast, getting close to me and the Inca now.

I think I can westernize soon though, I don't think (rather I hope) Portugal much minds me settling a land next to them. Should have a nice clash in the Carribean and South America soon enough!
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