Alright, I'll get started on the next update now.
Alright, we settle our first 'city', and it's called... Mayapan? Isn't that a Mayan city? Well, I guess the head hunters didn't really build any cities.
Also, if you look at the top right corner you can see the number of turns completed and the total number of turns in the game.It's not a very impressive city I guess. Two things to note here: First, the unhealthiness comes mostly from our civics, which are primitive, but our leader also reduces city health by 1. Second, it takes a really long time for a city to grow early on. Again, this is because of our civics, which greatly increase the amount of food needed for cities to grow.
Our explorer finds our first goody hut!
They give us a map. I guess not every tribe knows the secrets of nuclear fusion.
Later, we develop language. Wait, how did the villagers give us maps if we're this primitive? They couldn't even tell us where stuff was because we couldn't talk! Come to think of it, we can't build huts, either! Damn you, tiny tribal villages! Damn you and your technological superiority!
Choices, choices...
I'm having some odd problems with a few screenshots. They're coming out oddly and I can't use them. So I can't show you the completion message of Nomadic Lifestyle, but I can show you the completion message of Gathering.
Unfortunately, we haven't found any resources. All we have found is a problem.
We're stuck on a small swampy island. And yes, I'm building a stick gatherer in Mayapan. It gives a production boost.
Anyway, I picked Cooperation as the next tech to research so we can get Oral Tradition, but you guys can veto that. Especially since a big chunk of the benefits come from the myths it unlocks, which require you to hunt, and it's damn hard to hunt on such a small island. And here I was, hoping to show off the hunting system soon.
A quick description of the new techs:
Shelter Building: Production and commerce. Very useful.
Basketry: Commerce.
Persistence Hunting: Hunting.
Tool Making: Warfare and food.
Cooking: Food.
Oral Tradition: Research
Tracking: Hunting and a bit of trade and warfare.
Trapping: Food, commerce and resources.
Hard-Hammer Percussion: Production.
Ground Stone: Food.
Prehistoric Music: Culture and happiness.
Prehistoric Dance: Culture and happiness.