The fact that everything can be done through secular means is not an argument against religion. The fact that he got his banana is not because [Insert Diety here] gave him one from Heaven, but because someone else did so, while being motivated by his scriptures.
It wouldn't. Humans are humans. They'd find another excuse to justify their hate.
This is my favourite argument. "Good things? Yeah, they're all caused by religion. Bad things? Oh no, humans are humans, they're nothing to do with religion".
You keep acting like problems only exist in fundamentalist interpretations wheras actually the lack of basis problem is present in pretty much every interpretation of every religion (in fact it's the fundamentalist interpretations such as creationism that at least attempt to have a basis sometimes, although the evidence they turn to is usually flawed or incorrect).
That's not what I said, at all. As you might remember, I was referring to Muz's example, not to the world at large. Not everything is caused by religion. Religion can aid or try to reinforce it, but it's not like religions have a copyright on Good or Bad.
That's where we differentiate I suppose. There's an entire branch of science build on intrepretation of Bible/ religion and as such they've got a variety of reasons to support their mandates.
Finally, you yourself said that science and religion aren't incompatible, now you say "science did it too!" as an apology for something religion did.
Probably Fordism then. Or atleast the mindset of the people behind it.
The point I was trying to make was that the problem doesn't lie with the religion or the science, but with those who use it to justify their means.
OK, I'm an American Atheist, and have never met another atheist who acts as you say most do.
That's a bold statement to make. I've never seen religion actually stagnate anything (aside from maybe in the US). I suspect you're just taking pot shots at Christian conservatives/traditionalists.
ummmm.... Islam? You know, the place where they take everything in their Holy book as scientific knowledge. They are taught that salt water cannot mix with fresh water, and this is all enforced by their religious government. People who speak out against it can be arrested and even executed. You think this hasn't happened in the past with other religions? You think it isn't happening now to a lessee degree? Creationists have tried to get their ideas taught in schools. If these ideas weren't shot down, how many future scientists would be spending their time trying to prove creationism? I'd rather have that cure for cancer 10 years earlier.
Says that he doesn't focus on fundamentalist intrepretations alone. Then follows with a list of why religion is bad based solely on fundamentalist fractions of religion.
Way to go to break down your own argument.
And removing religion would help. They have charities but think about the massive amount of money that is donated to the church itself. Some people spend over 30% of their income on church donations. That money could be going to hungry people.
Missionaries are helping Africans? Great. Do what nonreligious people can do, but preach to them about your religion in exchange. O, BTW, the Pope decided that Africans shouldn't use condoms, or anything that can prevent AIDS in an AIDS heavy continent. So yes, getting rid of religion would help a lot.
People give money to governements too, and it uses a lot of that to pay for it's own infrastructure. I suppose we should drop that too. The people who spend more than 30% of their income are often the highly religious, evangelists, ...
As for the Pope, it was an unlucky statement. It does fit in the Christian vision, which generally denounces sex merely for pleasure, promoting stable relations found in love, rather than the constant short unstable relations we start to see more today. But for things Pope has done, maybe you should look at the action of Pope Johannus Paulus II who was hugely important during the anti-communist revolutions in Poland, as well as in many other countries.
Besides if religion is such a dumb, non sensical thing as everyone of you seem to see, then why are there still so many religious people. It's not like they are dumb, or indoctrinated, or anything. So why?