What defense do I need? His only reason is because he's angry and I can't defend against something that isn't there.
Regardless of what you personally think you need, your defense is inadequate, because there are people still voting you.
I'd tell you more but it's not my job to make sure you know how to play (that's what Beginner's Mafias are for) and I don't mind seeing the screws put to you.
Okay, fine. I'll give. If you want to defend yourself you should counter and refute the substance of the arguments that people are voting you for. Your survival depends on how successful you are in allaying people's suspicions and concerns.
Jim: No epiphany, just a feeling like there's something going on that I'm not seeing (which is probable, really). ZU's statements didn't seem out of the ordinary to me, which is why it struck me as a little odd that you'd try to nail him for it.
This was a good enough reason to vote for me at literally the last minute during Day 1. What changed between now and then that makes it not as good now?
Anyone: How do we know there is an ext at all? Are people pulling it from the flavors of the deaths?
Yes. Paranormal is flavor heavy and the flavor is game relevant, and it's consistent between games so that we can figure out stuff we need to know by looking at previous games for comparison.
In this case, we know Shakerag was killed by the Exterminator because of the charred holes in Shakerag's body and the suggestion of advanced technology, even though the charred chest wounds would be sufficient to identify the kill as the Exterminator's. Similarly, we know the dopps killed dustylou2 because there was a bloody mess and no body (the dopps eat their victims).
So crumbles my entire argument. Never mind. Unvote.
Man, you really wanted me dead. You know who else really wants me dead? The dopps. Coincidence?
The only thing I can agree with is the questions but I think he is more genuinely incompetent and green and your actions outweigh his.
So Mr.Dwarfinton is genuinely incompetent and green yesterday but today he's scum?
I'm afraid I don't quite follow.