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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131344 times)


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1110 on: October 02, 2012, 04:46:37 pm »

Richard did not smile as the Regent approached. When Edgard was at twenty feet, he held up his hand.

"Stop there."

His voice was cold, and cold fury was gleaming in his eyes.

"I offered to deal with this matter in open council with all the high nobles on it, Edgard - twice. You refused both times, first by letter and then by making your lackey relay the news. Even now, you only accepted to negotiate with an army before your doorstep and my men inside your city, and still you decided to place assassins below the bridge.

Two boats. Twelve to fifteen men. Below this bridge, late last night. Not smugglers - they would have no place to take food from, with my army within sight. Not travelers, either - travelers do not delay in places such as that one, and especially not in this time. Yet no boats were seen leaving Stormstead... Which indicates they may have been sent by your friend in Lorvese. I know about Lorvese too - Parnoth and five heavily armed regiments from Arendalis. Any of this reminds you of something, O Duke of Arborvent?"


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1111 on: October 02, 2012, 05:20:08 pm »

Edgard maintained his cheery attitutde, but he spoke with stern tone.

"My dear prince, what you offered me twice was to strip me of everything and put me before a court of nobles. No sane man would do that, especially when he is innocent.

As for the boats... it would appear that Theor was eager to sabotage this meeting. He was rather .. dissapointed with the terms you presented, to put it lighlty.
And thirdly, duc Parnoth is my in-law or is about to become one. Whom I invite for my marriage ceremony should not be of your concern. As for his placement at Lorvese; I believe that Rakon made some arrangements towards that himself i did not interfere with him at all."

Edgard eased his tone then.

"But we are getting off the topic of the discussion Richard. I believe we can put things right, without having to jump to each other's throats or swearing revenge. you are young and rash in actions, and believe me when I say it that one is not necessarily a traitor if he is not going hunting or drinking with you. Do you have a proof of your accusations or is it a pure slander that you spread and unbridled wroth that you gave yourself into? I repeat my question - what benefit would I have out of poisoning your brother if not to turn over the throne to you once he passes away? And one cannot be ill form poisoning for as long as Albert has. Only illness can do that. And rest assured as to his fate; Bravos have not left his side even for a moment."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1112 on: October 02, 2012, 07:24:34 pm »

Richard shook his head, his voice still cold as ice.

"If you truly are innocent, Edgard, then you are either blind or you do not wish  to see. Hundreds of guests were present at the feast before Albert fell ill, and of them all, only my brother was infected. The plague is known to infect peasants, more precisely farm hands; but my brother did not frequent either of those in the days before he fell ill, and you can be sure as hell he wasn't gardening. Stormstead was nearly completely spared by the disease, yet Albert fell ill. He alone - not me, not his advisors, not his guards, not his slaves, not the civilians of his city - only him. The King of Windheath."

He spat on the ground.

"You act like a wise man, an intelligent noble teaching an overconfident squire not to go after a boar without a bloody spear - yet you saw none of the signs, you fool. The nobility of the kingdom is dying. The Lord of Dechire, the Duc of Spirituaser, the King, and now some news talk of my cousin. I had my doubts, Edgard - which is why I chose not to end it there and then a month and a half ago, when I had an army inside the capital, ready to hang you for attempting to murder my brother and take the throne. Yet now I look back, and I am wondering if my doubts were justified. You refused all attempts to negotiate until I had you by the throat. You invited foreigners into the realm, despite the time of duress we are going through, and for all I know you sent hired blades against innocent civilians while no blood had been shed yet.

One could say you had an excellent reason to go for the throne - you were already placing the pieces and getting ready to take it. Allies in the west, a vassal so loyal to you he is blind, a man with a well known hate of the northerners, an old spy master who survived the Iron Queen and an Haegar Lord whose ancestors had no love for this realm. You've been pushing for war throughout the year, trying to place yourself in a place of power. You refused to allow me to place an independent party in charge of the investigation of the King's death.

You ask for proof, Edgard, and yet it's all there before your eyes. You are either an overconfident snake who thought he could beat a general, 'young and rash in actions', at the game of thrones, or a puppet serving only the interests of others, a piece believing it is a player and not realizing that something is going on... And in both cases, I do not want a man like you ruling over the realm while someone is trying to wipe us out from the inside."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1113 on: October 02, 2012, 09:56:45 pm »

Renart checked the landscape again, it seemed the Prince was faring well with the negotiations.

"Cyril," he said, casually addressing his countryman with an air of respect, "Say something goes right with whatever our Marshal is planning, what do you think would be the next step for our country? It is quite apparent that we can ready ourselves in the span of weeks, but it seems that more problems are presenting themselves as we patch up the old ones.

"Winter is coming. And word may have reached our neighbors about our current predicament."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1114 on: October 02, 2012, 10:26:00 pm »

Trent appeared by Renart's side and waved off Jefred, and Revnan before giving a hasty bow to the Marquis an Cyril. He stood silent for a second before speaking,

"Forgive me if i interrupt, but I must speak quickly. I leave now with my men, I plan to head west and take out the bridge leading to here from Lorvese. If you are to carry out this war as is so prevalent the outcome then me and my men will buy you time, and hold off Edgard's aid."

He stopped for a moment to scowl as he finished mentioning Edgard's name, but quickly continued,

"If we manage to take out the bridge then I will most likely force them to come around north, and face me at the base of the Red Spear where I will have the advantage. If you manage to stop this war then send word telling me when it is done, and if you have objections voice them now."

He looked over his shoulder and frowned as he found Jefred planted not far from him carrying the flag the men had made, shrugging slightly Trent turned back to the two men.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1115 on: October 03, 2012, 03:18:01 am »

Edgard rolled his eyes, hearing the elaborate plot as it was presented by the young prince.

"Yes, you could have ended it then, but it is apparent that you had doubts. And why? because you don't truly beleive that stroy of yours, do you? Tis but a foolish tale, made up of well wishing and unconnected events. And I would like to point out, my prince, that you are a person that would gain most from the current situation, not me. Because, what a poor regent would do with a prince of blood once the king dies? and what would you do with me once you got your hands upon the throne? You are next in line, not me, being regent for few months is nothing. I have no claims and served your family well, while you seem devastated by envy and wish me nothing but death, since I stand in your way. I have an investigation under way and the only thing that interrupts everything is you, with your insitence to hack my head off. You dishonour your brother's choice by calling me a snake; my family and I have spotless record in serving our king, but that is appprarently worth nothing to a Conricht prince out, who is out to get blood.
As it stands Richard, you chose war while having poor proof to suport yourself, citing only your envy and desire for power as justification."

Edgard sighed.

I could also question your decision to steal the royal army- and oh, how quckly that was done. As if you were preparing for it ahead of time. If I am in such a disadvantaged position, why would I be named regent?
Richard, lets not give into the foolishnes of plots that are not there and dubious actions that cast shadow on our actions. I propose that we do what Albert intended from the start in his document which appointed me regent and what you sadly preempted: let all nobles meet and agree on terms of regency. We can also settle the issue of raided lands and organise reparations. But you will have to stand down, disperse levies and return the royal army to me. I do not want you breathing down my neck like a hound, while you will have the protections and witness of all the nobles of the country. I can even ask Bravos to guard you. But this silly war has to end. Otherwise I will understand it that you chose war only because you despise me out of nothing more than your lust for power. And don't raise your voice at me again, intimidation will get you nowhere."

Edgard seemed done and awaited a response.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 01:13:29 pm by Ardas »


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1116 on: October 03, 2012, 03:32:10 pm »

Richard sighed, and he smiled.

"You are an arrogant man, Edgard... Having more years than the man in front of you does not make you his superior, and it certainly does not make you smarter than him. I am not certain if you truly did not listen to anything that I said, or you tried to buy time - it makes no matter. I will not repeat myself. I have no patience and no time to waste for this.

Edgard - count the men you see on the field behind me. My army is twice as numerous as yours and with much better weapons. I am holding your forces by the throat. I know how many men you have. I know who are your supporters. I know who you sent to raid the fields of Dechire and Northwatch. I know where Parnoth's army is and I know what it's made up of. I know Charles feels betrayed, and that Parnoth will not have any funds this spring, since he'll be stripped of his lands beforehand. I have men inside your palace, men inside your scout's network, men inside old Rakon's spies. I know your forces will hold out until spring, but not much longer. Rakon is a good spymaster, yes, but he is out of his league - I've been inside your decision loop ever since I realized someone had poisoned Henry, too. Ever since there were too many "unconnected events" for my liking. Ever since I realized the royal family was getting wiped out.

Perhaps you do not know how to count, Edgard. Perhaps you were blind to all my warnings. Perhaps you truly do believe what you are saying, but it makes no matter - you are not in a position to make demands. If you'd wanted a chance to remain Regent, you should have accepted when I made my initial offers. As it stands, I am willing to give you a place in a council and right to vote but not to veto, and to allow you to keep lands and vassals if you surrender before tomorrow at noon. But you will have to disperse your troops, pay reparations for the damage done to the harvests of the kingdom, and send me the bandit who raided these fields so I can hang his men and strip him of any honors he may hold.

If you choose to close your eyes on the situation and hope Parnoth can rescue you with his little fleet, then I shall cut down this bridge, leave you in Stormstead to starve or be offed by some angry peasants, and I'll go and kill Parnoth while you're having fun doing that. That is not a threat, Edgard, it is a fact. I have no time to waste with your empty words while a foreign army is marching inside our lands and threatening the kingdom's security.

There is also a third option. If you do not wish to surrender and you do not wish to starve, you have until tomorrow at noon to bring your armies into the field and attempt to break the siege. Who knows? Perhaps you are a better tactician than a strategist - though I wouldn't bet on that."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1117 on: October 03, 2012, 03:48:01 pm »

Edgard sighed. His cloak fluttered in the cold autumn wind, grey skies offering no hope.

"You are truly blinded by your greed Richard. So full of yourself. I offered nothing but reconciliation form the start, and you treat me as traitor. You claim to have spies everywhere, yet it appears that the only spies are voices in your head. You are deluded, and how terribly so. But you are right, there are two ways of seeing it. Either I am as mad or incomptetent as you say ,which goes contrary to your earlier statement about my "master plan" to take over the kingdom, or I am speaking the truth and that is the only reason why I am holding my ground. My honour demands no less from me, and my obligations to Albert keep me in my place.

The only person who endangers the kingdom is you, rising  in uproar to threats that are not there. You are grasping at straws Richard; you are trying to stab the shadow of something that is not there and blame me for everything. No doubt Renart and Cyril have voiced their concerns to you about the situation, just as Rakon, Theor, Osir and Harald did with me. Yet I remain true to my king and they know it. Have you listened to peopel on your side? What are you fighting for Richard?"

Edgard looked visibly dissapointed.

"Maybe we need more time to talk. Or maybe we need more people to mediate. Lets call for an armistice and let all of us meet at a table. Lets invite all ducs and comtes for this talk, lets see if they have something to say that might sort us out. Don't be too hasty to say no - I am proposing to hold council now, just as we are here, on the bridge. Aren't we better off talking it through than going straight to the swords?"


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1118 on: October 03, 2012, 05:01:10 pm »

Richard cocked his head to the side, thinking for a long while, and then he finally smiled.

"Very well, Edgard. Call the other two. I shall summon those loyal to me. Since Rakon is in Spirituaser and Parnoth is in Lorvese, they shall have to remain outside this little meeting of ours. Same deal - they stop at thirty feet, and we remain mounted."

Richard summons Cyril and Renart for an improvised council of nobles on the bridge.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1119 on: October 03, 2012, 05:06:39 pm »

"Very well. I will call up Harald and Theor."

Edgard summons Harald and Theor for the meet at the bridge.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1120 on: October 03, 2012, 05:22:09 pm »

Harald was the first to arrive, on a rather old mare, the faded surcoat still showing some soot stains.

My Liege. My Prince. he nodded to both.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1121 on: October 03, 2012, 05:28:45 pm »

Theor came with his black stallion, in full armor.
"Arbovent. Conricht." A rather more neutral greeting and he spared them to see him nodding.
"I hope these... tensions will be released and we all come back to the kings peace... So I can duel the prince."


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1122 on: October 03, 2012, 10:14:48 pm »

Quote from: Rakon
Investigate the deaths of the Conrichts in Oathbreaker.

The following notes are delivered personally to Rakon Tengrim and not made public to PC or NPC knowledge.

Your agent in Oathbreaker Fort has difficulty finding out details since Henry Conricht, his brother and niece are all dead and interred in the family crypt (eliminating the entire cadet line).  A bastard nephew has taken the throne in lieu of Crown authority (the fief would otherwise default to the Crown).  The spy delivers his reports in several letters, which cease suddenly.

In his initial reports, the spy reports the suspicious arrival and stay of a blue-robed old man a week before and after the deaths of the Conrichts, but investigation into his origins and disappearance prove of little use.  A little breaking-in and badgering reveals that the Conrichts were all given gifts as part of an annual summer faire; matching blue garments in Pactish wool.  The spy was able to acquire one of them, which he found somewhat coarse for a noble gift, but no indication of poison or hidden blades in the clothing.

His last letter reports a lead on a merchant in the Pact and a concern about his own health, but then he ceases communication.  The agent sent to make contact with him reports the spy's demise from the Grey Death.

You send the reports to your spymaster in the Pact, who sends back several ledgers copied from the books of local traders and her own assessment.  Trade in Pactish goods of all sorts exploded after the Iron Queen's trade restrictions were lifted; Pactish wool, gems, grain and even furs.  She draws your attention to one noble, the first noble to die of the peasant's disease in the country.  This minor baron owned a valley fief devoted to grazing and wool spinning, and had made a large amount of money in the recent trades before dying of Grey Death.  The nurse who found his body revealed in a drunken conversation at a tavern that he had bought a large consignment of blue dye before his passing, though no record is found within the baron's books.  Not long after, the nurse herself passed away of the Grey Death also.

News filters in from the South that a previously unaligned party has added its support to the war.  Lord Blow of Oathbreaker (a Conricht byblow who succeeded after Henry Conricht and his immediate heirs were wiped out by Grey Death) has agreed to join the side of the Regency, having been shamed by diplomatic communications for his cowardice.  He has brought his full force from the fort and rendezvoused in Lorvese to help secure the bridges.

Comte Blow, the de facto Comte of Oathbreaker Fort, has left the fort and taken three Disciplined Archer regiments north to Lorvese, taking residence in the fort there.

"We best know how the city before we try anything."

Enter the city and begin conducting initial intelligence:
   a.Enter the temple of the Fortmag* and commune with the gods, asking the local priests the god's disposition on the current jarl.
   b.Go to the equivalent of the markets of the town and find out how trade is going.
   c. Carefully approach people in taverns to find out the general wellbeing of the town and their views on the jarl.

Unlike Sigmund, a Varchban (the lineage of rulers), you learn that Jarl Eirek is of Projban birth (the line of warriors).  [3] The local priests support such a ruler, as although he is not of ideal birth the present times call for warriors as much as statesmen.  [4] Interestingly, you learn that you are yourself a Varchban based on the clan lineage of your grandfather.

[5] Trade is extremely erratic, based upon when slaving fleets from distant shores return.  You learn that slaving and raiding on the nearer Adranic and Eldanic shores has almost ceased completely, though the reasons for this are apparently not spoken of.  The city is struggling, and there is a lot of support for any move that would bring fresh wealth back to the citizens.

[3] Difficult as life is, people are generally behind their jarl.  It says something for the Haegar mentality that the worse things grow, the more steadfast they become.  Rebellions and treachery seem to happen most when things are fine.  Even so, there are a handful left who were loyal to the old order.

Walk the streets and alleys of stormstead looking for the street dwellers, If I find any give them a message

"If you seek a chance to raise yourself from this life then join me brother and together we will avenge the wrong we suffered on a world that abandoned us.

Also listen to what people say as I walk in case anybody has a job that needs doing.

[3] While there are plenty of petty vengeances in the city, nothing stands out as worthy of your time (or pays enough).  Of course, no doubt the nobles all have enemies who might pay their killer well, but otherwise work is short.  News does float down to you about multiple killings related to the storming of a local tavern to bust a thief ring, and there are of course the old tales of a Ralkarian assassin who cleared out a whole ship in Spring.

[1+1] There are plenty in these times who are down on their luck and looking to make money, and the riots have only made matters worse.  On the other hand, efforts to stamp down the riots have significantly increased policing efforts and it isn't long before your recruitment is noticed by a member of Marquis Stonewood's personal guard.  [5] The lone, armed guardsman corners you in an alleyway and strongly suggests you come with him if you know what's good for you; no doubt the Marquis will want to 'talk' with such a dangerous rabble-rouser personally.

Reestablish order in the City by any means possible. Sent Regiments to crack down on the rioters, at first in a peaceful manner, but respond with violence should they refuse to disperse. Hang particular violent rioters and the leading figures should need be.

Meanwhile scour the city for mercenaries willing to hire themselves out.

[6] You aren't a diplomat, but force speaks for itself.  Rebellion and rioting is crushed and personal freedoms are extremely curtailed in the name of order.  Violent criminals, dissidents and any people who even seem vaguely suspicious or foreign are rounded up and publicly executed to make a point.  People are angry and unhappy, but they don't grumble lest their tongues be cut out.  The legacy of your work are silent, still and very orderly streets and a city square lined with noose after noose after noose.  [+1 to Urban unrest.  No more riots.]

Lord Stonewood has acquired the epithet "The Hangman".

[4] Mercenaries are never particularly liked in peace-time, and in war they are even less popular.  That said, your own court provides a solution.  Lady de Braganca has contact with an Altanic company from her homelands, [5] a company of armoured knights called the Artulan Band [Heavy Cavalry].  They could be hired for an initial fee of three ducats, plus half a ducat per season for each season after the first.  If hired now, they would arrive in Windheath at the start of Winter.

Just as Parnoth requested, all of Edgard's brides/wives to be are sent on to Lorvese to be kept safe there. They cannot leave the country however.

Parnoth ferries Edgard's wives to Lorvese, where they are given good quarters and placed under the protection of Lord Blow.  Then Parnoth orders all his troops onto his ships...

At the meeting on the bridge...

Lords gathered, riding out to a safe distance to face one another, preparing themselves for another round of speeches and accusations.  Just as the Regent and Prince prepared to have a second go at it a runner hurtled up the bridge from Richard's side, halting in his tracks as scores of bows were drawn in suspicion of treachery.  He shouted out his message from a distance.

"Prince Richard, I bear ill tidings!  One of our scouts along the Arendal reports that Parnoth's ships have set sail and are close to Westwatch.  They say he has brought his whole army.  If we move now, we might still-"

Another messenger arrives on the bridge, exhausted and riding an even more exhausted horse.  He collapses off the saddle and delivers his message in a ragged croak before passing out on the bridge.

"My liege, Westwatch!  Westwatch has fallen!"

Espionage: 4 versus 5.  Failed to spot, therefore no logistics roll to catch up.

While Richard and his whole army were focused on the meeting at the bridge, at rooting out potential spies in their ranks and expecting treachery from Edgard's archers, all eyes were turned away from the south of Stormstead.  With the bridge fallen, five white pairs of sails slipped past the island in the night and had reached the mouth of the Arendal long before a breathless runner even came within sight of the army camped north of the Stormstead bridge.

The ships made a rough port in the early morning and waded out onto the beach at Westwatch*; five battalions of two hundred men clad in mail with mace and sword.  Westwatch's high battlements rose above the rocky cliffs on the eastern edge of the island, upon which the fearful garrison clutched their blades and prayed to Ziamdaka to take their souls with care.  They were poorly equipped and outnumbered five-to-one, even with the powerful defences of Westwatch at their side.

5 Heavy Infantry, Aggressive Commander.
1 Garrison Infantry, +2 Fort bonus.
[11] versus [3] = 6 v 1.

The fort fell within an hour of simply rushing the gates and fighting up the narrow stairwells until the fort commander lay dead, thrown from the roof onto the rocks below.  Within two more hours, the bodies were cleared, clay-packed and buried and the fort was taken.  Preparations began to burn the northern bridge...

If Parnoth's attempt to burn the northern bridge is opposed, a successful Logistics speed check will mean that an army can reach there in time to stop the bridge being burned.  If not, it will just burn.  Parnoth has no Logistics bonus.

*Situated at the eastern-most point of the Arendal, Westwatch's name is believed to date back to a time when Altaregia was its own independent city.  The keep was not meant to guard Windheath's eastern border and coast, but to guard Altaregia against everything else (i.e. everything to the west).  This has nevertheless confused cartographers and historians for centuries.  Alternate suggestions include the idea that one may look out or watch westward upon the whole of Adrania, the possibility that it was built by a Lord West or perhaps that its original patron was just a sadistic bastard who enjoyed irony.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 10:27:57 pm by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1123 on: October 03, 2012, 11:52:27 pm »

Talinth sighed and took off his helmet, long hair falling over his armor's collar as he sat down with Sahainn dutifully resting by his side to think for a while. His gaze shifted to Barran and Mary.
"Both of you. Whilst the criminals who plotted to make the King fall ill are still roaming free, we can not decide about your fate. It would only be proper to do so when they are caught and our King starts to heal. We now have another clue: before the elder brother died, he talked about Liodnya, and apparently tried to give me a name, but he was killed by an assassin...And I heard about a curse around town."

The knight stood up, swiftly putting his helmet back on before moving to leave with his worg friend, shooting a look at the Bravo before doing so.
"But Barran, tricking someone, and a maiden at that, is not what I would call befitting of someone who still considers himself a man of honor. Even if no one ever discovers about this, your image is stained for the afterlife. That woman loved and trusted you, and you paid her with treachery. I feel ashamed for you."

Talinth explains what he saw then moves to continue his investigation by a) trying to track down the source of what the brothers took to the castle the last day Barran allowed them in, b) searching for clues on that ralkarian assasin and c) try to discover what he can about the activities of Liodnya's agents around town.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


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Re: You are King III: Autumn 937 AAL
« Reply #1124 on: October 04, 2012, 12:30:36 am »

-Before the meeting-

"I do not pretend to know the future."  Cyrils eyes remained on the distant dot of his friend on the horizon, "As you may know, they call me the bastard.  I was born to a foriegner, and a slave.  I lived beneath you and yours, as well as they and thems.. wine bearer, whipping boy, cauldron scrubber.  But, I eventually was taken on as a squire," Cyril smirked a bit,"I had no idea how I was given such good fortune, then the marquiss's wife fell in and died, and suddenly.. I wasn't just a squire, soon to be knight, no, I was a noble.  Just.. like that, as if I had always been one.  Suddenly those who treated me like shit treated me like gold, or at least silver.  A childless woman of an adultress man fell ill, and the outcome was what I am before you.  Sometimes bad fortune for one leads to great reward for the other.  I don't pretend to know the future, the future always suprises you, no matter how much you expect it."

-At the meeting-

Cyril arrived, "Richard" Cyril nodded to the prince, and then a sweeping hand motion towards the other lords, "Others, I do hope we can come to a peaceful resolution, I have grown quite fond of you all in our time together, I'd hate to have to kill you."
Slacker an illustrated story. Actually updated!?
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