If you're bothered by that as an author, why not just bring over the information yourself, if it still is in fact accurate.
This statement sumed it up.
This is an open forum for any user that wants to join, for whatever reasons, and we are free to express ourselves. However, Richards, even though I (kind of) understand your indignation, it does not justify calling
Quietust, one of our most important and contributing members
ever, a "problem" and demanding anything.
Yes, the wiki is as much ours and Quietust's as it is of the authors, like you said. Then you're not in position to demand.
The wiki is not a simple "complement" to the game, like most wikis. People don't go there to search for quests or whatever. They go there to
literally learn how to play, because this game is so complex that it is borderline impossible to be properly played without common shared knowledge, may it be personally inbetween players (which is more than often inaccurate) or through the wiki. The wiki should be as trustworthy as possible.
I'm a D for Dwarf fan myself, and have read most of these articles. I found them extremely amusing and entertaining, even the ones that contained true information amongst jokes and such. But when I was playing seriously, interested in learning more, I mostly skipped these articles. Although most are funny and
very well written, they end up not having as much credibility, which is an important point in any wiki (especially when you strongly rely on it's content).
Even today, with all the "scrapped" content you mentioned, there are still inaccurate articles and information spread by people as truth because they see it on the wiki. If one reads a wiki article, he will very likely believe it without questioning, because he'll probably consider it to be tested
before getting on the wiki. Most people that are looking for funny DF-related content come to the forums in the first place, the wiki is meant to be a "serious" (as it gets) place with reliable information.