Players are Aeliato (Caellath), Derm(Derm), Lia (Tiruin), and J.B.T (borno).
Waitlisted killerhellhound, Sil (ironyOwl), and Ann (HMH)
Waking up in your small, flea infested mattress you call a bed, you notice that the morning sun is streaming through the small rectangular hole high in the wall. Like all days, the tower is chilly and strangely humid. Or more exactly, your room is chilly and humid. Whenever you go into the library, you marvel at the cool, dry environment the books enjoy; whenever you enter the wizard's alchemy lab, the dry, warm air also is a shock. Oh, the wizard. He's quite a weird fellow. He almost never comes out of the tower, but he seems to know everything. He also has exotic tastes, such as ostrich eggs, West Coast fish (despite the tower being inland and rather far from the sea), and pheonix meat (the pheonix has to be kept alive until the meat is all digested; else, you end up with scorched insides and a pile of ash were the meat was).
The wizard told you to come to his study after you woke up today, since he decided to start sending you and your fellow apprentices on 'quests', or in less diplomatic terms go-fetch chores.
Ah, before you go, you realize that the wizard left seven tomes on your bedside, each bearing a title. He told you to choose one and only one, and get your little mind wrapped around the small piece of the unfanthomable universe that is contained therein. He also told you that if you open more than one book, you'll be zapped.
The Old but Not Olde Book of Common Magic
The Average Book of the Average Universe, part 3
The Slightly Uncommon Tome of Lesser Magic
The Uncommon Tome of Lesser Magic
The Tome of the Most Rare and Specific Magic
Obscure Magic Arcana