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Author Topic: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)  (Read 407998 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2580 on: February 28, 2016, 08:51:42 pm »

I was thinking that perhaps it might be a good idea to put up a "Guide to Running Good Games" or "Guide to Being a Good GM" thread. Because we don't currently seem to have a thread for such...
A Thousand Treasures (And You).

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2581 on: February 28, 2016, 10:39:00 pm »

We have a guide to good games thread somewhere.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2582 on: February 28, 2016, 10:42:53 pm »

There's a request for help in that department in Creative Projects, aye.
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2583 on: February 29, 2016, 03:17:07 am »

No, I meant Remnants selling to Orbitals. I had thought Remnants were more advanced; since it said that they had highly advanced technology, so I assumed that they were the most technologically advanced, while the Orbitals just lived on the remains of the Old Earth.
Now, knowing about the infrastructure, I understand it better now. Thanks!
The Earth example is pretty cool, BTW.

Humm, I might've been a bit unclear, I suppose. Orbitals don't live in the remains of Old Earth - they live cosily in orbit, and are unarguably the most advanced and 'safest' society in Sol. Remnants are advanced, too, even more advanced in some specific areas (survival and adaptation tech, terraforming, etc.).

Looks pretty sweet to me. I'd definitely be interested in playing

So, for nanoclouds and hacking, is it assumed that they're just everpresent, and that makes it impossible to disconnect from the network? Or is it just so essential that doing it to avoid hacking would be like strapping your arm behind your back so it doesn't get cut off?

Oh! And you probably already know this, but Venus would be a lot easier to colonize than a lot of people think. Just not the surface. Nitrogen-oxygen mix is a lifting gas in it's atmosphere, and 50km or so above the surface, the temperature and pressure are fairly similar to Earth's.

Wireless networks are so ever-present it would be an extreme move to cut yourself off, yeah. This isn't because of the nanoclouds, though - they made up the 'datasphere' of Earth, which was taken over by the Rampancy and later purged. It was never rebuilt, and the current system is generally thought to be safer. Most people have casters, augs that project a local wireless network called the proxnet (a term I have shamelessly ripped off Dan Simmons, I think), allowing for easy exchange of data between individuals. These casters also support and provide access to a wider farnet, and the casters can link together and boost their signals - so places with high populations generally have stronger and faster networks. This also makes it very difficult to shut down the network - every user is a source of it as well. The Old Earth datasphere included everyone from above, while this originates from below, from yourself, making it easier to disconnect and more secure.

I don't know if that fully makes sense; elements of the setting are still up for changes. And to properly answer your question - yes, you can cut yourself off, but you lose access to a world of communication and data. For those who have lived their entire lives connected, the psychological shock alone can be pretty bad. It's generally seen as a desperate move, and very suspicious in normal society (your proxnet casting is also a kind of ID in most places). It's not even a perfect solution - some signals can penetrate even shutdown systems and reactivate them without the user's consent.

That said, plenty of Earthborn and outsolar weirdoes live their entire lives without casters or any access to prox- or farnet.

I'd actually forgotten that about Venus. A lovely idea to work in.

@Orbitals and trade: Some good thoughts and points. Certainly the Orbitals are ever-hungry for culture from everywhere else (though they obviously also produce their own), whether Old Earth antiques and relics, the latest in android philosophy, reports of highly immoral psychological experiments run in some isolated outsolar outpost, etc. etc.

Information is also big - Earth may occasionally provide the location of some secret vault built during the Descent or such, but mainly it is just 'gangland gossip'. But this is a society who doesn't need to worry about survival or value things as we do. An Orbital following Earthborn politics like one might follow a favorite tv show will be happy to greatly reward someone for a few latest rumors from the ground. Scavenged tech and curiosities from outsolars etc. are also much sought after. Not because it's somehow more advanced or powerful (though sometimes it is), but simply because it's so different and exciting.

If you want to think of it that way, the Orbitals are still an enormous consumer culture with endless demand for experiences and things not native to their maintained perfect little home.

Of course, there are still things the Orbitals might want that are more 'important' (from our perspective; not necessarily theirs). Captured footage of a new Machine superweapon. Sensor readings indicating extremely high-power experiments in a thought-abandoned station off Io. A Martian report of potential weaknesses in Orbital security systems. You get the point.

You have to keep in mind, though, that the Orbitals are less a state and more a bunch of people who only occasionally come together as a group. The interests they have, the trading they do, differs from individual to individual.

You've probably let me ramble on for too long. Though I do want to get into detail about the Machines, but maybe that can wait. I welcome questions, criticisms, ideas, though.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2584 on: February 29, 2016, 11:47:48 am »

No, I meant Remnants selling to Orbitals. I had thought Remnants were more advanced; since it said that they had highly advanced technology, so I assumed that they were the most technologically advanced, while the Orbitals just lived on the remains of the Old Earth.
Now, knowing about the infrastructure, I understand it better now. Thanks!
The Earth example is pretty cool, BTW.

Humm, I might've been a bit unclear, I suppose. Orbitals don't live in the remains of Old Earth - they live cosily in orbit, and are unarguably the most advanced and 'safest' society in Sol. Remnants are advanced, too, even more advanced in some specific areas (survival and adaptation tech, terraforming, etc.).
No, I understood where they live; it's just the cognitive dissonance between the fact that the Orbitals are basically unorganized hedonists, yet have the most advanced tech. They have little reason to innovate; they can just loot the vaults of the Old Earth for what they need. That's why I thought that they would have simply stagnated at a tech cap, like a cargo cult of the Roman Empire, while the Remnants needed to struggle to survive, pushing innovation. They're post-scarcity, so they only need to innovate in luxury items and services.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2585 on: February 29, 2016, 12:05:08 pm »

Well, the Orbitals weren't always like this - and being very hedonistic doesn't stop individuals from pursuing new avenues of science even now, though they have slowed as a whole. They looted tech and infrastructure, yeah, but they didn't stop there - it was a foundation for technological advancement that boomed in the decades following the Descent. The Remnants' struggle to survive has pushed innovation, yes, but it was still a struggle of survival, hampering population numbers, forcing an inwards focus.

Who knows, things might be changing - the Orbitals might be stagnating while the Remnants are just advancing with increasing pace - but the effects of that aren't yet that apparent if so.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2586 on: February 29, 2016, 12:08:21 pm »

I suppose it helps that the Orbitals that want to pursue science for the sake of it are probably the smartest ones, and they've got effectively unlimited resources to dedicate to that aim, which perhaps the Remmants do not for the most part.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2588 on: February 29, 2016, 07:39:58 pm »

Now I'm excited about this. I've had Venusian sky-pirates on my mind all day.

Venus has a higher orbital velocity around the sun, meaning it's a better launching station than Earth for getting from the inner solar system to the outer solar system, and with plenty of sun to soak up and carbon dioxide to use, floating stations could have very productive farms to support the trade hub. Combined with the technology being at least good enough, it seems, to support working on the surface for some/short periods/automated bits, and the relative cost of transporting via future-tech airship versus going into space every time, goods will probably get moved around quite a bit via atmosphere. And with such a thick atmosphere, and sulfuric acid clouds to hide in, so much empty space, and with resource scarcity(water, mainly) being such a risk(venus has approximately no hydrogen), well...piracy can be very attractive. Given the risk of things not rated for 90 atmos pressure falling to the surface and being crushed to uselessness, just blasting you out of the sky isn't really an option (and given the added complexities that would be present in most combustion engines or weapon systems(in atmosphere that thick, lasers are...difficult...) without oxygenated atmosphere...), so boarding is a thing again.

Or something. Probably getting ahead of myself. Sorry about that.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.

My Name is Immaterial

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2589 on: February 29, 2016, 07:48:26 pm »

I'm going to have to step up my game if I want to play.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2590 on: February 29, 2016, 10:52:03 pm »

So I have this system I like, but I'm trying to decide if/how to expand it.

Basically, when someone attempts something, you add their strength/relevant stat (I don't actually know if I'm going to have discrete stats/skills) together with whoever's opposing them or whatever the difficulty rating of the task is, then roll between the values and whichever segment the die shows is the winner. As in, 3v4 yields 1d8, with 1,2,3 meaning the first guy wins or the action succeeds, and 4,5,6,7 meaning the second guy wins or the action fails. 8 is a reroll and only exists because I prefer physical dice to online rollers.

So the trouble I'm having is what, if anything, happens at that point. I could just leave it at that, but binary success or failure is kind of boring. For that matter, flat failure in general is kind of boring; I'd rather avoid "you waste a turn" type outcomes as much as possible, and lean instead towards "you succeed but have caught on fire" or "it works but screams constantly in the voice of the damned" when an action has to not go so well.

One thing I did consider was crit/backfire numbers, but since we're not rolling on a specific die size their odds of happening would scale oddly with player skill/power. Assuming your highest and lowest numbers were significant, for instance, 4 Power would mean a 25% crit chance and a 25% backfire chance, while 10 Combat would mean 10% on each.

Another thing I thought of was rerolling to "confirm," as in, if you succeed, you reroll to gain a boon on a second success and just succeed normally on a failure, while if you fail, you reroll again to see if you suffer extra maluses on a second failure or just fail normally on a success. Or the success could produce a normal result on a second success and a flawed success on a failure, or you could chain results to produce multiple flaws/benefits, or...

I also considered "expending" values on a reroll, to avoid the problem of higher values being exponentially better on multiple rerolls. Rerolling and accruing benefits or penalties until you fail or succeed starts to get ridiculous if you have a 90% success or failure rate, for instance. If you lose value every time you land on that section, things usually even out quicker. In this particular case, I was thinking of ditching the number you rolled and all values to "your side" of it, so rolling a 3 out of 1,2,3,4,5 wipes out three numbers, leaving you with 2 Mechanics for the next roll, while rolling a 4 on a 4,5,6 wipes out everything and it's physically impossible for you to succeed on any further rerolls. Or fail, if failure chances were also expended in that manner.

It also occurred to me that I could track successes/failures as components or requirements themselves, with the alternative being side effects to that. So for instance, you could need 3 Successes to produce a given item or learn some specific information, and however many Failures you stack up rolling those successes goes towards harming you in some way. The problem here is that it feels a little abstract and requires a great deal more rolling, especially for unlikely odds. It also helps even out rolls, which I'm not sure I want.

So yeah. Lots of options, but it feels flat just leaving it as a binary success/failure thing, and I'm not positive how I should give it depth.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2591 on: March 01, 2016, 12:47:11 am »

Venus has a higher orbital velocity around the sun, meaning it's a better launching station than Earth for getting from the inner solar system to the outer solar system,

Not really no. Venus is further inside the system, hence energetically further separated.

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2592 on: March 01, 2016, 12:51:20 am »

Or something. Probably getting ahead of myself. Sorry about that.

By all means. It gives me an idea of what kind of characters people might make and helps me worldbuild.

@Irony: Interesting. I like the 'successes/failures as components' thing, a great deal more rolling or not. Is the confirming an optional thing? I like the thought you could choose to risk your basic vanilla success in hopes of getting a great success... with the chance of turning it into a flawed success instead. Or try to get something out of your failure, only to just make it worse. Depending on the kind of game you run, though, it might need to be automatic to avoid slowing down turns.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2593 on: March 01, 2016, 01:01:44 am »

Venus has a higher orbital velocity around the sun, meaning it's a better launching station than Earth for getting from the inner solar system to the outer solar system,

Not really no. Venus is further inside the system, hence energetically further separated.
I'm not just extrapolating from random ideas about how this works. Being farther in does not, in this case, mean necessarily farther separated. The difference isn't much, but Venus->Ceres at minimum energy is 0.95 years. Earth->Ceres at minimum energy is 1.05 years. The increased speed of the orbit, in this case, makes up for the difference in plain distance. Since the Asteroid belt is 'huge' and has very little density, getting to different parts with enough waystations can be a challenge if you're trying to stay in it. Going to Venus and then back out to a different point can/could very well be easier.
Sincerely, Role P. Geek

Optimism is Painful.
Optimize anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Gaming Block (Game Discussion Thread) (Totally Not Roller's Block)
« Reply #2594 on: March 01, 2016, 01:44:19 am »

Venus has a higher orbital velocity around the sun, meaning it's a better launching station than Earth for getting from the inner solar system to the outer solar system,

Not really no. Venus is further inside the system, hence energetically further separated.
I'm not just extrapolating from random ideas about how this works. Being farther in does not, in this case, mean necessarily farther separated. The difference isn't much, but Venus->Ceres at minimum energy is 0.95 years. Earth->Ceres at minimum energy is 1.05 years. The increased speed of the orbit, in this case, makes up for the difference in plain distance. Since the Asteroid belt is 'huge' and has very little density, getting to different parts with enough waystations can be a challenge if you're trying to stay in it. Going to Venus and then back out to a different point can/could very well be easier.

Do you have the math for this?

Afaik, you wouldn't keep any of this increased orbital speed, you'll lose it to gravity as you climb out of the sun's gravity well.
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