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Author Topic: Schemes and Shadows  (Read 22762 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Na vazeal kwah-kai
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A note about the direction of the game for The Fool:

I don't think that your playing style is meshing with the thematic goals of this campaign. You are playing the game in a more traditional dnd style, receiving cues and reacting.  Such a playing style is going to be very slow in the play by post format we are using here.  This campaign isn't supposed to be built around these things.  It's supposed to be about the players seeking out information about the world around them and then deciding how they are going to shape that world.  The money that Orsi owed Aldun wasn't supposed to be the focus of the opening chapter.  It was supposed to be the thing that got Aldun involved with the bigger story going on in the shadows, the cargo that Orsi had seized, the items that were sold before he was caught, the association with the previous crackdowns on halflings.

If you aren't interested in playing the style of game that I'm trying to run then I completely understand if you don't want to continue.  There will be other campaigns and I wish you luck with them.  But if you do want to continue with this particular game you'd need to change the way you are doing things to reflect the focus of the campaign.


"I apologize, Marshal. I had assumed that the rumors were simply the paranoid superstitions of peasants. There are far more who are foolish enough to claim that anything they don't understand belongs to the demonic realms than there are those foolish enough to actually go charging into those realms to say hi. As for the knife, don't worry about that. My injury was not your fault. It is safe for you to touch. It's only dangerous to me. For now, anyway."

(Look him in the eyes)

"Marshal, I have no authority within the province to command you in this matter. Narseus is a free city, and my kingdom lies elsewhere. However, I strongly advise you to accept my help."

(If he appears willing to listen, then walk back over to the table.)

"Some of these items are valuable. Some are worthless. The knife, obviously, is magic. Most of the rest is not. (Point to the ram skull.) I suggest you destroy that. Smash it to pieces and bury it outside of town. It is of little consequence on its own, but could possibly be used in some esoteric ritual and serves no particular other purpose. (Wave hands over the various metal instruments.) These are harmless. Sell them, throw them away, give them to your blacksmith to smelt into useful metal...they don't matter. This...vile thing that it is... (pick up the gaudy fabric with a look of horror and disgust on my face) a hideous crime against fashion. Please burn it. (Say it with a straight face, but go ahead and smile if he does too.) This... (pick up the vial with insect wings, hold it up to my eye and shake it gently) valuable. (Look at him.) But it is like an axe that can be used equally well to murder a man as to cut trees for firewood. It is neither good nor evil. Simply useful. I request that you relinquish it into my care. (Set it down.) These....(indicate the various parchments) appear to be the ramblings of a man who was either already possessed, or was soon to be. They are written in a variety of tongues, and appear to describe his efforts towards some sort of imminent event involving a demon whose name I will not speak aloud. Unfortunately the writings appear to be incomplete. Many pages are missing, and of the pages that are available, I have yet to decipher entirely. Given time I might learn more. I request that you entrust these into my care as well."

Testing Aduial's theory the Marshal cautiously picks up the knife when she says it is safe.  He shows no sign of a reaction to it.  After slowly running a hand along the length of the blade he wipes the knife on the guady fabrics out of habit before laying it down.  He nods assent to her offer of advice.

He seems a bit troubled by what she has to say but starts by taking it in silently.  He picks up the rams skull and holds it contemplatively.  Aduial can't help but notice that without that piece the pile looks more like the contents of a library refuse pile then items of importance.  The marshal seems to not even notice Aduial's joke about the fabric and continues to stare at the item in his hand.  He sets down the skull to the side and picks up the vial of flies wings that she is describing.  He squints at it as it trying to understand the point.  "What are these, bits of flies?  Well if you can make some use of them."  He hands the item over to Aduial then looks back to the pile without a second thought.  ((Aduial's bluff check beat his sense motive by 1.  If you want to use the flies wings then tell me when you are preparing spells.))

The parchments however he is less willing to hand over.  "Whatever these writings are they are one of the few insights the town has into the mindset of it's enemies.  For now they are staying here."  But your advice is appreciated.  He opens the door and calls in the guards outside the room.  "Take this and the cloth down to the yard." he instructs them as he hands over the skull.  "Smash the skull to bits and dispose of the cloths however you see fit."  The men depart and the marshal turns back to the lady asking her if there was anything else.

"Which brings us to Baron Radhan. I know you've expressed reluctance to let me speak with him, but I suspect his involvement with this affair might not be what you think. It's probably best for his safety that he remain in your custody. I recommend that he be kept under guard. Not so much to keep him from getting out, but to keep cultists from getting in."
The marshal seems pleasantly surprised by this request.  "I was expecting you to make a different request on this matter.  This is one I can easily grant."

"There are two ways he may be able to help us. First, if you will not let me see him, then I would ask that you see him yourself. You two fought in the war together, yes? He's likely to trust you. Ask him if he has a son his wife doesn't know about. I'm guessing that he does. Second, sit him down with a bucket of water ready...and ask him to touch the knife. If I'm right, he'll react almost as strongly to it as I did. About...half as strongly."

As Aduial continues the marshal seems a little skeptical.  "Padros Radhan siring a bastard?  The man always seemed so honorable.  Still it would be the better part of a decade ago when he was still quite young.  And there does appear to be much I don't know about the man.  I will ask him but don't discuss this notion with anyone else."

"With that test really would be best that we destroy the knife. It was intended to be used to perform a sacrifice to a specific demon. The only uncertain thing is why the cultists would prefer to sacrifice the Baron's son rather than the Baron himself. It's possible they might need a virgin. Good to know that I'm safe."

The marshal is clearly caught off guard by Aduial's remark about her sexual experience.  He opens his mouth but decides not to comment on it.  Instead he looks at the knife.  "That sounds... wise.  Yes, let's do that as soon as possible."

"If possible, I suggest we do this the easy way. Have your men rest the blade against a rock, and smash it to splinters with a mace. It might be that simple. If it doesn't break, smash it a bunch more times. If Narseus has a crematorium, or a brick burning kiln, we can burn it to dust. If not, have a peasant grind it into powder with a millstone. Though if it comes that, I recommend the stone not be used for grinding grain afterwards. However we destroy it, take the shattered fragments and spread them at sea. Don't get me wrong. I'm a wizard. I'm all in favor of magical solutions. But you know from personal experience how effective a simple warhammer to the face can be when dealing with orcs, demons and their ilk. If we can do this the easy way, let's do it the easy way. If not, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

The marshal merely nods at this, having no knowledge of such things.

"That does still leave the matter of the cultists. It takes a great deal of time and effort to create a magic item such as this. It will not be easily replaced. Destroying the knife should set them back tremendously, but it won't stop them forever. You said these items were recovered from a caravan, yes? If you have anyone from that caravan in custody, I would like to speak with them. Hopefully, it will turn out that the caravan acquired these items with purely innocent intent. One genuine artifact amidst so much's possible they were simply merchants collecting scary-looking items for resale, with no idea what they'd found. If so, then we may be looking at artifacts left over from a conspiracy that failed years ago rather than a conspiracy in the works today. I suggest we explore the possibilities."

Here Lorsen shakes his head.  "I feel like this can not possibly be the case.  The stench of this cult fills the entire halfling population of this region.  Then this merchant Orsi brings the knife into our town just one week after we rescue the child?  I don't believe it could be a coincidence despite his denials.  However... I suppose it would be prudent to delay his execution.

"Finally there is the matter of the boy. The one with tattoos who spoke in tongues. Tell me, did his speech sound like this: [Speak in Trafnor: "Fluffy bunnies are cute and you probably think this sounds ominous and scary, but you can't understand a word I'm saying haha! Boo!"]

The marshal actually smiles at this, a predatory grin that is the first happiness you have seen on his face.

"Not as scary as an orcish battle cry.  But it would be scary if a hundred warriors screamed it.  No, the boy didn't speak the tongue of the north."

I suspect he was the intended sacrifice. He may be the Baron's son. Or Sayud might be. Either way, what we need to know is whether it was his death that was required for a sacrifice that has yet to happen, or his living body that was required as a vessel as part of a sacrifice that has already occurred."

"So there it is. Would you have me wait while you speak to Baron Radhan privately, or shall I accompany you?"

The marshal doesn't acknowledge this question.  Instead he leads back against a table and crosses his arms while taking a moment to stare at Aduial contemplatively.
"You do not know that I speak Trafnor.  You respect the city law when it comes to the Baron.  You offer me prudent advice about destroying this blade and appear to have no ulterior motive.  I believe that you lied to me."  The marshal stares at Aduial intently and impassively.  He stares with the intensity of a hawk.  Or perhaps a statue of a hawk with unmoving eyes.  "You've never spoken to Count Dmarra in your life, have you?"  Aduail must have revealed some sign because he seems satisfied with what he sees.  "Interesting."  He doesn't seem angered by the lie, he almost seems reassured.

The marshal turns and picks up the knife.  He slips it in between his leather vest and shirt.  "The baron is being held at my home along with the child.  I will not allow you to speak to the baron but you can see the child if you wish.  Perhaps you can make some sense of the creature.  It's only a couple minutes walk.

Quick question: the room in this tower the items are kept in is lit by lanterns. Does it, or does it not have windows or other exterior access?

((No windows outside the tower but there are small windows the open to the walkway encircling the room as well as two doors on opposite sides of the room, both shut.))

A few minutes later the marshal welcomes Aduial into his home.  It is a home as nice as could be expected from a townhouse, two stories, no apartments above and several rooms per floor with a garden in front.  There is a bored looking porter standing watch inside the front door who unlocks it to let the pair in.  The marshal instructs her that the child will probably be in the kitchen being fed by the maid.  He says that the baron is upstairs and asks Aduial not to follow him.  Aduial watches from the base of the stairs as the marshal ascends and unlocks a door on the stair landing.  The door opens and Aduial hears a man speak out loudly so that she has no trouble hearing.  "Have you found her yet, Lorsen?"  Then the door slams shut and Aduail can hear no more of the conversation from where she stands.  She is standing in a hallway that leads to the back of the house from which she can hear someone, presumably the maid and the child.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


  • Bay Watcher
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(Aduial's bluff check beat his sense motive by 1.

Hmm. Ok, but I did tell him the truth.

If you want to use the flies wings then tell me when you are preparing spells.))

How will that work, exactly? So far as I've noticed, none of my spells actually use material components anyway.

The marshal is clearly caught off guard by Aduial's remark about her sexual experience.  He opens his mouth but decides not to comment on it.

*wink at the Marhsal*

: "Don't worry dear, you're safe from me. I'm not usually attracted to younger men."

If he doesn't appear to understand...just shrug and explain:

: "I'm an elf. I'm over 100 years old, and I'll still look this young after you're dead and buried. I'm no whore, Marshal. The last time I took a lover was more years ago than the last time you saw an orc on the march. But over the course of my 40 years amongst humans, there have been a few."

Here Lorsen shakes his head.  "I feel like this can not possibly be the case.  The stench of this cult fills the entire halfling population of this region. 

: "I understand. I'm not optimistic, either. But while it's prudent that we not dismiss these matters out of hand, let us also not assume the worst and thereby make them worse than they need to be"

I believe that you lied to me."  The marshal stares at Aduial intently and impassively.  He stares with the intensity of a hawk.  Or perhaps a statue of a hawk with unmoving eyes.  "You've never spoken to Count Dmarra in your life, have you?"  Aduail must have revealed some sign because he seems satisfied with what he sees.  "Interesting."  He doesn't seem angered by the lie, he almost seems reassured.

OOC: Wait, what? I never claimed the count sent me. I made a vague reference to 'certain nobles within house Dmarra'

I claimed to be serving in agency to house Dmarra. far as I know, I am. Aren't I?

He says that the baron is upstairs and asks Aduial not to follow him.

: "You might mention to the man that his house is in order, and that his wife has left Narseus to stay with relatives. His servant, Erwin, appears to be a competant steward."

the child will probably be in the kitchen being fed by the maid

Ok. Go in and say hello to both of them. Be friendly. Observe. Look at his tattoos. Try out the various languages at my disposal if he's not responsive to common.

The Fool

  • Bay Watcher
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A note about the direction of the game for The Fool:

I don't think that your playing style is meshing with the thematic goals of this campaign. You are playing the game in a more traditional dnd style, receiving cues and reacting.  Such a playing style is going to be very slow in the play by post format we are using here.  This campaign isn't supposed to be built around these things.  It's supposed to be about the players seeking out information about the world around them and then deciding how they are going to shape that world.  The money that Orsi owed Aldun wasn't supposed to be the focus of the opening chapter.  It was supposed to be the thing that got Aldun involved with the bigger story going on in the shadows, the cargo that Orsi had seized, the items that were sold before he was caught, the association with the previous crackdowns on halflings.

If you aren't interested in playing the style of game that I'm trying to run then I completely understand if you don't want to continue.  There will be other campaigns and I wish you luck with them.  But if you do want to continue with this particular game you'd need to change the way you are doing things to reflect the focus of the campaign.

The fact is that Aldun doesn't know the details about Orsi's illegal cargo, just that it was hot. I was intending to threaten him to tell me where the goods were as a bit of payback since he won't have the coin with him, but I don't know where Orsi is and the deal at the bar fell through because no details were given. My character kind of got screwed over with a lack of in-game knowledge. About the only thing I can do without adding characters would be interrogating a guard, which in itself is a terrible idea, but the only one that would lead to Orsi.

If I'm acting on my characters knowledge how can I do anything but take cues and react? Unless there were some freeform elements that I missed it should be the way to interact with someone else's world since you're the one writing it. If you want I can have a series of former employers and informants that I can use to find Orsi. I'm just hesitant to add something to your campaign without permission. If I can add them I'll change my action.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Na vazeal kwah-kai
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(Aduial's bluff check beat his sense motive by 1.

Hmm. Ok, but I did tell him the truth.

If you want to use the flies wings then tell me when you are preparing spells.))

How will that work, exactly? So far as I've noticed, none of my spells actually use material components anyway.

((Well I was considering it more bluff by omission.  He thinks that they're just dead bugs and doesn't realize he gave away an item of value.

There's a lot of off camera work that goes into spellcasting in this world.  The methods used are various, magical inks, astrological calculations, alchemical reactions.  So there's a lot of tediuos prepwork to turn mundane things like flies into magical ingredients.  This is why wizards aren't all rich from casting level 1 spells day after day for comission, doing so long term would exhaust their preparations.  The various types of prep provide the raw power that is then directed in the daily spell choices.  This is all in addition to the spell components that a spell might use at the time of casting.  Usually another wizards ingredients will be a hassle to use because it's like getting the ingredients for cooking halfway through the recipe but sometimes ingredients are stored for long term like the flies wings and are easier to appropriate, like a can of premade soup.  Aduial is assumed to have been keeping up with her prep work beforehand so she won't need to stop and replenish unless she casts five spells a day for a few days.))

OOC: Wait, what? I never claimed the count sent me. I made a vague reference to 'certain nobles within house Dmarra'

I claimed to be serving in agency to house Dmarra. far as I know, I am. Aren't I?

((I thought that Aduial was going on behalf of the king and her own initiative?  Either way, Lorsen has just figured out that Aduial is not closely working with House Dmarra and it's allies which had had previously believed/assumed.))

Ok. Go in and say hello to both of them. Be friendly. Observe. Look at his tattoos. Try out the various languages at my disposal if he's not responsive to common.

Aduial finds the pair in the kitchen.  The maid is a short, somewhat plain looking young woman who greats Aduial then resumes her cooking and singing into her food.  The child is a thin little boy who looks six or seven years old.  He has been dressed in proper clothing and his dirty brown hair has been cut but  his clothing hangs a bit awkwardly, probably originally someone else's.  He is eating some porridge when Aduial enters and briefly looks up to see her but then sheepishly looks back at his food.  Aduial thinks she might see a bit of elvish heritage to the human child, he lacks the distinctive ears but there is a bit of angular shape to his facial features.  As indicated previously he has tattoos across his face and arms.  They don't look like any sort of arcane tattoo Aduial has ever seen, instead they are large pointed shapes drawn across the flat surfaces of the face like blades.

Aduial greets the child with a few words of Braco but the child doesn't even look up.  "He doesn't say anything when you talk to him, dear." the maid says before going back to humming into her stew.  Unsurprised Aduial tries a few words of Trafnor but gets no reaction except a dirty glance from the maid.  Aduial tries engaging the child in Honpyt and get's nothing.  On a whim she tries speaking the tongue of her lost homeland and to her great surprise the boy looks up.

Timidly the boy barely meets Aduial's eyes and awkwardly tries to repeat what she just said in her native tongue  "Haylow likkle boy?  Haw rah you?"  He blinks a couple times then says something that Aduial doesn't comprehend.  The maid turns around surprised.  "That's the way he always speaks.  Do you understand what he is saying?"

If the boy is speaking a language then it is one that Aduial doesn't know.  But is seems to have some sounds in common with her language although it is more gutteral like the dwarvish tongue.  He shyly repeats things she says to him and responds to it with phrases in the language he speaks.  It seems that the word for "name" is common between the two languages.  If that is his case then his name is Opheon.  In her many years that is a name that Aduial has never encountered before.

The marshal enters the kitchen holding the bone knife from before.  The boy looks at it horrified and his eyes fixate back on his meal.  Lorsen hides the blade back in his leather vest before informing Aduial how his interview went.

"Regarding the question you wanted to ask about the Baron's son.  He says no and I didn't sense falsehood.  The effects of the knife weren't quite as you anticipated.  Pedros felt discomfort and said it felt like his hand was growing warm but wasn't hurt by the experience.  Still I agree with what you said before, I will have a couple of my men destroy this cursed thing today.  I expect that you will have found the boy speaks nothing but gibberish by now."
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Na vazeal kwah-kai
    • View Profile

A note about the direction of the game for The Fool:

I don't think that your playing style is meshing with the thematic goals of this campaign. You are playing the game in a more traditional dnd style, receiving cues and reacting.  Such a playing style is going to be very slow in the play by post format we are using here.  This campaign isn't supposed to be built around these things.  It's supposed to be about the players seeking out information about the world around them and then deciding how they are going to shape that world.  The money that Orsi owed Aldun wasn't supposed to be the focus of the opening chapter.  It was supposed to be the thing that got Aldun involved with the bigger story going on in the shadows, the cargo that Orsi had seized, the items that were sold before he was caught, the association with the previous crackdowns on halflings.

If you aren't interested in playing the style of game that I'm trying to run then I completely understand if you don't want to continue.  There will be other campaigns and I wish you luck with them.  But if you do want to continue with this particular game you'd need to change the way you are doing things to reflect the focus of the campaign.

The fact is that Aldun doesn't know the details about Orsi's illegal cargo, just that it was hot. I was intending to threaten him to tell me where the goods were as a bit of payback since he won't have the coin with him, but I don't know where Orsi is and the deal at the bar fell through because no details were given. My character kind of got screwed over with a lack of in-game knowledge. About the only thing I can do without adding characters would be interrogating a guard, which in itself is a terrible idea, but the only one that would lead to Orsi.

If I'm acting on my characters knowledge how can I do anything but take cues and react? Unless there were some freeform elements that I missed it should be the way to interact with someone else's world since you're the one writing it. If you want I can have a series of former employers and informants that I can use to find Orsi. I'm just hesitant to add something to your campaign without permission. If I can add them I'll change my action.

((It's not quite freeform but you are supposed to take initiative.  It's reasonable that Aldun would have some contacts.  But it's also a matter about engaging the story as presented.  If you are interested about the details of the cargo then why not ask the man who was storing that cargo?  It's reasonable that Aldun would have some contact but contacts are as important as him trying to accomplish something.  Lord Bucket was trying to work with you before and found it too difficult to do because you weren't being proactive enough about advancing the plot.

The story as it exists in my mind is pretty cloudy.  I have the core items worked out but I don't want to commit to planning out details that you will never encounter.  If I had things planned then I'd be railroading you.  But the cost of not railroading you is that you need to pick what areas of the story to explore.  Your actions will lead you to the key players in the story but I shove them onto you.  Instead you need to direct the story, tell me what your character is exploring and I will flesh things out for you.  This is what will lead to the real meat of the plot.))
« Last Edit: June 08, 2012, 01:34:19 pm by mainiac »
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


  • Bay Watcher
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Well I was considering it more bluff by omission.  He thinks that
they're just dead bugs and doesn't realize he gave away an item of value.

...erm....ok. But the first thing I said upon picking them up was that they were valuable:

This... (pick up the vial with insect wings, hold it up to my eye and shake it gently) valuable.

((I thought that Aduial was going on behalf of the king and her own initiative?  Either way, Lorsen has just figured out that Aduial is not closely working with House Dmarra and it's allies which had had previously believed/assumed.))

...we left some of the details fuzzy, but from my character background:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

From the beginning I thought my motivation for being here was to ingratiate myself to house Dmarra by helping stabilize the region for their benefit. The Baron Radhan plotline was introduced here, and in that post you even mentioned that I might or might not reveal my "complete" mission later. I assumed it was a lead-in to the main plot, kind of like Orsi, except that it's seemed to grow a life of its own. And then I didn't even get the PM mentioning the king's message until later. I just went with it.

But...we can easily resolve that simply by saying that Aduial either misunderstood the nature of their interest in the Baron's well-being, or alternately simply by saying that as an outsider to court Dmarra (she is) they were deliberately using her to serve their own goals by feeding her bad information, figuring that if things went bad none of the blame would be placed on them.

Aduial has already begun to suspect that it might not be in her best interest to be helpful to house Dmarra after all...but that's largely based on the fact that she's perceiving Lorsen as a guy who's basically well intentioned, with a big problem and a shortage of information, and just trying to do the best he can with what he has to work with.


Hmm. Ok. At some point we'll need to clarify some things about how magic works in this campaign. So far I've cast only a single spell, but there are a few things that are very likely to come up.

Personally, in my own campaigns that I run I use a totally custom set of house rules because even since 1st edition D&D has always had strangely inconsistent rules for handling magic. I glanced through the 3.5 players handbook last night, and they look to be even worse than first edition. Seems like they tried to fix things that weren't broken and ignored some of the things that were.

No, the boy didn't speak the tongue of the north.

they had a child.  A child from the northern wastes who had strange tattoos

I'm kind of having to deduce things here that would be totally common knowledge. Trafnor was originally described an as "ancient demonic tongue." But it turns out that Lorsen speaks it...and apparently even his maid recognizes it. So it's hardly as rare as I assumed it to be. On page 3 it was mentioned that the boy was brought from the northern wastes...and it wasn't until page 7 when Lorsen revealed that he spoke Trafnor that it was first described as the "tongue of the north." Prior to that, in the original post in the "starting area" spoiler the "lands to the north and west" were described as belonging to Count Dmarra. So...I guess...the orcs live northerer and Trafnor is their language. So, I can take that and retroactively deduce that Trafnor is apparently common orcish, spoken widely in the northerner lands...where the boy comes from...therefore the boy has probably had contact with orcs.

Aside from the fact that I would obviously not have assumed that Lorsen didn't speak any "common orcish" when I knew he'd been waging war against orcs 5 years ago...Aduial would have known that Trafnor is commonly spoken in the north rather than having to deduce it from a stray comment, and would reasonably have made the connection to the boy back on page 3 when she was first told the boy was from the northern wastes. All her deductions about the demonic connections and the sacrifice are now in question because the far simpler explanation is that he was simply a survivor of an orcish raid. I have no evidence that there's anything really demonic going on or any cults at all except Lorsen's insistence of these things and the rumormongering of peasants. Again, the far simpler explanation is that the boy recognized the knife because he's from the north where the orcs are, a survivor of an orcish raid, and it's an orcish blade. It's enchanted against elves because there were elves in the north with the orcs. We have evidence that there were...because that's where the boy came from. The only thing really tying him to the demon cult plotline is that his name appeared on the parchments from the caravan...but I only realized that it was his name when I read it because I had already connected him to the demon cult plotline. Without that connection, I would have had no reason to suspect his name was the one being mentioned on the parchment until just now when he told me that was his name. I suspected the need for a ritual sacrifice...elves are rare, and the boy was brought here, with the knife being brought here to do the ritual. But in light of recent events and realizations, it makes far more sense that there are no cults at all, nothing is amiss, the halflings were just selling spooky trade goods, and the knife is just a generic orcish weapon with an anti-elven enchantment. We have enough twists and misunderstandings going on here that I think things are starting to not make sense. I understand if you, as the DM, would rather not spoil the story by clarifying things. And I'll try to have Aduial just roll with it...but...just realize that while a day or two ago I was looking at situations and thinking "ok, the reason for that is either this, this or that." Now, I'm kind of looking at things and thinking "...uhh...ok, maybe he was mind controlled and did stuff and has no memory of it, because if not, there might not be anything going on at all."

I suppose it's possible there is a halfling cult, and the Baron is in on it despite being a half-elf himself. He freaked out over the law going after Orsi simply because they're both cultists, and all the emotional backstory from Erwin was just...overstated. Or maybe the halflings have a mage who's been mind controlling him for years...for some reason.

But again, at this point, "nothing really is going on, the halflings are dealing in spooky trade goods and the Marshal is panicking needlessly" seems to fit the available information better.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Na vazeal kwah-kai
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Motivations: I was misunderstanding Aduial's motivations before.  I like the outsider explanation though.  She has the tacit approval and appreciation of the king and the count in this matter but they aren't giving her any real support.  For them it's a good arrangement because they don't risk getting into trouble and she might be able to solve their problem for them.  If she can they would be duly appreciative.

The fly wings: I meant to say that Lorsen didn't realize they were a commodity.  He recognized that Aduial could use them but didn't realize they were something worth some coin.  If he knew that he wouldn't have handed them over so freely and promptly forgotten about them.  Wizards keep a lot of strange things around after all, sawdust, cat whiskers, mare's sweat, most of them don't have a market price.

Trafnor:  The maid doesn't speak a word of Trafnor, she just knows that it sounds nasty and thinks that nasty sounding things are evil.  Lorsen does speak Trafnor passably well because he has fought in multiple wars against the orcs.  He doesn't know how to read or write a word of it though, just how to speak it.  The language isn't common though, that's why he found Aduials comment so amusing, she could have said that comment to pretty much anyone else in the city and they wouldn't have caught it.  Fluency in Trafnor is no more common among the men-at-arms of Narseus then fluency in Arabic was among the crusaders.

Obscurity: It was intentional that there isn't yet definitive proof about whether the cultists Marshal Lorsen believes in actually exist.  There is a reason why people think he's losing it but there's also a reason why the men-at-arms are going along with it.  I also meant to for Aduials communication breakthrough to show that the tattoo'd boy was not from the northern wastes like everyone assumed.  He speaks a tongue and it is a civilized one rather akin to her own native tongue.  Perhaps I'm being too obscure on these matters?  I guess the way to judge that is if you think this is getting frustrating.  If it is I can try to fix things on my end.

Also, check the first post.  I added a preliminary map of the region to it.  Does the imagehosting work?
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.

The Fool

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((It's not quite freeform but you are supposed to take initiative.  It's reasonable that Aldun would have some contacts.  But it's also a matter about engaging the story as presented.  If you are interested about the details of the cargo then why not ask the man who was storing that cargo?  It's reasonable that Aldun would have some contact but contacts are as important as him trying to accomplish something.  Lord Bucket was trying to work with you before and found it too difficult to do because you weren't being proactive enough about advancing the plot.

The story as it exists in my mind is pretty cloudy.  I have the core items worked out but I don't want to commit to planning out details that you will never encounter.  If I had things planned then I'd be railroading you.  But the cost of not railroading you is that you need to pick what areas of the story to explore.  Your actions will lead you to the key players in the story but I shove them onto you.  Instead you need to direct the story, tell me what your character is exploring and I will flesh things out for you.  This is what will lead to the real meat of the plot.))

I'm out. This is ridiculous. There is one other player and no one was willing to say a word about me not taking initiative until now. If you want me to write differently say it early on. I don't mind writing long posts, but you need to be clear on what is and isn't allowed. For example I had no idea that I could write in former employers to talk to. It makes sense, but it isn't a normal mechanic for most forum games.

This goes for LordBucket as well. If I'm talking to you and you think I'm not writing effectively, tell me. You shouldn't drop conversations just because someone isn't writing in a way that you want. If you would have just said there was a problem with how I was writing then I might have been able to fix it before the conversation dropped.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Motivations: I was misunderstanding Aduial's motivations before.  I like the outsider explanation though.  She has the tacit approval and appreciation of the king and the count in this matter but they aren't giving her any real support.  For them it's a good arrangement because they don't risk getting into trouble and she might be able to solve their problem for them.  If she can they would be duly appreciative.

That sounds good, yes. As we talked about does seem like the surrounding nobility and Narseus share an inconveniently delicate relationship.

I added a preliminary map of the region to it.  Does the imagehosting work? I see the text descriptions, but just a few blank lines where it looks like the image is supposed to be. You might try They seem pretty reliable.

Wizards keep a lot of strange things around after all, sawdust, cat whiskers, mare's sweat, most of them don't have a market price.

True. Especially here, since I'm probably one of at most half a dozen wizards within a hundred miles. And while you mentioned that a wizard might pay several silver for the wings, there wouldn't be any buyers or sellers here.

The language isn't common though, that's why he found Aduials comment so amusing

...well, at least he got one of my jokes. :P

Perhaps I'm being too obscure on these matters?  I guess the way to judge that is if you think this is getting frustrating.  If it is I can try to fix things on my end.

I think it's not obscurity of information so much as misinterpretation of it. I think I'm picking up on the clues but we're interpreting information a bit differently based on different assumptions. Our misunderstanding about my motivations for being here, for example. Obviously that's a significant plot point. Or, your pointing out just now that I was supposed to deduce that the boy was not from the northern wastes based on him speaking a variant of my native elvish. Never occurred to me to guess that. I simply asumed there was another elvish kingdom that I hadn't known about. "North" has been treated somewhat loosely up until now. King Hawicce is "north." Count Dmarra is "north." Radhan's wife went "north." There's a frontier "north." Orcs are "north." The map will help with that once I can see it, but point being there's a lot of room for misinterpretation about that kind of thing.

Think I've decided what I'd like to do next. Should have my next post in the next hour or so.


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This goes for LordBucket as well. If I'm talking to you and you think I'm not writing effectively, tell me.


I spent most of pages 4, 5 and 6 of this thread just trying to get the party to unify. From my of view, you went from totally ignoring me to actively thwarting me.

I posted an out of character message to you with a suggestion on how we could plausibly meet up. You never responded, never acknowledged it, never acted on it. I went to the bar Entren was hanging out at, first thing he did was try to leave and go to sleep. So I dragged him back with the whole song thing, then the DM had an NPC bring you to that same tavern so we were all in the same place. The stage was totally set for us to "become a party" and you totally ignored it. I tried joining the conversation you were having with the bartender, and you not only ignored me, at one point you said that you were going to go back to where the bard was...not even acknowleding my presence in the room.

So I tried being less subtle. I started directly talking to you. You mentioned a jailbreak, so I tried to get us to do a jailbreak together. I obviously had no need to do a jailbreak myself, since I had an appointment to meet with the jailer the following morning...but I was willing to make changes to my own plans to give you an easy excuse for us to team up. But wanted to charge me money, and you wanted to charge a stupidly large amount of money. No...I'm not going to pay you 5 silver for the privilege of helping you with your own side quest. Remember, that's more than you've ever been paid for a job in your life, and yet you were complaining it wasn't enough.

So after all this, I pointed out that you needed this stuff a lot more than I did and that the jailbreak was your idea in the first place, but that our interests were compatible and we could work together...and you responded by once again insisting that if I gave you money you'd take the job. The job that was your idea and I that I only proposed we do together to get you involved in the story.

That was when I gave up.

The Fool

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Re: Schemes and Shadows, low fantasy dnd 3.5 game of politics and intruige
« Reply #100 on: June 08, 2012, 10:37:05 pm »

I posted an out of character message to you with a suggestion on how we could plausibly meet up. You never responded, never acknowledged it, never acted on it. I went to the bar Entren was hanging out at, first thing he did was try to leave and go to sleep. So I dragged him back with the whole song thing, then the DM had an NPC bring you to that same tavern so we were all in the same place. The stage was totally set for us to "become a party" and you totally ignored it. I tried joining the conversation you were having with the bartender, and you not only ignored me, at one point you said that you were going to go back to where the bard was...not even acknowleding my presence in the room.

1. My character has a code of honour. I wouldn't have stolen the bag anyways. I still should have noticed the unmarked spoiler (double brackets are more noticeable than the spoiler) and responded.
2. I was under the impression that you were sitting near the bard considering that you were talking to them just moments before. So I headed there under the impression that you were still there.

So I tried being less subtle. I started directly talking to you. You mentioned a jailbreak, so I tried to get us to do a jailbreak together. I obviously had no need to do a jailbreak myself, since I had an appointment to meet with the jailer the following morning...but I was willing to make changes to my own plans to give you an easy excuse for us to team up. But wanted to charge me money, and you wanted to charge a stupidly large amount of money. No...I'm not going to pay you 5 silver for the privilege of helping you with your own side quest. Remember, that's more than you've ever been paid for a job in your life, and yet you were complaining it wasn't enough.

I think we had a massive misunderstanding. I thought that you were hiring me to spring someone else out of jail, and that you were suggesting that I could find Orsi while I was at it. That would have been a long jailbreak, and it would ruin his reputation and his ability to work in the city. If it were the case 5 shields would be about right, even if it is a lot.

So after all this, I pointed out that you needed this stuff a lot more than I did and that the jailbreak was your idea in the first place, but that our interests were compatible and we could work together...and you responded by once again insisting that if I gave you money you'd take the job. The job that was your idea and I that I only proposed we do together to get you involved in the story.

Actually all you said was that we lacked mutual interests. You never once said that 5 shields was too much. That and I thought I was breaking someone else out. You'll note that I said "The jail I can handle, but I doubt I'd find Orsi there." a few posts before the conversation ended. I then went on to say roughly the same within the next post, because I was under the impression that you were leaving because you thought I wouldn't take the job for a lack of mutual interest.

This was clearly a rather extensive case of miscommunication that snowballed.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Schemes and Shadows, low fantasy dnd 3.5 game of politics and intruige
« Reply #101 on: June 08, 2012, 10:41:45 pm »

I expect that you will have found the boy speaks nothing but gibberish by now."

: "He appears to be speaking an elven dialect I'm unfamiliar with. Like how the human languages of Honpy and Braco resemble one another. There are words in common, similar roots and grammar...but it's impractical for two people who each speak one language to sit down and have a conversation together."

"The boy's name is Opheon. It means "origin" or "commencement." So far I've discovered little else."

"As expected, he looks to have some elvish blood, just like Baron Radhan. It's faint, but I see it in his face. He would probably have an adverse reaction to touching the knife, just like the baron did. Though I'm not about to ask either of you to find out. It's probably best that he stay here. He may be a target for the cultists."

The effects of the knife weren't quite as you anticipated.  Pedros felt discomfort
and said it felt like his hand was growing warm but wasn't hurt by the experience.

: "That is good for you and the Baron, and bad for me. It means that I may on the receiving end of a kidnapping attempt before long. Fortunately they'll want me alive."

(Glance at where the Marshal stowed the knife)

"You saw Opheon's reaction to the knife. Obviously he recognized it. I was told earlier that the boy was brought from the northern wastes. You've fought orcs. Is that an orcish blade? I recognize the magic it carries, but not the knife itself. Since there was nearly a week between Opheon and the knife coming into your seems unlikely that he would have had a bad experience with that particular knife. Perhaps he's seen similar knives elsewhere."

about the Baron's son.  He says no and I didn't sense falsehood

: "I see. Unfortunately, that tends to cast suspicion on the baron. If he were related to Sayud, or this boy by blood...that would explain why he went looking as soon as he found out that you were arresting Sayud. Without that explanation...I'm unsure why the Baron would go out of his way for some halfling glassmaker. His house servant claims that the Baron had a great fondness for him. I'd assumed there was a bastard child involved somewhere. If not...the next most reasonable explanation we have might well be that they're connected via some cult."

"Look, Marshal...I'm here to help him. You know that. I've made no secret of it. And I have other reasons for being here that I haven't told you, just as you have secrets that you haven't told me. For example, I couldn't help but overhear Baron Radhan shouting demands to know if you'd found some woman yet. What woman? Why are you looking for her? You haven't told me what reason you have to suspect the Baron of treason, other than at most...guilt by association. You haven't told me the circumstances by which you came to be in possession of cargo that formerly belonged to a merchant caravan. Was it raided? By whom? You haven't even told me what reason you have to suspect the halflings of forming a cult in the first place. And there are plenty of other things you're not telling me too. So, we don't entirely trust one another. I can accept that. But..."

(look him in the eyes)

"...I do believe that our various agendas are mutually compatible. I think you'd like to help the baron too, if you could. And that's part of why I feel safe leaving him here rather than fighting so hard to get him released."

"That said...(look away) ...if it really does turn out that he is part of some cult bent on summoning a demon into this world...well, I may benefit from helping him...but every living creature in this city benefits from stopping that from happening."

"When your Sergeant at Law Petronius returns, you'd said you intended to give him a fair trial. It's possible I might end up being the one who speaks on his behalf at that trial. If you do wish to help your friend from the war, then I hope you'll tell me everything you know that might help him."

"But for now, there are more important matters to attend to. Let us destroy this knife."

-- Watch him try to destroy the knife. --

 * If it succeeds:
Awesome. Proceed to my meeting with the mayor. Please do briefly describe the process. Whether one maceblow shatters it or 10 maceblows crack it enough that it looks like another 100 will destroy it eventually...either is ok, but I'd like to know which it was.

 * If it fails:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And then proceed to my meeting with the mayor.


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Re: Schemes and Shadows, low fantasy dnd 3.5 game of politics and intruige
« Reply #102 on: June 08, 2012, 11:01:25 pm »

I thought that you were hiring me to spring someone else out of jail

Clearly. But at no point did I ever say anything at all about hiring you, paying you, or giving you money for any reason. You were the one who kept going back to that. Meanwhile, I was talking about "working together" "mutually compatible interests" and "helping each other."

Read my posts on page 6. I have no idea where you got the idea I was trying to hire you to do a job.

Actually all you said was that we lacked mutual interests.

I assume that was a typo. I very specifically said I thought we had mutually compatible interests.

This was clearly a rather extensive case of miscommunication that snowballed.

Could be. And after 3 pages of snowballing, I just gave up trying.

That would have been a long jailbreak, and it would ruin
his reputation and his ability to work in the city.

I assumed we'd wear masks. Of the two of us, Aduial is far more easily identifiable and has much more to lose.

The Fool

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Re: Schemes and Shadows, low fantasy dnd 3.5 game of politics and intruige
« Reply #103 on: June 08, 2012, 11:08:26 pm »

Could be. And after 3 pages of snowballing, I just gave up trying.

I don't blame you. Never before have I made so many mistakes without anyone catching it. I think I'll keep sitting this one out, even if that was cleared up. This normally doesn't happen, and since it did, I'm sorry.

Best of luck with the game.

Steam ID: The Fool [B12]
A Flexible Mind (Suggestion Game)


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Re: Schemes and Shadows, low fantasy dnd 3.5 game of politics and intruige
« Reply #104 on: June 09, 2012, 11:02:04 am »

Could be. And after 3 pages of snowballing, I just gave up trying.
I don't blame you. Never before have I made so many mistakes without anyone catching it. I think I'll keep sitting this one out, even if that was cleared up. This normally doesn't happen, and since it did, I'm sorry.

Best of luck with the game.

No hard feelings.  Most PbP games of DnD die out in a lot less then 7 pages in my experience on both sides of the imagery screen.

"North" has been treated somewhat loosely up until now. King Hawicce is "north." Count Dmarra is "north." Radhan's wife went "north." There's a frontier "north." Orcs are "north." The map will help with that once I can see it, but point being there's a lot of room for misinterpretation about that kind of thing.

Lack Woebegone Narseus, where all the roads are northerly :D.  I think having a map will help me keep things straight for myself too.  Hows it look now?

I expect that you will have found the boy speaks nothing but gibberish by now."

: "He appears to be speaking an elven dialect I'm unfamiliar with. Like how the human languages of Honpy and Braco resemble one another. There are words in common, similar roots and grammar...but it's impractical for two people who each speak one language to sit down and have a conversation together."

"The boy's name is Opheon. It means "origin" or "commencement." So far I've discovered little else."

"As expected, he looks to have some elvish blood, just like Baron Radhan. It's faint, but I see it in his face. He would probably have an adverse reaction to touching the knife, just like the baron did. Though I'm not about to ask either of you to find out. It's probably best that he stay here. He may be a target for the cultists."

"What?  The boy looks human enough to me.  Perhaps that's just how humans look like where he's from."  The marshal seems quite dismissive of the notion.

The effects of the knife weren't quite as you anticipated.  Pedros felt discomfort
and said it felt like his hand was growing warm but wasn't hurt by the experience.

: "That is good for you and the Baron, and bad for me. It means that I may on the receiving end of a kidnapping attempt before long. Fortunately they'll want me alive."

(Glance at where the Marshal stowed the knife)

"You saw Opheon's reaction to the knife. Obviously he recognized it. I was told earlier that the boy was brought from the northern wastes. You've fought orcs. Is that an orcish blade? I recognize the magic it carries, but not the knife itself. Since there was nearly a week between Opheon and the knife coming into your seems unlikely that he would have had a bad experience with that particular knife. Perhaps he's seen similar knives elsewhere."

"Come with me and we'll take another look."  The marshal leads Aduial to a tiny shrine near the front entrance of the house.  It has a simple stoen alter and niches in which there are a few small statues, one of Leneus and the others presumably of the ancestors of Lorsen, a common practice in well to do households.  The room also doubles as something of a private armory as there is an armor stand with a set of chainmail and weapons hooks holding half a dozen pieces of equipment.

Away from the prying eyes of the child Lorsen takes out the knife once more.  He points to the runes that Aduial had been trying to examine when she had passed out before.  "I've seen runes like them before but I've never seen such craftsmanship from an orc.  Maybe some dark wizard aiding them?  And do you recognize the script?  I speak the foul language of the wastes but I do not read it."  Lorsen holds the knife up so Aduial can read by the sunlight coming in the window.  The language is Casib "Gone but never dead"  "The ember never extinguished" "The hour of vengeance comes" "From the might of Xancoulpar".  The name of the deamon is etched in Trafnor not Casib.

"I can't say where the blade is from but never in my battles against the orcs have I seen such an item.  They use bone daggers but they tend to be small pieces carved from horse bones used in their religious ceremonies.  What creature is large enough to have a bone like this and what creature has these red bones?"

"If you are done with your examination I will attempt to destroy this accursed thing."

The marshal places the knife upon the rough stone alter and takes a mace down from the wall.  He mutters "apologies my ancestors" and then brings the mace down upon the knife with a mighty blow.  There is a shuddering thud of steel against stone but the knife seems barely more then dented.  Undaunted the marshal strikes another blow.  This time he gives a cry of triumph, a small crack has appeared in the blade.  He repeats the process a few more times and the knife snaps in two with a sharp cracking sound.  The marshal stops and rests his arm.  "It won't be easy to rid ourselves of this knife.  I'll task two of my men with breaking it down and grinding it into dust as you suggested."

about the Baron's son.  He says no and I didn't sense falsehood

: "I see. Unfortunately, that tends to cast suspicion on the baron. If he were related to Sayud, or this boy by blood...that would explain why he went looking as soon as he found out that you were arresting Sayud. Without that explanation...I'm unsure why the Baron would go out of his way for some halfling glassmaker. His house servant claims that the Baron had a great fondness for him. I'd assumed there was a bastard child involved somewhere. If not...the next most reasonable explanation we have might well be that they're connected via some cult."]

The marshal nods at this idea and broods on it unhappily.

"Look, Marshal...I'm here to help him. You know that. I've made no secret of it. And I have other reasons for being here that I haven't told you, just as you have secrets that you haven't told me. For example, I couldn't help but overhear Baron Radhan shouting demands to know if you'd found some woman yet. What woman? Why are you looking for her? You haven't told me what reason you have to suspect the Baron of treason, other than at most...guilt by association.

Aduial stops talking when she realizes that the marshal seems angry.  Very angry.  Without warning she feels his hand grip her by the neck and force her back against the wall.  The hawkish look from before has returned as he stares at her infuriated, eyelid twitching.  He spits out his words in a furious low whisper occasionally choking up "So you show your true colors, you insufferable bitch!  He had no right to say that and you have no right to think that!  I will find her and if you get in my way I will squeeze the life right out of you!"

Lorsen throws Aduial into the hallway with a roar and screams "GET OUT!"  The shocked porter helps her to her feet and urges her out of the house.  The bolts click into place behind her and for a moment she can hear the sound of sobbing.

Being clearly no longer welcome Aduial departs for the mayor's.  Along the way she checks her appearance in a window and finds that it is not marred.  She soon arrives at the mayors townhouse.  It is a cozy little one story affair but with a simply decadantly sized lawn out front surrounded by a stone wall.  The lawn could fit another house easily but is instead filled with garden beds bushes and a few fruit trees.  The gate was left open so Aduial can see in where there is a gardener down on his hands and knees weeding a bed of vegetables.  He talks to his plants excitedly.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.
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