go to sleep
Or wait. Or just run aroun, it will wear off in IIRC 1200 ticks.
Suggestion for balance: removing close range fire attacks like the DRAGONFIRE and FIREJET interaction from [INTERACTION:SECRET_PYROMANCY], and giving them a transformation like the Druid's direwolf polymorph, where they temporarily become a (dragon-or demon themed) creature that's [FIREIMMUNE][FIREIMMUNE_SUPER] and has all the flame attacks they currently have, without their tendency to one-shot themselves with casting dragonfire at a wolf and dieing in the flames themselves. Maybe give them some natural armor, like harder skin than human. This way they not only won't kill themselves and our adventurers/dwarves in one shot, they will become more dangerous if wounded, just like werebeasts (same trigger for transformation as those have).
Bonus point if the creature is [FLIER] and has a grip, [EQUIPS] etc, like a winged humanoid.
Extra bonus points if the creature is the same size as a dwarf/human, so an adventurer can use his equipment in this form (will it remain equipped?).
Suggestion 2.0: Plague zombie minions for blight prophets, maybe? Adding syndrome interactions like you added that firejet interaction to pyre zombies. Syndrome vapor(s) or secretions or spittle, serious but treatable and resistable if possible? Maybe optional, multiple types with fitting names -
miasma zombie rotting infected (vapor),
pus zombie oozing infected (noxious secretions), vomiting infected (spittle)... It'd be nice to have them build towers and field minions that are challenging.
Maybe you could add some kind of minions for wizards and stormbringers too, I wonder if worldgen counts them as minions if they aren't corpses, but like necromancer's scarabs, corpses transformed into something else entirely. If yes, maybe they could have wisps or imps or familiars or the like (If you want them to be really hardcore, golems, like flesh golems, metal or rock would be overkill...dunno about clay), with the [NOT_LIVING][OPPOSED_TO_LIFE] tokens used in plant minions- Druid towers work just fine for some reason, even if druids aren't even [NOT_LIVING]...