From what I've seen, women really seem to hold a lot of power in relationships these days.
It is sort of a give and take and the standards have shifted so much. It honestly depends on where you live.
For example where I am dates have become so mutual it would be unusual for eachother not to pay for themselves on a date (exception abound). As well both parties are expected to buy eachother presents. It isn't as perfect as I make it sound but it shows that there can be equal play.
Now in a area where there is less expectation for women to hold up the regular courtship activities and men are expected to hold it up and respect women. Then yes we have seen situations where men have been outright abused and where the expectation is that the man should just take it, yet the woman is not held at fault. Now this isn't common, but it shows that we should remember that the values and expectations we put on gender is not static.
Schools are probably some of the institutions that noticed this the most. Where their attempt to make classrooms more female oriented managed to disorient male students. Striking a balance takes a while.
If circumcision has had a disastrous effect on men in general, then it's pretty much gone unnoticed all these years.
Well a lot of religious practices I have found to actually be there to strengthen the community as a whole. Ignoring ritualistic Hazing which is ancient... You can even come up with things such as Fasting where even now people know what fasting does to your mind. It is one of the more scary things I discovered in my research of mind-control tricks is that you can find almost all of them being used by religion. Given that I am not athiest it sort of shakes me.
As well it has hardly gone unnoticed, in fact it being risky is probably one of the lost points to the proceedure. It is a part of a hazing ritual (I am using the term lightly) it keeps the community together, There is supposed to be risk or else there would be absolutely no point. Though if you want to argue that sexually repression has nothing to do with it... I'd probably would have to disagree (at least today). Using a co-relation with female circumcision where there are three types (One that is harmless and a third that would render a woman incapable of feeling sexual pleasure) the third is the most popular. Though honestly I don't really care about this point to argue it, especially since religious matters have been debated so much that there are people who specialise in nothing but philosophically defending religious dogma (known as appologists).
-Edit addition: Actually you may be interested to know there are interesting articles that explain why all rules came to be and a lot of them make perfect sense for the time. For example the rules on what meat they can and cannot eat prevented them from eating dangerous food.
My feelings of supressing the sexual urges of individuals is somewhat shifting. I used to not care (as I am a rather asexual person) but when I found out others did...
Finally there are a lot of things people delt with that people discovered was bad for you. Even today there are myths. Heck it is EASY to "prove" things now adays or to misrepresent information.
Additionally, I feel like most people against "male genital mutilation" really only care about circumcision, and they're just throwing in the others so they can justify using a more extreme term for shock/publicity value
I agree, but on the other hand you can also consider it destroying the illusion created through words. People don't consciously think of Circumcision it is just a thing that has been around for thousands of years. How do you convey what it actually is and the risks involved without first attacking the common perception? Is there a fair attack?
Though I guess if you travel to other countries... Then Genital mutilation is extremely common. It is actually a very interesting subject. I suggest reading up on Hazing.
however saying that all male genital mutilation is just foreskin removal is incorrect
Whoever said all male circumcision is foreskin removal is also incorrect as well. Though I am getting into other countries.
Also I noticed this entire time I didn't really present a point. I am only adding information. Which I am fine with. I prefer to present information and to attack specific points without giving one myself... then to attack someone dirrectly in a conversation. There are two things you should notice
1) People often give incorrect data with correct data thus padding their information
2) People do not consider attacks on specific points instead of a whole arguement as honest. It is a good way to get people mad at you. Often they attribute it as misrepresenting their arguement even if you don't actually deconstruct it. I've been called out on quoting specific sections before even though that was the only part of it I was refering to.
there needs to be some way that we get this away from the sanitized, "culturally acceptable" vision we have at the moment
Well what needs to stop in my oppinion is circumcision outside of religious docterine. Since those are based off of now debunked science. At least last I checked it was.