We need to invent Mountain Dew if im gonna stay sane.
Nothings cuter then a insane kobold, but still.
Orky_Boss Hacks the head of Corai The Kobold, and the severed limb sails in an ark!
"What? It's not like we can invent a drink on the spot... how would we even make fizzy water that in medieval times? Besides, I need some bones for this idea I have..."
*grabs kobold bones and heads back to the metalsmith forge*
Fizzy water is just carbon dioxide gas suspended in ordinary water.
It happens naturally.
In addition to the natural volcanic method, it could be done artificially the "dwarven way", by building what ammounts to a synthetic aquifer filled with nice clean water, through which a section of pipe conducts the gasses from another chamber in which limestone is dropped into magma, and stirred. Limestone is calcium carbonate, and a large percentage of its mass is chemically bound carbon dioxide gas.
If neither of those methods floats your boat, you can build an atmospheric gas compressor and fractional distillation tower complex as a megaproject. Carbon dioxide will form ice at the bottom of the distillation tower. (How co2 is commercially produced.)
Of the 3, #1 is the most likely, and #2 is plausible. #3 would require exposing the dwarves to stainless steel for the pressure vessel tanks, and vastly improving their smelting and forging technologies.
As for this latter bit about trophy taking? I delight in memories. Abusing a victim's body can be entertaining, but the slow, cumulative destruction of a mind? Priceless.
I torture psychologically. Abuse the "rival method" of training and conditioning. Twist operant conditioning. Make the victim do things unconciously that they despise, to induce self hatred, and bring attention to this fact. Oh yes. My methods are slow and terrible, but leave the physical body completely unharmed.
Sentient trophy? What about clearcut elven retreat..... clearcut by elves?