I'll be looking for some more volunteers over the holiday.
Here is the base requirement for any of the below:
You must successfully complete a reroll in Wayfar so that you do not need basic mechanics explained. When starting a character you choose a goal (such as launching a starship or hunting a certain number of animals), and after doing so you are awarded permanent bonuses. Once you've achived the goal, type REROLL to get your permanent bonus (you keep all items and buildings).
Here are our needs:
* community managers - this is for answering player questions, generally chatting in a pleasant and professional manner with players. You also get access to description submissions and access to the programmer/badmin nets. You will not have the power to punish or sanction players - in the rare case where code cannot handle this, you should escalate your concerns to a senior wizard.
* Programmers - this is pretty involved. You absolutely need to be something of a self starter and willing to learn the codes in place, so that you can extend them. Documentation is available but you must have a desire to learn the existing codebase and extend it. The scripting language we use is very simple (think basic with a dash of python).
* Wizards - wizards must start as programmers, with all the limitations that entails. To start you'll be extending code or creating new items without having the ability to modify base code. If you can survive these limitations and have a real interest in science fiction, wizardship will allow you a lot more freedom in making changes.
* Website enthusiasts - Wayfar has the ability to export all game data to the web. It'd be neat to display more information, in a friendly way. We have simple maps and 3d displays of the planet. Even better, web facing ways to interact with the game on a mobile phone or web browser is a major goal -- not so much in playing the full game over web, but in changing jobs or directing your colonists through a simple interface.
* Designers & general enthusiasts - this is a prelude to a programmer position. Design, well thought out feature ideas, fleshing out of the game universe, etc.
* Mushclient or Mudlet scriptors. It is entirely possible to create a semigraphical, playable interface to Wayfar through these clients. I don't expect to find many people with this specialty, but it would be a huge help!
* Documentors - Aside from actual game content, I believe in sharing all the advancements we make in terms of code and general knowledge. I've published several blog posts along these lines, simply to aid other game creators that want to make their own hellcore games. Also, help files and guides for the website and in game are sorely needed!
* There is absolutely no tolerance for "power gaming" or "meta gaming" in an admin position. Helping your friends, etc, is not the point of a position on Wayfar. What I'm looking for is people that enjoy the science fiction setting, especially advanced sci fi concepts (nanites, star system generation, planet generation, strange and unique locations and aliens). People interested in creating cool game mechanics or neat items are the goal here -- not people interested in text power or drama.
* Hawgpadre is the dictator king in terms of overall design and theme. Again, you must be interested in science fiction, especially hard/advanced sci fi (think Alistair Reynolds). Making clubs and wooden spears is a complete waste of time - a million other MUDs do this. We want to make a far future science fiction game, not rehash mechanics from other games. I am harsh, but fair.
* It is absolutely fine to have a player character for testing code changes and mechanics, as well as for assesing the overall flow and feel of the game. However, if you are interested in volunteering, this will not be your primary focus.
* This is not a job.
* Wayfar is a 100% non profit generating enterprise. Our donation link is tied directly to the web host we run the game on. At this time we offer no benefits for donating, although I think some cosmetic or minor rewards are a real possibility in the future.
If you are interested, here are the ways to get in touch with me: you can use in game mail, with the @send command, to Hawgpadre. You can send an email to
admin@wayfar1444.com and once in game you can type: CHATNET ON and then CHAT <your message here>. Be sure to use CHATNET HISTORY in case someone replied while you were offline.