Figured out something cool with interactions and body parts. Haven't seen it around the forums yet, so I wanted to share. Anyway:
1) The ANIMATE effect can be used to raise anything with a grasp or a head
2) Once a body part is animated, it can be transformed into any other creature
3) A creature will animate it's own limbs.
4) You can make limbs that fall off as soon as the creature is created, using a material with a low melting point.
I've tested it, and it works in the arena and for the PC in adventure mode. I haven't tested to see if it plays nice with historical figures, which I believe includes bandit leaders etc?
I haven't been able to get it to play nice with Fort mode. It seems that animated bodyparts will attack anything that doesn't have an OPPOSED_TO_LIFE tag, even if that tag wasn't added to the raised bodypart by the interaction (and if all you're dwarves are OPPOSED_TO_LIFE, the fort ends as soon as it begins). There may be some way to get it working using a vampire-like setup, though.
Also, animated creatures don't seem to use their interactions, so
. I haven't tested injected syndromes or similar yet.
Stuff to try out:
1) Creatures can be completely healed by a brief transformation, including lost limbs. Therefore a transformation interaction on a timer could be used to create a monster that spawns more than one set of creatures. Megabeasts use building destroyer to pathfind. Could create a zombie apocalypse monster that sits on the edge of the map due to lack of a building destroyer tag, but periodically spits out a horde of zombies.
2) More generally, megabeasts should be able to use it to spawn followers.
3) Create arbitrary companions in adventure mode, by briefly turning the hero into an incubator.
4) Create arbitrary friendlies in fortress mode, assuming we can get that working. Bodypart-creatures seem to be flagged as "Friendlies" rather than pets, though, so what we can get them to do may still be very limited even if we
can get them to stop eating their creator's face.
Examples: My test cases are part of my zelda mod-mod, and there are too many files to post here. However, I will post the working copy of the zelda mod on DFFD. [
My zelda mod currently has two examples: the Stalkin Titan, in creatures_zelda_intelligent (Alphabetizes as "Ikana" in arena mode) and Gohma, in creature_zelda_mega (alphabetizes as "Gohma"
). The Gleeok also has an interaction that raises just his decapitated heads, which is kina related. Also in creature_zelda_mega.
The Stalkin animates anything, just like a necromancer, but brings along some friends to get him started. Gohma produces a single batch of smaller gohmas, and doesn't reanimate them when they get killed. Gleeok only animates his own heads, but keeps reanimating them when they die.
EDIT: Bodyparts
are flagged as friendlies only in fort mode, so they are extremely limited. However, a blood-magic/alchemical system
is possible, using ingested potions and specially bred targets (see second page).