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Author Topic: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming  (Read 154855 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #570 on: June 03, 2012, 03:58:46 pm »

Corai hates caverns, alot.

You all are COLONIZING the caverns.

Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #571 on: June 03, 2012, 06:13:32 pm »

You know what would be funny? A glamorous suite for Corai in the very depths of the caverns, for he certainly earned it. Wouldn't that be fun?


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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #572 on: June 03, 2012, 06:22:24 pm »

I want to write my reaction to that.

Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #573 on: June 03, 2012, 08:46:24 pm »

You know what would be funny? A glamorous suite for Corai in the very depths of the caverns, for he certainly earned it. Wouldn't that be fun?

Just make it out of fungiwood and it might be almost groovy enough for me!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #574 on: June 03, 2012, 10:09:24 pm »

14th of Felsite, Year 56

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The elven ambassador stepped lightly through the forest, perfectly at peace with the plants and animals, as always.  Despite the rich wealth of life he had been traveling through, his mood was less than pleasant.  Being sent to talk to the dwarves was a punishment, an ordeal that most elves only had to go through once, fortunately.

It wasn't that the dwarves themselves were unpleasant, at least not individually.  The unpleasantness came from the terrible scars they made on the land, the animals and trees killed to make room for the crude stone fortresses they inevitably built.  The wost part of it was that the dwarves themselves didn't even to realize that there was anything wrong with what they were doing.

An elf in the woods is almost impossible to track or catch against their will.  Native empathy with the plants, peace with the wildest of animals, mean that in the fully undisturbed forest no goblin or kobold can find or catch an elf.  But now the diplomat was leaving the forest.  The grey stone wall of Brightwater was ahead, cutting off the view of the ocean.  Trees inside had been clear-cut, and plants picked or simply trodden underfoot by careless dwarves.  Most of the wild animals had been caught or killed, and those who were left were permanently traumatized, living in a constant state of fear.

This close to a dwarven fortress, an elf is vulnerable.

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The diplomat tried to run.  He should have made it.  Even in such a crippled forest, an elf should be faster than any goblin, passing unimpeded through brambles and over tree roots that would slow down the pursuers.  These were not any normal goblins.  These were the best of Ezuk Dustdreamed's troops.  The lead goblin managed to charge through the obstructing plants to catch the fleeing elf.

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The battle was short, and brutal.

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The elf didn't stand a chance.

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Far to the south, at the main fortress gate, the elven trade caravan was arriving.

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These elves didn't arrive alone either.  Hidden among the trees to the south, a group of Camaba the Putrid Raunch's best archers waited.  As the elves were stepping onto the pillar-flanked stone road leading into the fortress, the first few dwarves soldiers still making their way to the entrance, the goblin spear-carrier leading the group gave the signal.  The goblins burst out of hiding, firing arrows at the elven caravan.

Militia commander Fritz Cattendoren had seen these types of goblin ambushes many times before.  Always in each group there was one goblin of a different type than the others.  Kill that leader and the others would scatter in fear.  So as she emerged from the fortress gates - first to the fight as usual - and saw the elven guards ineffectually engaging the bowgoblins, she knew to look instead for their leader.  There, a spear-wielding goblin was standing off to the side.  Ignoring the archers, Fritz charged the goblin leader.

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The elves, meanwhile, were doing poorly against the goblin archers.  An elf guard fell to the ground, retching, with an arrow in his guts.  The merchants scattered northward, several of them with goblin-arrows embedded in their selves or their draft animals.  Another guard fell, dead with an arrow through his head.

High above, Celian's trained Giant War Peregrine Falcon soared over the battle.  As trained, it picked out a goblin on the ground, and aimed carefully.  Wings folded, it plunged downwards, ready to disable or kill its target with a single high-speed impact.

Unfortunately for it, these weren't normal goblin archers.  Furthermore, thanks to the excellent spy networks operated by the two vermilion fiends, the archers had been warned to keep an eye out for flying attackers.  An archer who had been keeping watch to just such a thing fired an arrow at the war bird.  The Giant War Peregrine Falcon tumbled out of control and crashed to the ground.

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The creature tried to fight back, clawing at the goblins surrounding it.  They easily dodged its feeble strikes, firing arrow after arrow into the stricken bird.

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The goblin commander at Fritz's feet had been pounded into a lifeless, mangled mass.  Fritz stood, looking up from the sad corpse.  The other goblins weren't running away.  They were firing arrows at the fleeing elves.  One of them took notice of Fritz and fired an arrow in her direction.

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Obviously, these goblins needed further encouragement to flee.

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From the fortress gates, Daenyth, Higginbottom III, and Obesehelmet charged out into the battle.  Dead and dying elves lay scattered around the entrance.  The few survivors of the caravan were fleeing back into the fortress.  The remaining goblin archers had given up on Ceilan's mortally wounded peregrine falcon, and were either chasing the elves or trying to attack Fritz.  Daenyth charged to his commander's rescue.  A goblin took aim at Fritz, but was interrupted by Daenyth's sword.  Daenyth's triumph was short-lived, as another goblin sniper put an arrow through Daenyth's arm.  Daenyth staggered back in pain, dropping his sword.

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Fritz, meanwhile, was still continuing to be a terrifying engine of dwarven destruction.  She easily killed the goblin who Daenyth had injured, then turned on another archer who had been about to shoot her from behind.  Fritz smashed furiously at the goblin, smashing its left arm with her hammer, but somehow the goblin managed to loose an arrow that pierced Fritz's leg.

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Fritz fell to the ground, tumbling down a slope into a muddy puddle, but managed to pull the goblin archer with her.  Even with her leg crippled, she manged to swing her hammer three more times, crushing the goblin's skull.

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ObeseHelmet and Higginbottom III had watched as Fritz charged the entire goblin ambush by herself.  Confident as they were in the commander's ability to slaughter an entire goblin army single-handed, they had instead looked to the north, were another group of goblins were emerging from the forest.  What they didn't know - and honestly wouldn't have cared about if they had - was that this was the same group that had previously killed the elven ambassador.  To Higginbottom, at least, the elven ambassador probably deserved to be killed as a hated surface-dweller, but so did the goblins.  ObeseHelmet, of course, would be horrified had he known.

The two of them charged north, towards the group.  Behind them, the second marksdwarf to be known as Ash took up position and fired bolts past them.

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ObeseHelmet raised his beloved wooden spear, and jabbed at the goblin soldier in front of him.  The first strike raised a nasty bruise on the goblin's leg.  Surprised to actually be hurt by a wooden weapon, the goblin managed to block the next two strikes.

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Alongside them, Higginbottom III's trained Giant War Pangolin knocked a goblin soldier to the ground, scratching and tearing with its massive claws.

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From the other side, a Giant War Sparrow pecked at the goblin soldier.  It grabbed the goblin's arm in its beak, twisting and pulling until the goblin dropped his weapon.  As the helpless goblin tried to fend off the giant animals attacking it, a bolt fired from Ash from across the battlefield struck and buried itself in the goblin's guts.

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Higginbottom III faced off against one of the goblins.  Flail versus morningstar, they traded blows, until a strike from Higginbottom struck the goblin solidly in the head, killing it.  Another of the macegoblins had been trying to sneak up on Higginbottom III during the fight.  Higginbottom III span in place and delivered a kick that shattered the second assailant's face.

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His pet war pangolin was not doing as well.  A goblin soldier managed to deliver several blows which penetrate the giant monster's armor.  It responded with the only defensive maneuver a pangolin is capable of:  curling into a ball.

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Undaunted, the soldier kept hammering at it, sure that enough blows would crack the creature's shell open.

Higginbottom III turned away from the goblin he had kicked, to attack the one who was hurting his pet.  He swung his fail at the goblin's head.  The goblin ducked, and then delivered a blow which crippled Higginbottom's weapon arm.  The hammerer's flail dropped to the ground.

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ObeseHelmet was still dueling with the same goblin he had attacked earlier.  His wooden spear just didn't seem to be working as well as he'd hoped it would.  The Elves used them, so they had to be effective weapon, right?  He pressed the attack.  The goblin dodged, then blocked the ineffectual strikes, then retaliated with a series of blows that left ObeseHelmet sprawled bleeding on the ground.

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Happythoughts had finally reached the scene of the battle.  What he saw was not the usual aftermath of a goblin ambush.  Some of the fortress's best warriors - even the legendary commander Fritz - were down on the ground, injured badly.  Three mace-goblins stood to the north, around the injured Higginbottom III and Obesehelmet.  Dead war animals littered the battlefield.

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Happythoughts, of course, charged to the defense of his fellow soldiers.

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It should have been a vain, suicidal act.  But by that point, the goblins had decided that their point was proven.  They turned and vanished into the forest, disappearing as they had appeared, out of nowhere, leaving Happythoughts standing alone among the dead and injured.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #575 on: June 04, 2012, 01:08:52 am »

From the journal of Dex
There's usually a lot of singing and drinking after a battle. Was that a drill i just heard upstairs? No one is singing. No one is drinking.
Life (in dwarf fortress) is a cocophany of flavours, each more succulent than the last - why not sample them all?!


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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #576 on: June 04, 2012, 03:12:48 am »

I.. I don't... Hopy shit, Fritz was injured and a load of our d00dz got badly injured too?
This is.. surprising to say the least! Did you modift the game to make this happen or did the RNG just really hate the little bearded death-machines?
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #577 on: June 04, 2012, 07:23:07 am »

I made no modifications and took no steps to make this happen.  The goblins just got really lucky this time all on their own.
Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex... It takes a touch of genius --- and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.


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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #578 on: June 04, 2012, 10:30:26 am »

I forget if there are any free dwarves. If there are, could I have one called Dusk?
I need more stuff to do here :c I feel left out.


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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #579 on: June 04, 2012, 12:33:10 pm »

Blasted greenskins! After I heal from this I'm going to come back stronger than before! I'll not stop til my skills with a blade become legend.

Cain, I swear if you make me wait again, it'll be you I'm after before the goblins. Don't think I don't know that last time was intentional.


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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #580 on: June 04, 2012, 03:32:48 pm »

Ooh, looks like my dwarf is finally going to be introduced. Remember, he smokes a pipe. (and is alcoholic, but that's a standard for dwarves)

Urist McDwarfFortress

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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #581 on: June 04, 2012, 05:21:50 pm »

Brightwater needs a moat filled with trained whales!
Sorry, for a moment there I forgot we were all psychopaths.
Someone who has random urges to make mog juice isn't exactly going to care about the cost effectiveness of obtaining it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #582 on: June 04, 2012, 06:17:55 pm »

From the journal of GreatWyrmMithril.

This ambush...this newest attack by the goblins, truly reveals the foolishness of keeping our fortress aboveground. If a single dwarf had been shot in the head or otherwise made out of commission, there might have been gobins flooding into the fortress. This would have lead to many deaths. We cannot let this happen. If we can't regain our strength, we will surely be destroyed--or at least crippled--by the next goblin attack.
I am reminded of a tale, set in part in a fortress known as Pax Tharkas. There were many dragons, and heroes, and a magical blue crystal staff, and a dark priest to a darker god, but what I am inspired by is a device meant to protect the fortress from invaders in a last-ditch senario. It dropped massive boulders over the front gate of the mountain, sealing off the dwarves from any invaders. We have no massive boulders, but we do have something similar: The mighty waters of the ocean.

I therefore have two suggestions, which I will propose to our fort's leaders at the next appropriate time. One: We should settle the caverns, a location removed from the surface. What foolish goblins would troop through dark caves known to be filled with deadly beasts, just for more slaughter? That's assuming they even know we're down there. Also, we would be closer to magma, allowing easier smithing of metals. If this is not acceptable, or if our mechanics have spare time, I'd advise some sort of device that floods the aboveground part of the fortress. It would involve several parts:
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This device would be activated whenever military defeat seemed possible. Thus, even goblins on giant cave swallows or massive numbers of ogres and trolls could never penetrate our fort. Maybe a bunch of flying giant olms or a mix of giant toads and bridge-smashing beasts could get in, dependng on how the fort was sealed.
Of course, as much as this is an idea that would truly be blessed by all dwarfy deities, I'd prefer cavern colonies.

Well, I'll see how things turn out. Maybe I can start some kind of petition.


Two questions.
Sphalerite: Do we have sand?
Granorke: What's your dwarf's name?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #583 on: June 04, 2012, 06:50:00 pm »

Sphalerite: Do we have sand?
I see a few yellow ~/≈ characters outside, so I'm pretty sure we do have sand.
P.S. If you don't get this note, let me know and I'll write you another.
It's amazing how dwarves can make a stack of bones completely waterproof and magmaproof.
It's amazing how they can make an entire floodgate out of the bones of 2 cats.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Brightwater: Community fortress of science, oceans, and animal taming
« Reply #584 on: June 04, 2012, 09:27:08 pm »

Ah, excellent. Sphalerite, how comfortable are you with minecarts?
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.
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