Aye, Malarauko, that is pretty cool!
Certainly a better ending than most of my forts have!
The most clearly-remembered would be Rockgrizzles, which I had just before DFVD came out.
I'm not sure exactly what the goal of the fort was, or even if I had one, but it had an interesting entrance, sort of with three hallways, the middle of which went into the fort and the other two led off to industry areas and such.
This was my first time using the Fortress Defence mod, and my fort was rather poorly equipped; having no access to metals other than copper, silver and lead, we relied on what few weapons we could craft and whatever we could trade for.
The main, epic tale of the fort was of the rag-tag military, naturally. Now, there was Commander Inod, a Hammerlord and without a doubt the fort's greatest warrior. At first he had just a copper warhammer, then later on a gave him a masterwork silver one. Occasionally he'd wield both at once, along with a steel crossbow. A strange one, was Inod... I think all the killing got to him.
And killing there was a-plenty, oh yes, he wiped out several sieges more-or-less singlehandedly, I don't remember exactly how many kills he had but he'd saved the fort many times, slaughtering foes as the rest of the military were butchered.
Around this time a family had migrated to the fort, and gave birth to another child soon after. As this was the first child born at my fort, I was rather pleased, and resolved to keep it alive til adulthood. It was not to be.
I don't remember exactly what happened to the young parents and their baby, but it involved beakwolves and was rather gruesome. I was annoyed by this, but oh well, life goes on. Well, mostly. But a short while after the deaths, I noticed something- Their other child, and eight-year-old girl, was still alive, her only wound a scarred foot!
So long story short, I kept this kid alive, giving her the best rooms and such, until she grew to adulthood at 12. Then she was placed into the military, being exactly the perfect kindof dwarf made for war, and was an incredibly dedicated soldier, training near-constantly with hardly a complaint. Her and Inod made a great team, even managing to fight off the siege of giants that arrived completely out of the blue, and nearly destroyed the fort! No-one could harm the monsters save Inod and Eral Roldethathel, and it was rather lucky young Eral never had time to make any friends.
The funny thing was, Inod, who had lost the only two friends he'd ever made to gruesome deaths, developed a strange habit of just standing out the front of the fort, to one side of the entry next to a couple of statues. He'd just stand there, whether on or off-duty, for hours at a time, leaving only to eat and drink. I believe he even slept there.
I love it when my dwarves do stuff like that.
The other well-remembered fort would have to be Koshid, 'Slaughterrocks', which was VERY aptly named and was little more than a couple of shacks and a cave. I need to dig out the save and re-visit Koshid... I remember it ending with a double-whammy FB attack, one of which was a giant teal finch with the dealiest, fastest-acting syndrome I'd ever seen, and I retired the fort through DFusion and sent in a legendary retired adventurer, who decapitated the thing in an epic duel and then collapsed dead beside it.