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Author Topic: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world (DF 34.11)  (Read 814160 times)

Atomic Chicken

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1140 on: October 19, 2013, 01:19:18 pm »

Nice adventure Kesperan; your literature is amazing!

The character table is a lovely addition to The Museum; maybe Bralbaard can post/link it in the OP? However, I have noticed a small error: you appear to have written down TehSapper's character and forum names twice, the second time being where the next player's should be (that is, the one with the title "the Lavender Flag").

Also, has anyone tried to become a vampire using the blood I donated to the museum during my turn several months ago? I tested it in my own save and it appears to work fine after being mixed with water.
As mentioned in the previous turn, the most exciting field of battle this year will be in the Arstotzkan capitol, with plenty of close-quarter fighting and siege warfare.  Arstotzka, accordingly, spent their design phase developing a high-altitude tactical bomber. 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1141 on: October 19, 2013, 05:16:16 pm »

Congratulations on finding your way into First Anvil! Well, sorry for not replying to your question because you've already found the answer when I've received it and I didn't want to spoil the rest of fun for you.

What happened to the Avatar of Armok? I recall that I've locked him down in that shrine, so he was supposed to be the 'last boss' you have to defeat, so he should've stayed here, but maybe the game ignores locked doors. Same with the recruit berserk.
Sadly I didn't manage to make all the traps and systems I wanted to, because I already was running out of time (so the GREED room isn't trapped, the lock system that opens the golden bridge works, but it has no water because I'm not good with water mechanisms and the contraption didn't work and I had no time to fix it, and I indeed fucked up with that secret well. And flushing room is absent as well). Hope that at least those standard traps were entertaining.

The fortress was very entertaining and challenging. I got frustrated by all the levers and everything else but the water trap was a real bugger.

The Avatar was just chilling out up topside with a flashing red ! indicating he was enraged. He didn't attack me on sight. When you abandon a fort, it scatters creatures, so even if you have a chained up vampire, he could be anywhere (or could leave the site). I did get chased by the mad recruit but managed to leave him for the next poor dwarf that decides to loot the place.

Nice adventure Kesperan; your literature is amazing!

The character table is a lovely addition to The Museum; maybe Bralbaard can post/link it in the OP? However, I have noticed a small error: you appear to have written down TehSapper's character and forum names twice, the second time being where the next player's should be (that is, the one with the title "the Lavender Flag").

Also, has anyone tried to become a vampire using the blood I donated to the museum during my turn several months ago? I tested it in my own save and it appears to work fine after being mixed with water.
Thanks! I wouldn't call it amazing though! I have pages of short notes I took in a wee txt file which I am trying to use to jog my memory, and then flesh them out a bit. That's why it is taking so long to get the report up.

I'll try to fix the table. I originally made a txt file version wondering if I could import it as a spreadsheet or something, in the end I had to make a clunky html code table with a lot of copy/pasting, so if anyone spots any other errors, let me know so I can fix them. As for stickying it, I could send Bralbaard the txt file which he could use to remake the list on the first page of the topic if that would be helpful?

As regards the vampire blood, the only two vampires so far are yourself Thel Indigozephyrs and Eric Blank's character Bora Ragedance. By the time I arrived at Dinnerwandered I was already pretty powerful and a few characters end up meeting sticky ends (but that is a story still to come!) so I didn't attempt to drink it... might do next time though if my guy is still alive!
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 05:23:33 pm by kesperan »
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1142 on: October 19, 2013, 07:46:24 pm »

Part 4: Of Minotaurs, Dragons and Bogeymen.

13th Sandstone 1125

Looking at my map, I ponder my next step. The dragon I was warned about has his lair far the the south east, so that is where I head.  Surely this great wyrm will be a fitting opponent for one such as I.

I have not travelled far before I am ambushed by an undead wolf. It takes one look at me, confused, and then flees. A little further along I am harassed by bogeymen, who get caught up in a pack of kangaroos. I wade in, hacking indiscriminately. Kangaroo limbs and bogeymen heads litter the woodland.

15th Sandstone 1125

Travelling south east, I am returning to the grasslands where I first set out on my journey. I come across a cluster of minotaur labyrinths, side by side. I wonder if these have been cleared out by long-dead adventurers, and reason there is only one way to find out.

I enter the first and quickly confront the minotaur. His keen eyes see through my stealth, and in one great bound he lunges at me. I have an idea about how I might obtain a great trophy…

I unsheathe the masterwork copper war hammer I took from Luckystream, and in a blur of metal, strike his hand, chipping the bone.
He whimpers like a child, and falls unconscious through pain. Drawing my adamantine axe, I deftly de-horn him, and punch his head in.

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I use my newfound necromantic powers to raise him, though sadly he does not wish to follow on my adventures, ashamed at not having horns. I leave him here, wailing at his misfortune.

In the next labyrinth, the minotaur puts up even less of a fight, a single axeblow to the neck sending it crashing. The third lair reveals a particularly cowardly minotaur, who flees after I part him from his left hand. I follow the trail of blood and finish him off by biting his throat out.

The next lair I find is home to a deceased night freak. The wounds on the decaying flesh match the scimitar that Bora Ragedance was known to use. I gesture, and the headless creature shudders to life. I will leave it here as a worthy foe for the adventurers who walk this land after I am gone.
Most bizarrely, as I leave the lair, a human mummy rushes towards me, introducing herself as Ado Necroleaf. Perplexed, I bid her good day. I carry on past these lairs, south easterly to the dragon I am sworn to slay.

I pass an eerie volcano with screeching nightwings flying above. The dragon's lair is not far now, deep in this blasted land. In the Dune of Trapping, not far from the volcano, a nightwing swoops upon me. I am surprised that it does not recoil from the aura of undeath like the wolf did days earlier, but defend myself as it surges at me, razor teeth chattering.

It is quick but I am quicker, dancing and trading blows with me, until my axe finds it neck.
It is a foul creature with stretched leathery wings and the emaciated body of a scavenger. I take its leering jackal head in my pack.

It is nightfall as I close upon the dragon’s lair. Clouds of devlish ash wash across the barren plains and nighwings screech.  The stench of death clings to this place.

I sneak into the dragon’s lair. A huge male drake lies asleep in the corner of the room, each breathe snorting plumes of acrid smoke that sting my eyes. Coins and crafts from a dozen civilisations litter the floor.

I leap upon the unaware dragon and strike it with my axe, rending a deep gash in its belly and spilling its hot guts. I follow this with a neat roundhouse kick to the head and the dragon slumps over, unconscious.

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I shake my head. Is there no creature a match for me anymore? I slice off its prized eye teeth, and lop off his head with a clean finishing blow. Spurts of dragon blood coat my blade and splash the walls. It is then I notice that the dragon is coated in some heinous orange sludge. I sincerely hope this does not cause any ill effects.

I must now start to head to the north east of the continent, where the fabled museum rests.
I am sure there will be more adventures on the way!

I stop off at the hamlet of Scarsacks to announce the death of the dragon. The dwarves there cower in terror at the adamantine-clad dwarf necromancer, dripping heinous sludge and dragon blood, and bar their doors. Grunting at their small-mindedness, I head eastwards. Dinnerwandered lies far to the North East and there are many more dwarven strongholds on the way.

17th Sandstone 1125

I arrive at a mountain titan shrine in the middle of a sparse undead forest. Everything drips with foul ooze, it rains from the sky. The reanimated corpses of its victims assail the winged flatworm. After slicing off its wings, I silence it with an axe to the face. I really hope all this foul rain washes off.

A short travel later, I arrive at a dwarven mountain hall, the name according to my map is Dashedstake, but I see no grand entrance or shining battlements. Debris scatters the marsh, foul ooze rains from the sky, and corpses shuffle. What madman would found a city here?

A horse skeleton eyes me mournfully and I spot a long abandoned wagon, still brimming with supplies. I sip a keg of dwarven ale, fortunately unspoiled by the nefarious weather. It doesn't appear the dwarves lasted long enough to disembark their wagon.

I wipe the foul ooze from my face. A dog skeleton shuffles in the distance. These poor dwarves didn't stand a chance.

After a few hours of searching I do uncover a hastily dug tunnel in the clay, leading to a sparse room.
A llama wool cloak is the only sign a dwarf ever sat foot here.

I leave an adamantite scepter and a few weapons I have no use for any more. Perhaps another warrior might need these items to fight the undead.

I leave this dead place and travel north east, slowly making my way to Dinnerwandered.
A short trek north east is a Roc lair, the beast is barely aware of my approach before I behead it. It has no treasure to speak of, a single silver coin which I leave in the dirt.
Consulting my stained and weather-beaten map, it appears Northevil and Deathtraps shall be my next adventure.

18th Sandstone 1125

The haunted steppe makes way to barren badlands and I am thankful to be rid of the foul ooze. Desert spans out before me, and to the far north-east, the dwarven city of Northevil.

As I approach the site, I slam into a wall of invisible energy, time slowing down to a halt. Each step takes an age. Sighing, I realise I cannot go any further. I have heard of this phenomenon before - Northevil is lost to the sands of time.

(FPS death at Northevil for any adventurers planning to visit there again…)

I travel eastwards, hopeful that perhaps Deathtraps will be easier to navigate. I approach a goblin bandit camp. They seem surprisingly happy to see me, and we chat for a while before I head off. They have no equipment or supplies of use to me.

The next goblin camp is ransacked, I assume by some previous adventure. I animate a goblin skeleton for company. He isn't terribly chatty.

19th Sandstone 1125

Somewhat predictably, goblin skeletons cannot swim. My little thrall and I part company.

It is not long before I discover Deathtraps. It appears to be constructed beneath a great volcano. I find little evidence of civilization. No dwarves appear to remain here.

I spot a goblin huntress, Em Gozruetkruk, clearly the leader of some forgotten siege. Again I am surprised when she greets me warmly. She tells me her son is a general. We tussle for a while, and I split her skull.

I find a nondescript entrance tunnel which opens out into the volcano caldera. I inch along the precarious bridge and make my way into the fortress.

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I explore for a while, but I find nothing but dead ends and broken mechanisms.  Whatever secrets this place kept are lost for eternity.

Leaving the volcano, I travel north, and not long have I left then I am ambushed yet again by bogeymen. Do these spiteful little beings never learn?

The first three I slice in half, but then a freak occurance has me stunned. As the dismembered corpse spins away from my ruinous axe, it begins to topple back to earth…

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The spinning half-bogey shatters my shoulder, forcing me to drop my shield. Hot pain scorches through my arm and my left hand falls limp. I scramble away from the remaining bogeyman, as it leaps upon me. Its spine is broken and it is bleeding but it is quicker than me, raining blows on me with reckless abandon.

I slash wildly at it, furious and in agony, drifting in and out of consciousness. Luckily most of its attacks patter off my armour. Finally I manage to land a glancing blow on its foot, unbalancing it long enough for my trusty axe to bisect it. The cackling fades, the corpses vanish in smoke, and I am left bleeding in the silence.

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My shoulder is ruined, bone peeking through my mail shirt - I cannot move my arm. Bloods streams from several wounds, in great gouts from my shattered nose, and I am blind in one eye. I hope I can heal or my adventuring days are surely numbered. I think in despair – of all the things I have seen and done, to be laid low by such a snivelling pest.

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To be continued...
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1143 on: October 20, 2013, 12:41:37 am »

Ah crap, I missed my turn. Probably for the best, given my current schedule.

Anyway, great job on your turn, kesperan!


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1144 on: October 20, 2013, 02:07:09 am »

You haven't missed your turn yet, feel free to start.

I was planning to ask if I could post a link to Kesperans table after he posted the final version, so it's good to know it can be included. I would prefer to include it as a link rather than replacing the existing turn list;
Updating it would be a lot of work and I already have a lot of maps, lists and overviews to update. also I don't know if the html code counts towards the character limit. If it does I'm likely already close. The table is absolutely amazing, I have a soft spot for statistics and numbers like that.

I' ll add the new players to the list later today. It should be noted that those turns will likely arive after the new DF version is out.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1145 on: October 20, 2013, 02:42:57 am »

My fortress Dashedstakes doesn't even deserve an image :'(
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1146 on: October 20, 2013, 08:29:59 am »

My fortress Dashedstakes doesn't even deserve an image :'(
It probably does deserve an image, but Kesperan doesn't post that many images, his writing makes up for it though :-). Anyhow with the goods Kesperan dropped, Dashedstakes may very well see some return visitors in the future.

Krevsin send me a PM. He advised us to skip him, so that makes it Timeless Bob's turn.

Timeless Bob

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1147 on: October 21, 2013, 12:02:30 am »

I have the save and will be working on my turn.  The world is certainly becoming an interesting place!
L33tsp34k does to English what Picasso did to faces.

The Luckiest Tourist EVER
Bloodlines of the Forii


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1148 on: October 22, 2013, 09:19:27 am »

Part 5: The End?

21st Sandstone 1125

I open my eyes to the warm sun shining on the horizon. I lift my left arm and I can feel the bone has knitted well. I have miraculously healed a horrific fracture. My nose will never be the same. I grasp my fallen shields and dust myself off.

I consult my map for nearby lairs on my way to my next destination. I am on the outskirts of a great evil grassland. I travel north, passing a cave entrance and enter a small abandoned keep. I might retire here I ponder.

Forging northwards the grass gives way to evil purple eye stalks and revolting pulsing weeds. I spot a lumbering zombie ogre and attack it. Even bisecting it does not stop it, crawling relentless towards me. I have to hack it into pieces before its remains stop writhing.

I find a lair with another of these hulks, and I have to reduce it into messy flesh before it stops moving, and no sooner has it fallen, it groans then twitches back into unlife. This is perhaps one of the most horrible places I have visited.

Clouds of eerie ash drift over the grotesque landscape. Creatures caught in it are wracked with pain and begin vomiting black fluid. Soon it is dark and I cannot see where I am going.  As much as I do not wish to stay here, I find a hollow and I rest until light.

I am awoken with a start... a goblin ambush! I grin in amusement as I realise these poor goblins have bitten off more than they can chew - as they advance upon me a pack of giant zombie dingoes leap upon them, tearing them limb from limb. Their gurgling screams make me chuckle. The dingoes eye me blankly, then return to gnawing on the warm goblin remains.

I advance westward to a lair, and spot a curious thing... scorched earth and ashes, and the enormous corpse of some demonic creature, its horned head a cloven ruin. I ponder this for a moment, how could a demon make it this far to the surface? Clearly this demon was struck down by some hero, the blackened earth testament to an old battle. I spot a sinister eerie mist cloud on the horizon and decide to leave this place., pushing onwards to Tongsrace to the west. Gods only know what that mist could do to a dwarf…

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23rd Sandstone 1125

I head north-west to Tongsrace - I have heard tales of the demons and beasts that roam there, and perhaps I can find a challenging battle. Sadly on arriving at the outskirts of the fort, I find that it too has fallen to the fates of the temporal anomaly, and I cannot penetrate its depths.

(Tongsrace inaccessible due to massive FPS death)

The next destination on my tattered old map is not far from here - I head eastward, to Islandpaddle, across the massive Systemic Desert.

Arriving at the haunted mountain terrain of Islandpaddle, I discover discarded clothing lies haphazardly around the site, which seems to be carved into a volcano. The skeleton of a long dead dwarven soldier shudders into unlife, animated by this evil gloomy place, but is not terribly talkative. I also find a reanimated goblin, his corpse twisted by multiple wounds.

Pressing into the fort, I enter a large room carved around the bubbling volcano. I shatter the dwarf skeleton and throw the parts into the volcano, along with the zombie goblin. Returning to the magma is a more fitting end for a proud dwarven soldier than to shamble around a long forgotten fort in a mockery of his once noble patrol. I soon discover that, aside from this massive chamber, the dwarves of Islandpaddle have left no further sign of their intentions. Finding no treasure or battle her, I quickly move on, heading north-west.

24th Sandstone 1125

I head north-west towards the next Mountainhall on my crude map, Crystaltombs. Haunted mountains make way to the sprawling Systemic Desert. On the way I am ambushed by goblins, who I gleefully dismember. Their master fires crossbow bolts at me as I stride towards him...

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I arrive at Crystaltombs at day break, spying a squat low square building in the distance. I pause and chat with a lone woodworker. He tells me a vampire still stalks the halls.

I climb to the top level of the above-ground compound, and slip inside through a hatch on the roof. The first things that I see are the corpses of a hundred creatures are piled high. Elves, humans, dwarves, goblins, kobolds, even an elephant met their end here. All appear of varying ages, suggesting to me that this is not where they originally died – some zombie army perhaps animated by a local necromancer to assail this bastion?

I stop to admire my surroundings. The fortress architecture is pleasing - geometric symmetry and ramps instead of stairs. My dwarven eye for detail appreciates the beauty of this place. Heading down the ramp, I almost bump into a forgotten beast, a huge four-legged construct of carnelian. Beware its deadly webs! Thinking fast, I hack at it with my axe, splitting it into several chunks of unliving stone before it has a chance to encase me in constricting webs.

I travel further into the fortress, and enter a room filled with the corpses of dogs and the sound of dripping water. One half of this level partially flooded, so I wade forward. Without warning, I am washed by treacherous currents deeper into the fort, until the water thins out and I can walk once more. Gods only know how I will get back up to the entrance!

This underground level seems to be the residential complex. Fine engravings line the walls, including one of a goblin being reanimated by a human necromancer. This might explain the great piles of corpses at the entrance. Amongst the sounds of the water streaming through this flooded subterranean fortress I hear something slithering... I am not alone down here.

Inside a great dining hall I find a dwarf, who introduces himself as Shorast Regtulon, the manager.
The manager is uninterested by my tales of slaughtering the carnelian quadruped and equally unmoved by my offer to join him. His job his here, he tells me. I mention that his home is dank, flooded, and infested with hellish beasts, to which he only grins madly.

To the south I find what was probably some sort of animal repository or food processing area. Corpses of jaguars and turkey hens litter the floor. Cowering in the corner of one cage I spot the shivering terrified form of a tame chipmunk, alone amongst all this death. I scoop him into my pack.

I stumble forward in the darkness, I again hear shuffling and wet fleshy sounds... there are beasts here. I lose my concentration for a moment and before I know it,  I lose my footing and am again washed down a level by a surge of water. Curse the architect of this forgotten place! I am washed round a corner and into the twisted face of a fleshy quadruped. Reflexively, I bring up my axe and in a fluke strike, split the beast in two lengthwise, the two perfect halves drop to the watery floor in a splash.

There are more beasts down here lurking in the dark. Each level follows the same basic layout round a central hub of ramps, made treacherous by the still-flowing aqueduct above. The next forgotten beast I chance upon sloshing about in the stagnant water, is a great monster formed of clear glass, with web-spinning mandibles. It is incredibly brittle, and a razor sharp slash from my axe neatly cleaves off its crystal head.

The next beast is shambling around in an ammo stockpile, a foul blob of vomit held together by some sinewy carapace. I have no desire to get close to this foul malodourous monstrosity and a demented idea crosses my mind! I pluck the shivering chipmunk from my pack and heft it at the shambling vomit-beast the chipmunk at it, denting it. As the beast staggers, confused, I hurl my axe at it, breaking away the tissue. The beast collapses in a nauseating heap, whatever inner anima which held it together dispelled.

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I forge on to the deeper levels, now almost completely flooded. I find a sauropod with mandibles, and hack it down. After several deep strikes severing bone and tendon, the final decapitation is clean. I head ever deeper into the watery abyss,  down another five or six identical uninhabited levels, waist high stagnant water splashing as I walk.

I encounter yet more hideous beasts! Truly this watery hell is infested with all manner of twisted creations. A humanoid composed of water is punched in half. I pick up its “water laced with water, water, water, water, water and water” and stow it in my pack as a trophy.

An enormous lidless llama with a fat bulging trunk puts up a bit of a fight until I slice off its trunk, and then head. I place the trunk in my pack, now filling with grisly mementoes.

A hideous winged lobster spewing gas confronts me next. Toying with it and avoiding its deadly claws, I hack off various limbs before scratching its brain. Its clattering legs curl up and it stops moving. An enormous three-eyed finch with an undulating trunk greets me on the level below. It is struck down in a single blow to the head.

The fortress is more unfinished here, losing some of the clean geometry of the levels above. Sprawling east of where I stand is the start of an abandoned silver mine. I hike to the next level down, and here the ramps stop. A single downward stairway is carved into the middle of the room.
Moving down through waterlogged stairs, I follow a winding passage which opens out into a vast underground cavern.  I have found the cave system that traverses the Systemic  Desert!

I search around the cavern entrance, wary of travelling too far and losing my bearings. The only things I can find in the vicinity of the entrance is a curious undead goblin arm (its owner nowhere to be find), which I kick into the depths, and some kind of giant undulating giant insect, which I easily behead.

Satisfied that I have cleared this place of the foul beasts which roamed the dark corridors, I begin the long ascent to the top of the fortress, happy that I have slain every twisted creature in this flooded place. I have found no treasure but added to my macabre collection of trophies.

The journey against the prevailing flow of water proves very difficult. Countless times I am pressed back by the relentless flow, sometimes tumbling several floors in the darkness, my armour shielding me from serious harm. Eventually, after hours of cautious progress, I make it to the surface.

As I trek away from this site, I spot on the horizon the necromancer tower which I presume to be responsible for the hordes of zombie corpses piled at the entrance to Crystaltombs. I decide I might pay them a visit.

24th Sandstone 1125

The journey to the necromancer tower is brief. I arrive and enter unmolested. Finding the necromancers deep in discussion about their various tomes, I regale them with my tales of beasts and dungeons. Recognising a fellow master of death, the necromancers are keen to mount an assault on the lands of the living. I decide now is as good a time as any to test the limits of my necromantic powers.  A human and cave fish man agree to join me and carve a swathe to the Grim Hills.

Checking my map I see that this area surrounds Dinnerwandered to the east, the realm of the Curse of Mites – an unforgiving and lawless land teeming with goblins and bandits.

It is not far before we come across a nomadic goblin camp in the desert. We three descend upon them, slaughtering them wholesale. Under the encouragement of the veteran deathlords, I raise my first zmobie army. Our host shambles north-east into the heart of goblin territory, laying waste to goblin and human bandit camps, each time our numbers swelling with the ranks of the freshly dead.
My zombies descend upon a grotesque harpy and pulverise its body. I gesture and raise its shattered corpse. It screeches and takes to the air, scouting the horizon for our next targets.

My undead horde now numbers over eighty. I have not travelled far west towards through the Grim Hills when I am stopped by an enormous force of goblins, a hastily gathered militia designed to halt our inexorable advance.

Fully forty goblins of the Curse of Mites stand before me; I see a dozen spear-goblins and many more wielding crude crossbows. This putrid land, raining pink pungent mucus and circled by harpies, forsaken though it may be, is their territory, and they are prepared to die defending it.

I bellow a charge and thunder into the melee.

Ten short minutes later and I stand over the cowering form of the sole remaining goblin, soaked in the gore of a score of his slain kin. I heft my axe at his cowering form and bisect him cleanly.
Surveying the horror, I see my horde lie scattered and broken, proving no match for the rain of silver bolts from the crossbows of our enemy. The battlefield is a horrific bloody scene. Truly I have made the goblins fear me.

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I feel I have made a name for myself in this world, and I feel it is time to follow in the footsteps of the greatest heroes in the world and make the journey west to the fabled museum of Dinnerwandered.

26th Sandstone 1125

I arrive at Dinnerwandered at dawn. Commanding the skyline is a great pinnacle piercing the sky - the Tower of Seers. I explore this famous landmark and find it is deserted and littered with corpses, though I find no beasts, nor demons to slay. At the foot of the tower I leave my book – “Death: The Definitive Guide.” I think to myself that this is a worthy home for my tome of forbidden knowledge.  Future adventurers may learn the secrets of undeath here, and find plenty corpses to practice with!

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I head back towards the city.

As I round the corner I hear commotion and fighting...  a door bursts open and a screaming human is gutted by what appears to be an undead dwarf. Suddenly, all hell breaks loose. I am spotted and a vampire hunter lunges at me. I retaliate by amputating his arm. My axe describes a bloody arc as I wade into the melee. Goblins, humans, dwarves of all kinds are crammed in this room and they are all fighting each other. Living versus unliving, vampire versus soldier.

In the ensuing melee, I slay a necromancer whose skin is erupting with foul pus, Kaslun Wadsomber the Whirling Anguish! I claim the head of a vampire, Thel Indigozephyrs the Greatest Wad of Oil before the dust settles and only two dwarves remain.

The only other hero left standing is Nil Swifttoast, the infamous and seemingly indestructable eerie mist thrall swordmaster necromancer. Legend states this damned adventurer has conquered hell itself! Nil stands aside the reanimated corpse of the wizened human Stasbo Humorbury, who he slew with his trusty steel short sword.

Nil looks at me, and I him, and like lightning we leap at each other.

The thrall is heavier and thick with muscle, but this weight has made him slower. I am faster and more nimble. We are both clad in fine adamantine armour. We fight for what seems like days, neither tiring, nor requiring nourishment. Each attack is parried or dodged. On the rare occasion a weapon sees through defences, it glances harmlessly off an adamantine plate. Nil raises the dead each time I strike them down, and I raise my own.

After an eternity, we instinctively stop trading blows. I bow to Nil and he grunts. Our strengths and weaknesses are matched. Neither has the upper hand and neither wishes to die. I walk slowly away from the scene of carnage and head to the Museum.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I enter the museum under cover of darkness, sneaking from the stationed bowmen. My eyes grow wide at the displays inside. So many wonderful things! Bogeyman body parts, titan scales, dragon eggs. I admire a perfect sword hewn from a single meteor of adamantine, untouched by mortal hands, retrieved from the depths of hell itself.

I spot a free table in the north-west corner of the bottom floor, and deposit upon it my dragonhide pack, bulging with trophies. This will be my submission -The Spoils of Dishmab.

A dragonscale backpack crafted from the hide of the dragon Obasp Zangusad Ronux Straza containing the following:

1. Masterwork Steel Battle Axe wielded by the militia commander Sigun Chastewhip the Pinnacle of Death, of Crimsondepths, and later used by myself to slay several Necromancers in my quest to become immortal.
2. A superior quality adamantine coffer retrieved from the forges of the First Anvil
3. 10 hearty unicorn steaks for any hungry adventurers
4. The left and right ears of the goblin were-lizard master, Nil “Lancedtoes” Kubuknin, who lead the siege that sacked Crimsondepths
5. A masterwork copper bolt crafted by Nil Mezoddom, master smith of Luckystream
6. A masterwork green glass serrated disc retrieved from the forgehall of Crimsondepths, now stalked by a seemingly invincible bronze tarantula
7. The tooth of Smungrus Strapfur the Bearded Boar, the Hill Titan, one of my first megabeast kills
8. A unicorn horn, hacked in one perfect piece from a still living unicorn
9. Two prepared forgotten beast eyes from a giant feathered skink with mandibles
10. The right and left horns of the minotaur Esmin Riddleshafts
11. The severed head of a nightwing, beheaded in the Dune of Trapping.
12. The right and left eye teeth of the dragon Obasp Fortuneglow the Heat of Gems, who I kicked into submission
13. The feather of Bazra, a forgotten beast
14. The trunk of Streti, an emaciated lidless llama forgotten beast from Crystaltombs

Having deposited my spoils, I retire in the Room of Carnage, where I reside to this day with my roommate, Nil Swifttoast, the only foe I could not best.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

233 total notable kills:

  • 1 Dragon
  • 5 Minotaurs
  • 2 Titans
  • 1 Roc
  • 6 assorted Night Creatures
  • 2 Zombie Ogres
  • 14 Forgotten Beasts
  • 9 necromancers
  • 2 vampires
  • (and 60 Bogeymen)

Dungeons explored:

  • Crimsondepths (fully)
  • Luckystreams (fully)
  • The First Anvil (fully)
  • Dashedstake (fully)
  • Northevil (FPS death, couldn't enter)
  • Deathtraps (partially; large areas sealed off by traps)
  • Tongsrace (FPS death, couldn't enter)
  • Islandpaddle (fully)
  • Crystaltombs (fully)
  • The Tower of Seers (fully)
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1149 on: October 22, 2013, 09:29:27 am »


I really enjoyed this game, probably one of my best every attempts at adventure mode, made all the more rewarding as I have read this thread for over a year and gotten to know all the adventurers whose exploits I tried to follow. I know it may be controversial to some that some characters ended up killed, but I don’t think anyone who died had plans to resume those characters.

I have made a short spoiler for my fortress which may tempt some to explore it – feel free to skip this part if you are wary of spoilers, though I don’t give away anything too major!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And some teasers :) :

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1150 on: October 22, 2013, 09:36:46 am »

The Fabled Adventurers of The Great Museum of Dinnerwandered!

A list of every adventurer so far and their exploits (kind of). This can be linked to from the first page and I will do my best to update it for subsequent turns. If there are any errors, let me know and I will investigate and rectify. Enjoy!

PlayerName                                                        Title                                                          RaceDescriptionBornDiedAge at deathCause of deathNotable KillsOther KillsDemons slainForgotten Beasts slainNight Creatures & SMBDragons slain
BralbaardBralbaard ScaledskinHumanMale1039106233struck down by Luto Firepupmkins, human lasherwoman, raised as a zombie by Sarvesh Worksound, human necromancer130000
LogicLogic Legendfinderthe Bitterness of LancersHumanMale1019111293Died of old age, retired in Dinnerwandered. Remains profaned by Nil Swifttoast. Remains interred in the Tomb of Heroes by Dishmab Northmanor.47130004
antlion12Freeman DielightningsHumanMale1023105330struck down by Teshil Despairdaub, Cave Fish Man Vampire000000
KromgarKaslun Wadsomberthe Whirling AnguishHumanMale Necromancer1026112599struck down by Dishmab Northmanor, dwarf necromancer30280000
BrewsterBrandon GrassmuffinHumanMale Necromancer1037105922struck down by Gikidisildus Laborchar, kobold swordsman000000
SiverixSiverix LaudedspeakersHumanMale1036105923struck down by Sesle Thriftvision, raised as a zombie by Istrul Spraykingdoms110000
TehsapperReg WorksoundDwarfFemale976106286struck down and raised as a zombie by the mummy Ezif Honoreddwellings230000
SapphoAira MopsprayedHumanFemale1030106232struck down by the human fishery worker mummy Zih Feedfaints000000
Spinal_TaperIstrul SpraykingdomsHumanMale Necromancer1044106824struck down by Prilikisteersnus Tinstretches, kobold bowman040000
LlamainaspitfireKamven WhisperslizardsHumanMale1046106822struck down by Jlagashurber Kindletrammel, kobold spearman000000
ArgonnekMonom Listenedbooksthe Gloomy Pleats of RenownDwarfMale1004106864struck down by Pinesgrouped, a mindless zombie grasshopper woman530000
NiyazovNine Shovelmurdersthe Eternal Berry of RockElfFemale8611068207struck down by Mispi Fangfancied, human macewoman8150000
NCommanderLali RosyclashedElfFemale8101068258struck down by Shebi Bincurl, human lasher1140000
TehsapperSarvesh Worksoundthe Gloomy Gill of CraftsDwarfMale Necromancer1020107555struck down, suffocated by Jlagajrikis Musclerain, kobold spearman83360000
SapphoStasbo Humorburythe Tepid BlazesHumanFemale1050112575bled to death, slain by Nil Swifttoast, dwarf eerie mist thrall. Remains interred in the Tomb of Heroes by Dishmab Northmanor.35490021
BralbaardHratgar NosefoldHumanMale1052107523struck down by the zombie boar Coldspurn during a kobold ambush000000
Eric BlankPeklod Hollowwhirledthe Amber Drip of SpinningHumanFemale1047107528struck down by Striklikis Bravedfleshy, kobold bowman, having avenged death of Nine Shovelmurdered by slaying Mispi Fangfancied590000
PutnamKima FlycrewHumanMale1066108923bled to death, slain by a nameless bogeyman000000
FurohmanNine VisewaveElfFemale8381090252struck down by the human vampire Thon Blossomedstops000000
peter1Pyell BattlebakersDwarfFemale1019109071struck down by the ferocious impala, Honorhammer050000
TomIronyStalcon EsteemauthorsHumanFemale1066109125struck down by the furious camel, Rewardsomber010000
ArgonnekKamca Willfulpagesthe Last Speech of GrovesHumanMale Necromancer1065109227struck down by the violent ghostly dwarf mason Tun Glovepraise810000
Eric BlankBora Ragedancethe Allied Flesh of NourishmentHumanMale Necromancer Vampire1064115288Struck down by Dishmab Northmanor, dwarf vampire necromancer accursed dust zombie and interred in the Tomb of Heroes.1344560270
BralbaardBralbaard MulemerchantHumanMale1077109822struck down and raised as a zombie by the human thresher mummy Keth Tunnelpads. Interred in the Tomb of Heroes.2110000
NAVIton StasisshipDwarfMale1010109888struck down and raised as a zombie by the human thresher mummy Keth Tunnelpads. Interred in the Tomb of Heroes.020000
MrWillsauceFeb MinesizzledDwarfFemale10181188170Died peacefully of old age in Dinnerwandered.2430010
Atomic ChickenThel Indigozephyrsthe Greatest Wad of OilHumanMale Vampire1068112557struck down by Dishmab Northmanor, the twice-husked.10110000
Pie MakerNil Swifttoastthe Colourless ComplexityDwarfMale Necromancer Eerie Mist Thrall10281152124Struck down by Dishmab Northmanor, dwarf vampire necromancer accursed dust zombie. Interred in the Museum.1164810200
LaularukyrumoSmige TrailblizzardsHumanFemale1071110332Struck down by Stosbub Gutsmalign, goblin lasher070000
ArgonnekZega DrillblotsHumanMale1078110325Struck down by the voracious alligator, Orbvelvet100000
NotquitethereGalka "the Bee" UzuHumanFemale1076110327Suffocated, shot by Epo Heroriddled, human bowman, later avenged by Bora Ragedance000000
BralbaardHadewich Whiskerfarmthe Declining Labors of AnguishingHumanFemale Necromancer1084-----Immortal, settled in Fiercejuggler, in the Realm of Ancients1500000
Timeless BobTimeless Bob PastfinderDwarfFemale1022110785Drowned - pushed in a well by a treacherous companion000000
HostergaardNithe Earthspeakerthe Lauded WayElfMale933-----Immortal, settled in Muffinseasons, Realm of Ancients.2760000
TehsapperUshat Parchgearthe Scarlet Silkiness of PerplexingDwarfMale1037-----Currently Alive, settled in Dinnerwandered.141330000
Pie MakerXem Inkdepththe Lavender FlagHumanMale1088-----Currently Alive, settled in Stilledfeast, town of The Dear Empire (human) 19340010
EvictedSaintGoden DiamondstarveDwarfFemale1027-----Currently Alive - settled in Pointyfrenzies, missing an arm, then lost in a temporal anomoly??????
ArgonnekIthra BristledminesHumanMale1094111723Struck down by Anu Embracedsplashed, human maceman bandit000000
Eric BlankIni Passskirtthe Contested DaleHumanFemale1084111733Struck down by her own zombie right hand, raised as a zombie by Bora Ragedance. Remains interred in the Tomb of Heroes by Dishmab Northmanor.960000
KesperanDishmab Northmanorthe Mute Saffron SootDwarfMale Necromancer Vampire Accursed Dust Zombie1054-----Indestructable. Currently missing in action. Alleged apotheosis to Godhood in 11835205681518163
StrangemoodAtthem RoomyscoopHumanMale1107113730Struck down by Sesta Tailhood, human bandit000000
Timeless Bob"Timeless" Leb BristlearrowDwarfFemale114011466Struck down by the goblin Xuspgas Dwellruthless, with a silver pike000000
BralbaardLeslem SpoonedboysHumanMale1119114829Struck down by the human zombie "Roarrobust," the reanimated corpse of the human Mimap Fistbreaths, slain by Nil Swifttoast and raised as a zombie by Dishmab Northmanor100000
KalsbKalsb Paintedhoursthe Deep Tricks of TrussingDwarfMale1070114878Struck down by the goblin macewoman Smunstu Giftghouls70140000
ArgonnekRofa HowlroarsElfMale9001149149Struck down by the goblin swordswoman Atu Fiendrings110000
GnormPevó BeaklizzardElfFemale9231149126Struck down by the human skeleton Kiros Carnagescrapes, who died in 346 and was raised in Dinnerwandered in 1068 by the necromancer Istrul Spraykingdoms0370000
NAVEshtan OrbtubesDwarfMale1080115171Struck down by the goblin maceman Usbu Turmoilmenaces100000
CynmCynm ZenithflameHumanMale1123115229Struck down by a bogeyman020000
KoterUrdim BrimfloorsDwarfMale1089115970Bled to death, slain by the human fishery worker mummy Stral Nosesloshed180000
Eric BlankKetas Glossknivesthe Lacy Habitual MirrorsHumanMale Werelizard1132-----Still alive301720000
Timeless BobKuchulain Lancedsoundthe Helmed Crescent of WaxesDwarfMale Tiny Foul Smoke Thrall1093-----Trapped in the deep heart of the world for all time...15360000
Atomic ChickenThone Glenlarksthe Clean Continent of CovensElfMale Vampire9031177174Passed into legend at the northern edge of the frozen wastes, reached the end of the world and stepped into the abyss. (Gave in to starvation.)39640061
StrangemoodStrangemood WayrootHumanMale1148117323Chewed to death by zombies.040000
BralbaardCosla WindarmorHumanFemale1145117732Struck down by the kobold Srinkis Tanglecusps.1200000
KalsbKel PaintedhoursDwarfMale1108117971Struck down by a mummy.110000
ArgonnekSlibtu WanderedfortressHumanFemale1158118022Bitten to death by a furious Monitor Lizard.0130000
KromgarAco Knitadmirethe Sly Rhymes of GleeHumanFemale Necromancer Eerie Mist Thrall1148118032Hacked to death by Dishmab Northmanor, Lord of Death.326193200731
tehsapperArane Calmcoastthe Trap of PassesElfMale8981181283Struck down by the zombie Dreamdeeps, the reanimated corpse of the were-goat Athel Tradedfreckle.18170000
PlanckyDumed SplatterdaggerDwarfMale1099118384Struck down by the human bone-doctor vampire An Splashbathed.000000
KesperanKosoth Griffonblazethe Shaken GalleyDwarfMale Vampire Necromancer Eerie Mist Husk Vile Mist Thrall1103-----Effectively indestructable. Settled in a fort south of the Realm of Ancients.4484730450
GnormGnorm BodicebowHumanMale1166118822Suffocated, struck down by the zombie raven Fathertempted.2280000
Deepfreeze78Ralthar DeepfreezeHumanMale1154118834Drowned!000000
Timeless BobIngish KingfinderDwarfFemale1120118868Suffocated, struck down by the evil warthog Whispernails.0150000
NAVNganiz MirthpointyHumanMale1155118934Struck down by the Goblin Master Lasher Gozru Werespread.000000
tonnot98Ceru CloudceilingHumanMale1163118923Struck down by the human maceman bandit, Ino Pantsjaws.000000
pisskopAst Glacierportalthe Bronze Savant of JawsDwarfFemale1133-----Alive. Settled in Dinnerwandered.9290000
BraalbardKed FrillcombatHumanMale1161119332Betrayed by vampires; suffocated after being mauled by the harpy Smearrisked.090000
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 05:52:16 am by kesperan »
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1151 on: October 22, 2013, 12:07:54 pm »

I honestly couldn't recall any details about my characters place of origin, nor her kills (notable or otherwise).  The only detail I remember about her is that she had High strength and agility.

Then again, she didn't really...accomplish anything.  The only thing she ever did worthy of note was accidentally cut her own arm off, followed by further horrific maiming.  Maybe Dwarf Fortress was so embarrassed by her it actually made an effort to erase her from history.

Yeah, let's go with that.  The adventurer so embarrassing the game literally erased whatever trace of her it could.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1152 on: October 22, 2013, 01:53:28 pm »

I *think* I've updated all the posts on the first page with all the achievements from Kesperan's turn, there are quite a lot of them, so let me know if I've forgotten anything.   

I also included a link to the table with adventurer facts in the first post.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1153 on: October 22, 2013, 03:53:13 pm »

That was awesome! And you explored all three of my forts, slew, probably, every single beast in Crystaltombs, and didn't get pulverised into a tiny lump of gore! Far more than any of my damned militia could ever accomplish.

Note, though: Nil Lancedtoes wasn't the actually leader of a siege, he was actually just a werebeast I managed to catch in a stroke of luck, and I'm guessing form his dwarven name that he was a member of some dwarven civ before becoming a werebeast. Tossing cage traps out in the wilderness was actually a pretty good way of spotting ambushing goblins, and all the goblins you met in Crimsondepths besides Nil were probably captured ambushers and siegers. I never did invent a properly-entertaining way to dispose of them. Did literally none of the dwarves in that fortress survive, though?

Also, Bralbaard, could you sign me up for another turn? Please?
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world
« Reply #1154 on: October 22, 2013, 04:21:36 pm »

That was awesome! And you explored all three of my forts, slew, probably, every single beast in Crystaltombs, and didn't get pulverised into a tiny lump of gore! Far more than any of my damned militia could ever accomplish.

Note, though: Nil Lancedtoes wasn't the actually leader of a siege, he was actually just a werebeast I managed to catch in a stroke of luck, and I'm guessing form his dwarven name that he was a member of some dwarven civ before becoming a werebeast. Tossing cage traps out in the wilderness was actually a pretty good way of spotting ambushing goblins, and all the goblins you met in Crimsondepths besides Nil were probably captured ambushers and siegers. I never did invent a properly-entertaining way to dispose of them. Did literally none of the dwarves in that fortress survive, though?

I really enjoyed Crimsondepths. There was a raging minotaur and several FBs tearing about the place so I am not surprised I didn't see many dwarves. There was one heavily wounded guy who gave me a quest and a miner if I recall, but not many. The goblin were-lizard announced in red text so I assumed it was the leader, looking in legends mode revealed it was a warlord of some goblin civ or another.

Crystaltombs was brimming with beasts! I must have killed about 10 of them. The flooding didn't make it easy though! When I made my own fort I was worried I might have the same problem so I channeled a separate run-off into the caverns, everything seemed OK when I visited on a test adventurer... Can't wait to see what someone makes of it though!

And finally, if he is still alive on my next turn, I am taking Dishmab back to finish off that bloody bronze tarantula!
Wow. I believe Kesperan has just won adventurer mode.
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