The reason for separation of church and state was that the United States of America has in its unique position in the world been able to and needed to distance itself from the religious leaders of the world, historically the Anglican Church and the Papacy, hence why it was so significant that the first Catholic President did not kiss the Pope's hand but rather shook it as a head of state and not a Catholic. Doesn't stop the USA using the Papacy and Anglican Church however, so you have those most amusing situations where both Anglican and Catholic heads are modernist liberals who lend their voices not towards strengthening their respective branches of Christianity but instead strengthening progressivism, with the most amusing ones being where the Church of England for example is led by liberal rationalists with bishops holding disestablishmentarian agendas of themselves and their peers. Or the Catholic Church which whilst working with the right-wing Americans during the cold war declared communists an enemy of the faith, whilst today on immigration, climate change and capitalism the Papacy's views are in line with progressivism, only differing on abortion where the Pope's neutral.
On the topic of prayer to God and enemies praying to God, unless you subscribe to the very Roman belief that you have a divine patron capable of helping you out, most do not pray to God to receive gifts, but to humble themselves. Of the three Abrahamic religions the Muslims bow to the ground in prayer and Islam itself means submission to God, the Christians teach that pride goes before destruction and attributes any personal success to God's achievement and Jewish prayer is an act of self-judgement. These are all acts to humble yourself and reduce your individual importance, your arrogance and to improve yourself to honour God. In Mahayana Buddhism pride is one of the five poisons which is the root of all suffering. In Hinduism self-respect is desirable, but excessive self-respect undesirable and an obstacle to peace and happiness.
I find it as a matter of intrigue why all these faiths seek to humble their followers and why modernist sects abandon this humility. Had a chat with my Muslim m8s a while back and they brought this up in regards to America about how America puts Caesar before God whilst Islam puts God before Caesar, which also means that people should not obey their leaders and should obey God. It's a wonderful check on state power, where if the globalists try to push too hard and fuck over the faithful too much too quickly, they have no obligation to obey Caesar when they follow God. Just look at countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Iran, Poland, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia and so on where religious groups or even state-driven responses have arisen in reaction to globalists trying to impose foreign regimes and values on them. For them, it is not a fight to make turning against God (literal sin e.t.c.) illegal, but a fight against those who would make it legal.