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Author Topic: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread  (Read 1245363 times)


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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8220 on: July 29, 2014, 07:21:01 am »



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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8221 on: July 29, 2014, 07:46:43 am »

why do we give people the right to vote?
Believe me, I have no idea either.

Shouldn't we limit the right to vote to a board of specialists who know the subjects of politics?
I do like the idea of a meritocracy, yes. Anarchy sounds better, but I trust humanity without restraints less than Oddysseus with a wooden horse.

Of course, than the problem is what would meritocrats decide - 'homo way' or 'hetero way'. ;) On a serious note though - it's not like I trust scientists any more than general population when it comes to... well, anything. Not with the kind of professors they show in my TV*. Or that I personally know for that matter. Specifically, I don't think we have any reasonable way to select such board - whether political or educational one - to make such idea work, really.

*Metaphorically. I don't own a TV set and I don't watch TV.
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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8222 on: July 29, 2014, 08:13:07 am »

How can you have Sex Ed without the babby forming bits?

I didn't say they do? Anatomy and pregnancy.
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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8223 on: July 29, 2014, 08:14:23 am »

That does kind of necessitate the coverage of heterosexual couples though.


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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8224 on: July 29, 2014, 08:16:52 am »

Whoa, this thread came back. Good conversation so far. Keep up with the not flaming each other.


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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8225 on: July 29, 2014, 08:22:29 am »

You shall burn for that comment.


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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8226 on: July 29, 2014, 08:32:48 am »

I remember sex ed, I had it at school a couple years ago and the entire basis was my science teacher saying 'you stick penis in vagina, and I'll wait until you stop giggling.' And then told us to research up on sex.
I learnt a loooooottt of stuff that day, and i think that actually isn't a bad way to go about it, I mean, if you give a flowery depiction of it, less kids are going to care, and this way, the kids who are a bit more mature than baby pandas learn about sex, the ones who didn't care in the first place either already know about it or won't listen anyway.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 08:34:51 am by Execute/Dumbo.exe »
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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8227 on: July 29, 2014, 10:01:19 am »

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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8228 on: July 29, 2014, 11:55:57 am »

So either is sexuality genetic ('born that way') and whatever I do to keep my kids from propaganda (not knowledge!) is not going to change who they are - so there is no difference as to which school I will send them to, or there is some difference, and I should have right to influence that part, just as I am trying to raise my kids in my religion and sharing my worldview.
You are wrong on both points.  If sexuality is 100% genetic then not teaching your kids about homosexuality (or teaching them that it is bad) will lead your kids to have trouble with their relationships, and possibly hate themselves when they come to realize they are gay.  If they are taught that homosexuality exists and is fine then they'll arrive at their actual sexuality a lot quicker and will be ok with it when they do.

On the other hand, sexuality not being entirely genetic doesn't mean it's 100% influenced by the way you're raised.  Indeed, I'd say it's obviously not true that you can prevent your kids from being gay just by trying to discourage them from it - there are gay people even in the most repressed societies, and there always have been.  And if you did try to discourage your child along the way then they will again hate themselves for what they are, which is clearly not a good thing.

In addition I'd like you to give an example of "gay propaganda".  The problem with the term is that it's incredibly broad and in Russia it is used to shut down any attempts to talk about homosexuality.


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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8229 on: July 29, 2014, 12:14:29 pm »

Well, and why would I want them other way around? Why would I not care? Give me a choice - and the let the kiddo choose for himself when we, as a society, agree that he is ready (probably after hitting 18/21 years of age). If you want your kids homosexual, go ahead, send them to school where they can learn about that. If not, don't send them here. You don't care? Great for you, you can just send them to school across the street, whatever they are teaching there. It is the best solution, at least in my mind: just let the education be privatized. And everything else, too, for that matter, but this is (again) different topic.
You seem to be confusing "propaganda" with just teaching basic facts.
Gay people exist. Therefore teaching that they exist and what they are is something that needs to happen in school if children are to be properly educated.

Kids also learn about criminals and wars and nazis and robber baron capitalists exploiting people all day, and slavery, etc.  Do these things convince children to become slavers, nazis, or to start wars? No, because the history class doesn't or shouldn't ENDORSE them, just teach them.

If your school is going around telling kids that they should all convert to being gay, that's inappropriate propaganda.
If they're just teaching what gay is, then they're doing their job, it's not propaganda, and expecting the state to make a whole separate school for you just to promote ignorance goes against the entire concept of school and is as silly as expecting them to make a whole school that doesn't teach math.

Well that's what I mean with parents not being allowed to decide that sort of thing. It's not their responsibility to do a professional doctor's job.
Doctors don't have magical omniscience about everything related to medicine ever. Especially pediatricians, since their "specialty" covers nearly all of medicine. They're very different than, say, rheumatologists or anesthesiologists, who have a much narrower scope and can master and read up on their domain to a much higher degree of expertise.

On MANY occasions, with my internists in my own life experience (same issue as pediatricians), I have pointed out blatantly obvious mistakes they made and saved myself from large complications I would have suffered if I just blithely obeyed everything without thinking:
* On at least 3 occasions, doctors have attempted to treat me while sneezing, coughing up lungs, runny eyes, dragging along, obviously completely ill and contagious, and claim they aren't sick "because I had my flu shot this year" ...Which is ~60% effective according to the CDC, but the doctors are ignorant of this and the basics of how vaccines work apparently, and by treating it as a magical 100% force field, they endangered my health by ignorantly coming to work despite being obviously sick, literally sneezing on tongue depressors right before trying to use them on me (I shit you not), and exposing me to the flu, especially dangerous since I was already vulnerable and sick with other things too.
* I have had internists not bother to read or apply knowledge of antibiotic allergy on my chart and attempt to prescribe me stuff that would have put me into anaphylactic shock if I didn't stop them.
* I once had to actually remind an ER doctor that seemed to be missing something that maaaybe they might want to take an x-ray of my nearly compound broken angle, and they responded, I quote exactly, "...Oh yeah! Right. Okay."
* I have, on several occasions, looked up and researched my own symptoms, suggested medications or vitamin supplements or whatever that seem to fit, and had my doctors agree and go with it. They just simply hadn't had time to read everything and know about certain options or better fit explanations of symptoms, but agreed with my research.

Doctors, in general, only have about 15 minutes to spend on you. You have hours or days or weeks to spend on you.
If you have half a head on your shoulders and know how to research things, you can very easily achieve greater expertise than a random internist or whatever on conditions related to you specifically (or your kids). All the same resources are available to you as them, and nothing about medical school involves implanting a special microchip that makes doctors better able to understand science than you. In fact, in my case, I have significantly more science and research education than doctors...

Is there maybe some specialist doctor out there who knows more about my condition than me? Sure. But since I'm not a billionaire, I can't afford to just waltz around hiring world experts every time I have a runny nose, so instead, I read the studies from those world experts, and fill in my actual doctors when they don't.

Frankly, I have a problem with people deciding on what their children learn. People are badly informed, biased, or just plain unknowledgeable in a large number of subjects, as laymen tend to be.
Unless you're not a layman and/or at least have as much or more experience and background in subjects than public school teachers do.
Personally, I don't know how people have TIME to home school, and I don't think it's appropriate to try and change a whole curriculum in school just for your one kid. But plenty of people can and do know better than the public school system about various things, and it is not illogical to wish their children to also know better in those cases.

This is probably best solved in almost all cases, though, by simply sitting down with your kid later and filling them in on any mistakes or extra info that you find important. Not trying to legislate things.

But what if the professionals offer a cure that has a 50/50 chance of either curing, or killing?
Irrelevant. The media outrage alone would ensure they wouldn't bring such a cure on the market in the first place.
No, it wouldn't, because lots of drugs at least in the United States, that goes on the market MIGHT be ones that are just as likely to kill you as cure you. Due to the way FDA trials work.

Since you bring up vaccines, it's a convenient and easy to understand example (but this logic is by no means exclusive to them). A typical scheduled vaccine is given out to, say, maybe 300,000,000 people in the U.S. alone. Guess how many people they run in clinical trials, though? Usually between about 100 and 2,000, variably. Let's take the generous end of that, 2,000 (largest number I've personally seen in one)

What can a 2,000 person clinical trial tell you, exactly? Well, it can tell you that there's roughly less than a 1/500 chance of you dying from XYZ complications if you take this drug. (Not 2,000, because you need a handful of instances in order to prove a significant result above baseline, not just one instance of something). In other words, it tells you that there are almost certainly no complications that will occur at a 1/50 rate, but there very well might be ones that happen at a 1/1500 rate or whatever.

Which is great. That's much better than knowing nothing.  However, 1/500 isn't particularly rare. Let's say, for example, that that vaccine DOES in reality have a 1,000 chance of stopping your kidneys or whatever, 6 months later. If it did, the clinical trial would not detect this and it would pass. Then it would be given to 300,000,000 people, and roughly 300,000 people's kidneys would fail.

Now, if the vaccine is expected to save 500,000 lives from whatever disease it is vaccinating against, then that may still be a good choice. It might be (slightly) worth it. But if, for example, it is protecting against a disease that there's only like 10 cases of every year and which is not particularly deadly anyway, in other words, if the benefit is much smaller than 1/500, then you have NO IDEA or way to even possibly know if it is helping you or hurting you.

It doesn't matter if you're a doctor or the world's foremost virologist. You don't know and can't know, because the data quite simply isn't there for you. There's like a 1/500,000 chance IIRC that, say, a measles vaccine will actually save your life (chance of it working * chance of getting measles * chance of having died from measles if you got it = about that number). Which is fantastic. Better than nothing! That's a benefit.

But you don't know what the associated cost is, so you can't do an actual cost benefit analysis. For all you know, it might stop your kidney 1/1,000 and the FDA trials would not have detected this, and thus it might be much worse for you than it is good. OR its only side effect might be a 1/10,000,000 chance of something that will kill you or maim you, in which case it would be much better for you than bad.  We really just don't know. I don't know, you don't know, doctors don't know. And due to various statistical problems, it is often difficult or impossible to analyze statistics after the fact meaningfully (which is precisely why they run clinical trials in the first place).

There is quite literally only one way to decide: Gut instinct. Which parents have every right and logical reason to decide to apply if they so choose, as long as nobody else has significantly superior methods, which they don't. Basically, science (or rather, clinical trial funding) just isn't there yet to answer these questions definitively for us.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 12:20:39 pm by GavJ »
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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8230 on: July 29, 2014, 12:45:53 pm »

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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8231 on: July 29, 2014, 12:58:50 pm »

Well, and why would I want them other way around? Why would I not care? Give me a choice - and the let the kiddo choose for himself when we, as a society, agree that he is ready (probably after hitting 18/21 years of age). If you want your kids homosexual, go ahead, send them to school where they can learn about that. If not, don't send them here. You don't care? Great for you, you can just send them to school across the street, whatever they are teaching there. It is the best solution, at least in my mind: just let the education be privatized. And everything else, too, for that matter, but this is (again) different topic.
You seem to be confusing "propaganda" with just teaching basic facts.
Gay people exist. Therefore teaching that they exist and what they are is something that needs to happen in school if children are to be properly educated.

Kids also learn about criminals and wars and nazis and robber baron capitalists exploiting people all day, and slavery, etc.  Do these things convince children to become slavers, nazis, or to start wars? No, because the history class doesn't or shouldn't ENDORSE them, just teach them.

If your school is going around telling kids that they should all convert to being gay, that's inappropriate propaganda.
If they're just teaching what gay is, then they're doing their job, it's not propaganda, and expecting the state to make a whole separate school for you just to promote ignorance goes against the entire concept of school and is as silly as expecting them to make a whole school that doesn't teach math.

No, I am not confusing propaganda with teaching basic facts, and I have, in fact, pointed it out (although maybe in the later post). I'm not opposed to teaching kids about existence of homosexuality, just like I'm not opposed to teaching about existence of cancer. But the key world is *shouldn't*. And biology classes, for example, are more than enough to teach children about various psychological problem, homosexuality among them; but there are influential groups (again, I'm speaking about my own country, which happens to be Poland) trying to force in propaganda in various forms to school. Also, there are more to the world-view problems than just homosexuality, and that's all the more reason to make private schools and allow parents to choose schools that have viewpoint similar to theirs. Not teaching only some subset of facts, but all of them - just with right framing, to keep the word GrizzlyAdamz used.
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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8232 on: July 29, 2014, 01:02:35 pm »

I would be able to take your opinion a lot more seriously if you did not just refer to homosexuality as a "psychological problem". Though, if this was a translation issue, I apologise.

Any chance you could offer us a sample of this "propaganda" so we can see exactly what worries you so much? One persons propaganda could be another valid point, or yet another persons offensive hate speech, after all.
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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8233 on: July 29, 2014, 01:07:05 pm »

Aye, if you're willing to call homosexuality a "psychological problem" then you're either incredibly ignorant or trolling. Either way, I'm not sure why the discussion would continue after that, it'd obviously be going nowhere.
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Re: Calm and Cool Progressive Discussion Thread
« Reply #8234 on: July 29, 2014, 01:13:21 pm »

And biology classes, for example, are more than enough to teach children about various psychological problem, homosexuality among them
It is not, in the opinion of the majority of the scientific community, a psychological problem, as it has been removed officially from the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistic Manual -- psychology's catalog and classification of disorders).

Calling it one or teaching that in schools despite scientific consensus would be an example of "propaganda" ...

I sympathize with groups of people who have legitimate arguments about some things and the support of solid, logical arguments or a minority of scientists, or whatever. And in some cases like that, it makes sense to teach more than one perspective in a school (history does this a lot, and some uncertain sciences, like string theory or whatever). But in this particular case, there aren't really any fringe psychologists who disagree or splinter sects, it's virtually unanimously not a disorder.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 01:15:41 pm by GavJ »
Cauliflower Labs – Geologically realistic world generator devblog

Dwarf fortress in 50 words: You start with seven alcoholic, manic-depressive dwarves. You build a fortress in the wilderness where EVERYTHING tries to kill you, including your own dwarves. Usually, your chief imports are immigrants, beer, and optimism. Your chief exports are misery, limestone violins, forest fires, elf tallow soap, and carved kitten bone.
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