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Wait for Next Version, Use current (.40.24,) or use older release (.34.11?)

Wait for the next release. I want usable mugs damn it!
- 55 (71.4%)
We can use the current one. I like the big trees and slightly smarter dorfs.
- 17 (22.1%)
I'll take .34.11 thanks. I want to know I'll get to kill things for sure.
- 5 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 77

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Author Topic: [34.11] Spearbreakers - It shudders and begins to move  (Read 2254606 times)


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6345 on: November 13, 2012, 05:47:38 pm »

Also on "Seige what seige?"

Human "Army" (Likely just a mess of workers given basic training and weaponry with a few actual soldiers leading them) vs Spearbreakers Army AKA the "Enemy Blend-o-matic."

I wonder which won. *Sarcasm*


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6346 on: November 13, 2012, 06:05:06 pm »

Especially now that Fischer is awake.

anyway, this is my second entry. BEWARE! long entry. I couldn't find a place to break it up. besides, I had to read a lot now you have to read a lot. :D

« Last Edit: November 13, 2012, 06:08:00 pm by Terrahex »
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6347 on: November 13, 2012, 08:13:21 pm »

Fischer's idea of mercy to her enemies is killing them in a half-second instead of ten seconds.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6348 on: November 13, 2012, 09:00:14 pm »

I was reading the TVTropes page and listed under shrinking violet (the shy character) was Vanya (at the beginning) but not Terrahex the dwarf... XD
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6349 on: November 13, 2012, 09:20:18 pm »

Yeah our TVtropes page is a bit dilapidated atm. :/


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6350 on: November 13, 2012, 09:21:14 pm »

We have no-one to reliably maintain it because I can't and nobody else is willing.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6351 on: November 13, 2012, 09:31:53 pm »

We'd need someone sane. It's not that no-one's willing, it's that no-ones ELIGIBLE.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6352 on: November 13, 2012, 09:38:56 pm »

Far as I can tell everyone who's contributed followed quickly with what amounted to "NOT IT." regarding custodianship.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6353 on: November 13, 2012, 11:05:30 pm »


actually I wouldn't know how :P
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6354 on: November 13, 2012, 11:34:23 pm »

Egh, I keep procrastinating for my next entry, and I know both Splint and Talvi are waiting on me.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6355 on: November 13, 2012, 11:40:07 pm »

I'm not. I'm just ina big pile of writers block. If you do do that little nod remeber: Early Sewaturet. If you want specifics on a layout I'll be happy to PM them.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6356 on: November 13, 2012, 11:48:42 pm »

I'm not. I'm just ina big pile of writers block. If you do do that little nod remeber: Early Sewaturet. If you want specifics on a layout I'll be happy to PM them.

Yes please!


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6357 on: November 14, 2012, 04:17:48 am »

Here's entry four. Entry five will be at Sewaturet, Splint.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6358 on: November 14, 2012, 07:22:52 am »

Whoa, wait... Talvi's in prison??  ??? For forty years?? When did this happen? Why wasn't I informed? Aaand... now the whole fortress knows Vanya's an elf, and you say they're prejudiced against her... This makes things interesting, to say the least. :-\ Not sure where to go from here.

Great update, though, Reudh. Looking forwards to the next one.

Edit: sorry about the TVTropes page, Terrahex. I was maintaining it for a while, but the character sheet isn't even half-done. RL got in the way.
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #6359 on: November 14, 2012, 08:13:35 am »

Written somewhat spur-of-the-moment.

reedit: discussion complete, this is canon.
Journal of Talvi Diamondknight, Late Winter 209

This is a giant emu leather bound journal belonging to Talvi Diamondknight. The pages sit loosely within the cover, as if they weren't intended to be there at all. This is supported by the fact that the cover reads "Alchemy and You, A History".

    I told 'em, I did. I tole all of 'em. I told 'em that I killed Vanya, that little sneak. I told 'em I was sorry. I couldn't stand knowing that I'd killed her - me, li'l ol' me. Same as the newt in the waste pile said, "There ain't none more apple peels," I ain't gon' leave here no more. They sentenced me, by my request, to 40 years in prison. Fortress'll fall afore then, sure as anything, but that don't matter none. I gots what I need. I gots my journal. I gots a pen. I gots people feelin' sorry for me. An' they shouldn't, 'cuz I was a bad woman, I was. I'm sorry fer what I did. I shouldna killed Vanya... even if she was an elf.
    'Least, that's what I tell ever'one.
    I ain't that dumb.

    Not too long af'er I made m' last entry, Mr Frog came an' got onto me for eatin' his books, he did. "Talvi," he said, "There ain't no butter in a pecan's eye, you should rightly know that weller'n anyones." And so I did, but he didn' know that. I was eatin' his books on purpose. I knew he'd get onto me fer it. "Talvi, lemme show ya what books are really for, ya hear?" My response was quick. I accepted. See, but inside, I was fumin' with rage and havin' to keep a tight leash on my temper an' all, but he didn't know. He gave me one of his older books an' tole me to read it instead o' eat it. And so I did... Consumin' them with yer eyes beats with your teeth... There's so much more meat on 'em for the eyes. But Mr Frog only gave me that one book. "Alchemy and You", it was. I still has the cover, and I ain't gonna give it back. He said I could keep it, affer all. He said it weren't no use to him none.
    But I didn't stop there. I asked for another, but he said I should read from the Spearbreakers library. But that weren't what I wanted. I wanted to b'come smart as Mr Frog hisself. He's got a full bookcase in his room, dusty ol' books sittin there like ants with a jelly jar. But he'd know if any was missin', he would... So I tried somethin' differ'nt. I'm well and good at takin' pages out of books by now, affer eatin' so many of Draignean's. While Mr Frog was outta his room, I took the pages of "Alchemy and You" and removed the pages of another of Mr Frog's books, replacing them with Alchemy's. The book still seemed full, but it had the wrong pages, was all. Mr Frog never read 'em, so he wouldn't never know.
    An' I read. I read all his pages about portals an' brains an' neurochemistry an' all that stuff. I know how to make potions t' make a person fast, I know how to make a poison that'll boil a man's blood in half a minute, I do. I kept swapping the pages of his books, one affer another, readin' them all in my spare time. Only trouble was Urist... He's in Mr Frog's room quite a bit these days, learnin' or somethin... But Mr Frog ain't never locks his door. I kin sneak in there while Urist's fiddlin' with the portal, or readin' up on books, and steal a book of my own. Mr Frog has sharp eyes, but Urist don't.
    Then I ran out. I'd read all Mr Frog's books. I knew all he kept in there. I started readin' other books in the fortress... An' it finally got t'where I stoled the necromancer tome from Mitchewawa's room. It was in ano'her language, but I knew how to read't, 'specially since I read that human-english dictshun... whatnot stuff. Sure as an ol' mule bouncin' on a bowl of taters.
    Now I know how t'raise the dead, e'en if I ain't so good at it. I can make poisonses that'll make it seem like I'm dead m'self. But what good does that all do if Mr Frog finds out, see? An' he did. He found out I was messin' with his books affer th' cover fell offa one. He started watchin' me... Think he may have been lookin' to kill me, even... But it only left one thing t'do. An' I knew what it was.
    Affer stashin' some stuff, I went an' tole Splint what I did to Vanya. I tol' ever'one. They all knows now. But see... I appealed t'their nature. I tol' 'em all how she was an elf. I told 'em I thought she was gonna betray the fortress, jus' like any elf rightly would, see? But I knew better. Vanya weren't like that... a'least, not when we was friends. I told'em how I pushed her off the cliff. I told 'em ever'thing... almost. But what happened was what I thought would.
    They betrayed me. Some of 'em wanted mercy for me, an' I'll remember that few. I said I was bad, an' horrible, and instead of jus' one year in prison, I made 'em give me 40, sayin' I deserved it. I begged for forty, I did. Well, I said "thousand", but they said that was crazy, an' they set it t'that. I also made 'em give me mah cavies so I could keep'em with me. Loki and Set don' really likes the Holistic Spawn's yellin' and yammerin' all the time, but it cain't be helped. I need 'em here. It lets me be happy an' bubbly, keeps me from goin' crazy. I'm a good girl, I is. We all just doesn't see eye to eye all the time, like the farmer an' his weed. I ain't never counted a weed's eyes afore, tho... Anyhow, the cavies keep stealin' the keys, an' I keep givin' 'em back to Fischer. I want them to feel sure I don't never want to escape this little cell.

    They all think I'm outta the way. They think they've put a stop to me. They think I isn't never comin' back to harm nobody.

    They don't know.

    Mr Frog came to me one night, he did, early on. "Talvi," he said, "Vanya didn't die in the caverns. I cain't find her body." I told 'im I didn't care. I was bad and had to stay locked up. It was the way things had to be, I said. I deserved it. He nodded an' left.
    Because I'm my sweet, lovin' self around ever'one, Spearbreakers folk don't hate me. They feel sorry for me. They like that I owned up to my mistakes. Not e'en Mr Frog hisself could tell I was lyin' through my teeth when I said I was sorry. I just get all bubbly or teary when it's needed, I do. My granpappy said I shoulda been an actress once, he did, but I ain't never got the time to catch a wagon. Same as a splinter's hide.

    Most recently, Terrahex came t'see me. 'e was lookin' mighty... hard t'see. Jus' like old times. I tried to tell him of my plans... But he ain't the same no more. He's changed. He betrayed me, he did... said he weren't gonna be friends with me no more. I don' rightly care. I's got my cavies, an' they's all I need. I don't need Mr Frog none. I don't need Terrahex. I gots them. And I gots my plan. I ain't out of the picshur, no, no no. Any little lightning bug with a fever can agree wi' me there. I'm just resting an' waiting. I'll be out afore you know it.
    I don't never forgive.

The bottom of the page is scrawled with arcane and demonic symbols.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 08:02:40 pm by Talvieno »
Quote from: Mr Frog
Talvieno ... seems to be able to smash out novella-length tales on demand
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