Can do Kingfisher. Can't promis medical, but we've quite a few unrandomized dorfs now, so you'll get one. Oh and Draconik has been dorf'd.
The update went fast or seemed to because literally nothing happened except my smaller projects being worked on. And to clarify, I don't like block roads on the surface. Looks too much like a floor. Plus we have more damn raw stone than we could ever hope to get rid of. Hell I think Loud Whispers and three ofther dorfs have been working on mugs nonstop, and I've set two mason shops to make blocks endlessly; I still ran out of blocks.
Current renovation projects are making paved block roads on all the main paths in the dirt levels. Two new spacious barracks have been complete, complete with sleeping and eating facilities, and a lovely statue garden, with iron, shale, and an electrum statue, as well as using up the last of the spare chairs making pointless little spots of chiars gathered around tables in the garden watch tower. Most of the work I've done took the better part of Spring and Summer, though the mill was built suprisingly quickly. It's windpowered, with featherwood mills.
Also, due to our massive kaolitinite reserves, we will have porcelien bricks galore, and porcelien statues if it pleases you guys. Can make ash to make some lovely glazed porcelien statuary. I'm also spoiling my personal guards. Gave them rooms with iron plated floors with porcielien flooring in the woorways.... Don't stare at me like that we have several meteric fucktons of iron. Oh and adamantine production is going well. Well over 99, but I may save some strands to make adamantine claoks and hoods for myself, my guards, and our champion.
Any projects you guys want me to work on? Keep in mind I'll be hellbent on finishing them so make them reasonable.