Inod Semormeng, Suturer, you are on Trial For Vampirism! Will you take the stand?
"Yes Overseer"Now, we see you have no deity listed. Are you an Atheist?
"I serve the Fort as my religion."It seems you aren't the only one. Your colleague seems to have many deities, around 4 more than the average at the Fort. Would you say your Colleague is praying more than usual, for someone?
"I am not sure. I never was religious."Yes, but do you remember the last time you had a drink?
"..."Now Inod, you look like you were born seventy five years ago, do you appear that way?
"I'm not sure what you mean."Do you lie about your age?
"It says when I was born in my profile. I do not lie about my life."Are you aware of the Deity Onget Akrullurit Avus Kilrud?
"I believe so, he sounds like one of my colleague's deities."Now, you will be made aware, Sigun Enshallorbam, your colleague, does worship him, who is also known by Onget Tinspine. Are you familiar with where he is a deity of?
"No I am not."He is a deity of The Renowned Girder. It says you lived there, have you not?
"I have lived there, and remain a citizen there."
Now, for the Jury, will you read the following?
"Yes.""In the early winter of 103 Onget cursed the dwarf vampire Inod Glovewipe to prowl the night in search of blood in Creaturetrades."
Now, are you willing to submit to a Court Ordered test?
"Yes, Overseer."You will temporarily be named "On Trial", Inod. If you are the same Inod as the one in the Public Records, the Ink used to pen names, will magically change.
"Yes, Overseer."Damn, the ink hasn't changed. Your name will be rewarded On Trial, but only if we have your word that you are not a vampire.
"You do, Overseer."The Court Releases Inod Semorseng to the Public, on Court Ordered Monitoring on Suspicion of Vampriism.