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Author Topic: Please Don't - Difficulty  (Read 21845 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #45 on: February 16, 2012, 05:30:58 pm »

I found that a good tactic too. Just too bad my companions keep dying.
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #46 on: February 16, 2012, 05:45:49 pm »

I am all for difficult games (the learning curve and complexity is why i play DF), but the difficulty right now is game breaking. It also doesn't make sense. Bandits should not be able to (easily) kill demigods or trained professional soldiers. It really hampers the enjoyment you can have with adventure mode because there is so much stuff to see, and every second you are traveling there is a 10% chance of being encountered by instadeath. The bandits are stronger than mummies and other supernatural creatures.

There's also no precautions you can make to avoid being ambushed. You'd think setting up camp deep in a forest would make you relatively safe from an ambush, but no.

Actually some bandit groups throughout history have been known to be in such high numbers that they actually fend off armies and quite a few bandits have been known to be great warriors and generals. Given that bandits could also have been ex-soldiers and ex-mercinaries it means they could be as skilled or even more skilled as the average town guard or even royal guard.

The way the game handled it previously was actually quite nice. There were minor bandits who normal people would tell you of, and major bandits who kings would tell you of.

As well what are elite bandits, elite master bandits, doing bugging a lone adventurer walking through the woods? You should be raiding entire carrivans, not fighting some poor shmuck in cloth walking in the woods.

Elite Bandit camps should leave you alone unless you are bugging them or enter their territory (which shouldn't be "right next to the town"... bandits tend to like easily hidden territory. I find it hillarious that bandit camps tend to be close to town)

Thanks for the history lesson chief. ::looks at history degree on wall::

Bandits don't wander around in the wilderness, historically they either interdicted road traffic or formed into free companies to be hired by parties for specific tasks as mercenaries.

Right now,  the most absurd part is not actually the strength of the individual bandits (which as I said, is also absurdly implausible) but the frequency of them and their location. Plausible ambush sites would be on the roads inbetween towns, along important waterways which connect trade sites and on the immediate outskirts of urban settlements. Also I understand if Toady didn't have time to code or design that, but if anything the frequency of ambushes should be a fraction of a percent per "move" in fast travel mode, not what it is now (appears to be 10%).

If you randomly wandered around the countryside looking for targets for banditry you wouldn't be very profitful...
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 05:53:12 pm by tyrspawn »
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #47 on: February 16, 2012, 06:22:36 pm »

Strength is THE problem, I just got shot with a silver arrow through a MASTERWORK ADAMANTINE HELMET! That is the definition of broken.
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #48 on: February 16, 2012, 06:52:15 pm »

As a matter of science I just put all my starting points into intuition and observation.  I can now travel all day without getting ambushed at all.  Bogeymen seem to appear regardless of observation ability, so make sure to be in town before nightfall. 

It might be worth *not* min-maxing your adventurer for pure combat if you intend to be traveling.
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #49 on: February 16, 2012, 08:33:38 pm »

funny, i don't have problems with bandits, they ambush WAY too often for me but i just hop in the nearest pond or behind a tree and sneak and pick them off one by one with stones :D

have yet to be outnumbered 3-1 by elite bandits 2 steps out of town, huh?
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #50 on: February 16, 2012, 09:37:20 pm »

It's hard, but I like it. The bandit frequency is too high, and it's probably too easy to get hold of abandoned armour. There's too many shops selling leather and bone junk, not enough general stores, armour shops, weapon shops, etc.
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #51 on: February 16, 2012, 09:58:00 pm »

Tombs/sewers/towers and not to mention towns have plenty of armor for keepers. Elves & dorfs have to scavenge from goblins at this point, so don't go complaining about that. I can't tell you how much golden/platinum frill iron armor I'm pulling out of tombs that I can't bloody well wear.

One shouldn't have to run behind a tree, magically disappear from your opponent's minds, (DAMN HE GOT AWAY), and exploit retarded ai to survive random encounters. Sure, if encounters can range in combatants and running is understood to be a viable and sometimes needed course of action, that's all good. But not when encounters are geared to always have an advantage on you, not when enemies are so strong.
It's unbalanced for regular play-- caveat being those who want realism, (and they would still protest to hiding behind trees & slowly stoning an entire party to death).

If you randomly wandered around the countryside looking for targets for banditry you wouldn't be very profitful...
The word you were looking for was lucrative solvent. <3

reread diction/semantics.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 10:01:48 pm by GrizzlyAdamz »
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #52 on: February 16, 2012, 10:02:39 pm »

Guys i can see we are all talking about the new patch and how a lot of us think it is much harder.

I just wanted to say please don't send the wrong message to Toady because he will most likely be looking over us in these forums for what's going on.

If he see's how much some of us are stressing he may want to change the game to be easier. Adventure mode right now(for me at least)  is getting a lot closer to how hard i want the game to be.

If you disagree sure voice your opinion i'm just worried about sending Toady the wrong idea.

Please don't send the wrong message to Toady, if he sees how some of us think the game is just right he might keep the game this frustratingly difficult and I'd like to see things evened out.



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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #53 on: February 17, 2012, 01:35:03 am »

As a matter of science I just put all my starting points into intuition and observation.  I can now travel all day without getting ambushed at all.  Bogeymen seem to appear regardless of observation ability, so make sure to be in town before nightfall. 

It might be worth *not* min-maxing your adventurer for pure combat if you intend to be traveling.

This, I get ambushed occasionally with just some observation skill but it does seem to make a large difference. Last time I went through the wilderness (and I start all characters int he same area) I got 0 ambushes, just a few small problems like a lion when I was debilitated from hunger (at least one of us got fed)


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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #54 on: February 17, 2012, 01:53:14 am »

"...and correcting ambush frequencies back to around where they were before."

Nice one guys.  >:(


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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #55 on: February 17, 2012, 01:53:59 am »

double post

zombie urist

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #56 on: February 17, 2012, 02:02:52 am »

If you randomly wandered around the countryside looking for targets for banditry you wouldn't be very profitful...
The word you were looking for was lucrative solvent. <3
Soylent green is bandits.

"...and correcting ambush frequencies back to around where they were before."
Meh.  :-\

Nice one guys.  >:(
The worst part of all of this is that Shakerag won.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #57 on: February 17, 2012, 02:53:06 am »

I'd hate encounter rates this high even if they were easy, because even then they'd be annoying as hell and unrealistic.

DF's world is not safe. There are scary things hunting you at every turn, and entire regions of the map that will reanimate the dead. I don't think a few kobolds and bandits every dozen or so miles is out of the question.

"every dozen or so miles" was how often ambushes happened before. Now it's more like every couple hundred feet: outside of towns, one quick-travel tile is 48 regular tiles, and it's rare to go through ten of them without an ambush. It's a fairly often that you'll get in one ambush, kill everyone, and then get into another ambush with the bodies from the first one still in sight.

I am all for difficult games (the learning curve and complexity is why i play DF), but the difficulty right now is game breaking. It also doesn't make sense. Bandits should not be able to (easily) kill demigods or trained professional soldiers.

The reason bandit leaders are so tough now is that they're historical figures, who gain skills throughout their life during world gen. Those kind of bandits existing makes sense, but as RAKninja said, running into those bandits all the time does not.


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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #58 on: February 17, 2012, 03:31:13 am »

My understanding is that the excessive (and yes, they are stupidly excessive) ambush frequencies were just the result of a bug.

I can understand the desire for more challenge, but the fact is that bandit ambushes are not meant to be the main focus of the game.  Eventually the world will have more stuff to do in it, and when that happens it should actually be possible to walk from one town to another without encountering five or six repetitive bandit ambushes along the way.

It also, as others have said, doesn't make any sense for bandits to ambush people away from major trade routes, and makes absolutely no sense at all for them to charge forward in murder/suicide rushes against armed travelers who show no signs of carrying any valuable goods.

Real-world bandits worked on logical risk/reward.  They're not going to attack a pair of guys with swords unless there's a clear way to make money out of it; they're going to focus on less-defended caravans.  And if they do attack, they'll demand money, first, which is one of the major problems right now -- bandits currently seem to inexplicably decide to murder you for no reason.

It's also important that any attackers in adventurer mode come from a logical source.  That is to say:  You should eventually be able to kill all the bandits in an area and pacify it.  Infinite random encounters from nowhere is the kind of thing you get in Final Fantasy, not in a believable setting like Dwarf Fortress' world.

DF's world is not safe. There are scary things hunting you at every turn, and entire regions of the map that will reanimate the dead. I don't think a few kobolds and bandits every dozen or so miles is out of the question.
It is absolutely and totally out of the question.  Here's why:

1.  Dwarf Fortresses' world is meant to be realistic.  It doesn't exist specifically to challenge the player any more than it exists specifically to reward the player.  It's meant to realistically model a fantasy universe.  The challenges it presents should come from realistic sources (wars and believable bandit predation and magical threats with a clear and specific source), not D&D- or Final-Fantasy-style random encounters your DM pulls out of nowhere constantly just to threaten you.  There are not scary things hunting you at every turn, because there isn't, really, any practical reason for scary things to hunt you at every turn.  There are places where there are scary things, yes.  But they don't cover the entire world.  This is a fantasy game, not purely a horror game.

2.  The player isn't meant to be special.  That is:  If scary things hunt the player at every turn, they should also hunt everyone else at every turn.  And the game clearly doesn't hunt NPCs with the ferocity that PCs (and groups containing PCs) were hunted using the bugged ambush frequency.  If they were, nobody would ever trade between towns.  Travel is dangerous, yes, but it's clearly presented as a manageable danger -- if you travel in a decently-sized group, you're reasonably safe, at least safe enough to make a profit by carrying good from place to place without an insane risk to your life.  Merchant caravans make it safely to your dwarven fortress year after year; they clearly do not encounter the insane level of threat that the recent bugs were causing.

3.  Aside from all this, the game should also succeed as a game, and while that means presenting some challenge it also means presenting some interesting goals.  The most challenging parts of the game should be in pursuing those games -- that is, it should form an interesting story.  Part of the reason why these random Final Fantasy style encounters that some people in this thread seem to like are so bad is because they don't form an interesting story.  The game should encourage players to recruit followers and hunt down monsters and explore lost tombs; and if they're busy with generic random "suddenly, 1d6 kobolds attack!" random encounters straight off the D&D random encounter table every five steps, they're not going to get to do that.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 03:39:43 am by Aquillion »
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Re: Please Don't - Difficulty
« Reply #59 on: February 17, 2012, 03:43:44 am »

It's also important that any attackers in adventurer mode come from a logical source.  That is to say:  You should eventually be able to kill all the bandits in an area and pacify it.  Infinite random encounters from nowhere is the kind of thing you get in Final Fantasy, not in a believable setting like Dwarf Fortress' world.

This may be autosuggestion, but I thought once you clear out nearby camps you get less bandits.
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