I think the key here is that some legitimate questions can sound like suggestions. For example I got called out on "suggestions" in the previous thread when I asked about the large increase in mineral frequencies the releases at that time had undergone. Granted the tone of my question might have conveyed my opinion, but it's hard not to do that: in truth it was simply a change that had occurred to the game which was never mentioned on the devlog, list of changes, or in this thread, so it wasn't clear if it had been an intentional change or what. Pointed questions are sometimes required.
In general:
- try not to ask "questions" you yourself know are really thinly veiled suggestions
- if someone asks something that could be interpreted as either a suggestion or a question, give them the benefit of the doubt - don't call people out unless you're certain, and even then always be polite
Its hard because suggestions are very tempting to make, but I don't think a similar thread to this one, but "suggestion-based" (on the appropriate forum) could work very well. While questions can get answered by Toady, frequently without drama, people are very often invested in their suggestions, and it's harder to hear someone shoot down your suggestion than tell you a negative answer to a question. Forums work best when there is debate, but worst when people feel personally attacked. Toady himself has frequently mentioned that when he isn't sure about how to go about something, he checks to suggestions forum to see if there's anything helpful there, but at the end of the day there's no way things could be added at the speed people think of them, so it's understandable that people can feel frustrated putting suggestions there, and never knowing if it made a difference. I guess the point is that sometimes good ideas will get ignored, but that happens everywhere in politics/business/social life, and is certainly not unique to these forums.