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Author Topic: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!  (Read 35937 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #255 on: December 24, 2011, 03:10:59 am »

Alright, editing choice.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #256 on: December 24, 2011, 03:17:20 am »

I hope the AI doesn't get grenades >.> You know how that ends.

Also happy Christmas Eve guys.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #257 on: December 24, 2011, 03:19:45 am »

Merry Christmas to all!

By AI that means us or them?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #258 on: December 24, 2011, 03:22:03 am »

Merry Christmas to all!

By AI that means us or them?
AI = Artificial Intelligence

So who do you believe?

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #259 on: December 24, 2011, 03:25:34 am »

Well, I control both sides so I'm taking that as a very subtle insult at my intelligence.


EDIT: Tiruin, I swear, you've changed the smiley at the end of your action post atleast three times now. Make up your mind, mang!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 03:34:42 am by Digital Hellhound »
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #260 on: December 24, 2011, 03:35:38 am »

Well, I control both sides so I'm taking that as a very subtle insult at my intelligence.


EDIT: Tiruin, I swear, you've changed the smiley at the end of your action post atleast three times now. Make up your mind, mang!

Ya got me :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #261 on: December 24, 2011, 04:58:27 am »

"Ah, Holt."

Generic Guardsman- If I remember correctly the punishment for something like that is floggin- *BLAM*
Commissar- UNLESS IT'S WAR!


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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #262 on: December 24, 2011, 08:02:19 am »

Make the devil dog advance and use the heavy flamer on the orks.Then charge at the orks with the Comissar and Sgt. Lamus
This isn't reality.
*kicks an elf into the pit*
Roll to be a BATTLE WIZARD

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #263 on: December 29, 2011, 06:22:58 am »

Campaign II: Magral Primaris - Second Turn

Sergeant Grygur Urugur
Leave Hellhound on Overwatch to provide suppressing fire if needed, advance with both squads up to Mopat's position, or the nearest cover near it where we can see where the enemy is.

Sergeant Urugur barks orders, moving after Mopat's men with both of his squads. [Tactic: Overwatch][Leadership:2] His orders to the Hellhound to start up an Overwatch go unheeded with the roar of the battle and the infernal rain hammering down on them, unfortunately.

[4] The inside of the factory is dark and long-abandoned, though automatic dispensers continue gushing Mechanicum incense into the air. The rain gets in where the Orks or the back-and-forth combat of these last months has blown open windows and walls. Heading around the corner, Urugur passes a collapsed section of the wall and catches sight of the dreadful Ork, a green mass rolling into the opposite factory building and out to the yard, where the bodies of their brethren form vast piles, like some alien sea. He immediately orders Sunspear Squad to set up there.

Finding a position for Deathspear is a bit more tricky, but he spreads them out along the wall to support Mopat. He settles in next to the grim-faced sergeant and takes out his lasgun. They're ready.

Both squads have good line-of-sight both into the yard and at the opposite building. There are two platoons worth of Imperial troops milling about.

20+? Ork Boyz at ?/80 HP with ?, in the upper part of the factory complex. Ork Physique, Propa' Orky
12 Ork Boyz at ?/80 HP with ?, rushing into the factory yard. Ork Physique, Propa' Orky
1 Ork Nob at 140/140 HP with Slugga and Big Choppa, rushing into the factory yard. Nob Physique, Propa' Orky

Spoiler: lawastooshort (click to show/hide)
Deathspear Squad
6 Guardsmen at 25/25 HP with Lasguns [6/6] and Combat Knives, inside the bottom part of the factory complex, In Cover. Disciplined
1 Guardsman at 25/25 HP with Longlas [6/6] and Combat Knife, inside the bottom part of the factory complex, In Cover. Disciplined
1 Hellhound at HP 650/650 with Inferno Cannon [3/3] and Heavy Bolter [8/8], before the entranceway.

Sunspear Squad
1 Guardsman at  25/25 HP with Plasma Cannon [3/3] and Combat Knife, at a hole in the wall inside the bottom part of the factory complex. Disciplined
2 Guardsmen at 25/25 HP with Lasguns [6/6] and Combat Knives, at a hole in the wall inside the bottom part of the factory complex, In Cover. Disciplined


Sergeant Micelus Abbar
"I'm fine where are you and the men?"

After finding out where they are, regroup. Be cautious. Once regrouped, head towards the generator room.

Sergeant Abbar shakes off the mud and dust and begins calling for his men to regroup with him. [4] He attempts climbing the rubble barrier, but it's slippery and sends him sliding back to street level. Thankfully for his health and uniform, one of his men informs him they're heading around the barrier via a side alley. Abbar spots the one he's talking about and hurries there.

[6] Turning around the corner, he spots them at the end of the street - and a group of the smaller greenskins, their backs turned to him, awkwardly operating an Ork Kannon inside the rubble of a levelled building. They're firing at the sky, where the Imperial aerial assault continues, rarely hitting anything but still seeming to have the time of their lives.

3 Gretchin at 8/8 HP with Gretchin Blastas, operating an Ork Kannon in the rubble. Scrawny Runt

Spoiler: micelus (click to show/hide)
Talons of Bryndis Squad
5 Guardsmen at 25/25 HP with Lasguns [6/6] and Combat Knives, on the far edge of the side alley, heading towards Abbar. Disciplined.
1 Guardsman at 25/25 HP with Melta Gun [1/1] and Combat Knife, on the far edge of the side alley, heading towards Abbar. Disciplined.

Ken's Fists Squad
4 Ogryns at 80/80 HP with Ripper Guns [4/4], on the far edge of the side alley, heading towards Abbar. Subhuman Brute


Markon Joanos
Advance. Reload main cannon, focus fire bolters on the place where the big shootas are firing from.

Not one to be frightened by alien savages, Markon Joanos orders his Leman Russ to advance while the battle cannon is reloaded. [Tactic: Focus Fire][Leadership:3-1=2] His Bolter gunners fire wherever they wish, unable to hear Markon over the unbelievable clatter of Ork guns. [CRs:4/6/1] Two of them fire, [5] spraying high-explosive shots across the lenght of the barricade, [Dodges:4+1=5/3+1=4] but the thick barriers defend the aliens behind them from harm. [Damage:120/129] The barricade itself takes a beating, but not enough to bring it down.

[6] Imperial troops around the Destructum don't stand idle either, though most of the fire comes from the tanks behind it. The Emperor's Wrath opens up with its Gatling Cannon, [3] focusing on one side of the barrier. [Dodges:Two Failed, Five Successful][Damages:78/90-30=60] Neither Ork goes down, a testament to the immense strenght of these brutes. [Damage:60] The barricade absorbs the missed shots. It then proceeds to fire two more times with its rapid-firing Gatling Cannon. [1][Ally Damage:49] Fire from the rest of the Imperial force causes some damage to the barricade as well.

[Ork Targeting:3] Two Ork Kannons focus on the nearest threat in return, Markon's tank. [Dodges:3-1+1=3/1-1+1=1] The first kannonball, launched from an open chute at the bottom of the barricade, hits the tank in the side and ricochets, reducing a following Imperial squad into fine red mist. The second, however, is a perfect hit, crashing against the top of the tank and [Damages:57-96=0/98+96=194][3] scares the everliving crap of the crew, including Markon.

[6] The Punisher is spared of any successful hits, but Ork fire continues to cut down ranks and ranks of Guardsmen.

Ork Barricade at 119/600 HP, facing Markon on Hunolt Street,.
16 Orks at 80/80 HP with Big Shootas, Kannons, Ork Small Arms, behind the barricade. Nob Physique, Propa' Orky
1 Ork at 49/80 HP with Slugga and Choppa, behind the barricade. Nob Physique, Propa' Orky

Spoiler: Dsarker (click to show/hide)

Emperor's Wrath
1 Leman Russ Punisher at 1400/1400 HP with Punisher Gatling Cannon [7/14], Heavy Flamer [10/10], behind the Destructum on the street. Lumbering Behemoth


Sergeant Maurice Cromstorm, Sergeant Thomas Lamus and Commissar Tiruin
Make the devil dog advance and use the heavy flamer on the orks.Then charge at the orks with the Comissar and Sgt. Lamus
Order the Chimera to provide suppressing fire while my troops and I advance towards the Orks at the end the street.
>Order the Punisher to provide suppressive fire on the Orks, specifically the heavy guns targeting their cover or them, so our guardsmen have a chance at breaking through and a higher survival rate. Get out of that tank and charge along Sgt. Thomas Lamus, fanatically inspiring the men.

Cromstorm's Devil Dog can't advance past the two tanks blocking the street, unfortunately. The infantry must go alone. The Commissar orders the Punisher to provide covering fire for them, which it does with gusto, firing its Punisher Cannon at the barricade three times. [Dodges:Two Failed, Five Successful][Damages:67-30=37/55-30=25] The two Orks that survived its first volley are cut down, [Damage:49] and the barricade itself takes a great deal of damage. The Gatling Cannon fires for the third time, [Dodges:Two Failed, Five Successful][Damages:31/83] killing an Ork and wounding another. [Damage:74] The barricade won't stand for much longer, great chunks falling off and becoming full of fist-sized holes.

The infantry advances under the leadership of Commissar Tiruin, who screams devotional praises while brandishing his chainsword at the barricade ahead. [Ork Targeting:1] Nearly every Ork Big Shoota and small arm becomes focused on them and an incredible firestorm is released. [Cromstorm Dodges:Four Failed, Four Successful] The Sergeant himself is the first to get hit, by a [5] Shoota. [Damage:38] The burst takes his upper torso with it, severing his spine with an audible snap. His upper body is launched far back while his lower body topples down, useless. [Squad Damages:22/17/23/57] Only his plasma gunner is also taken, but remaining hit men grievously wounded but alive.

[Lamus Dodges:Four Failed, Four Successful] Sergeant Lamus is more lucky, but his men are not. [Damages:8/11/14/22] None of them die outright, but they sure as hell hurt. Adrenaline keeps them running onwards towards the partly-broken Ork barricade. [Tiruin Dodge:4] The Commissar runs through incoming fire as if it was only reserved for lesser men and incapable of hurting him.

The inviting open doors of the spire-complex are still near, but the surviving men are close enough to reach the Ork barricade in any case. It's weak enough for them to break through invididually.

Spoiler: LAAT501Legion (click to show/hide)
Black Corvidae Squad
3 Guardsmen at 25/25 HP with Lasguns [6/6] and Combat Knives, rushing up the right side of the street. Disciplined.
1 Guardsmen at 3/25 HP with Lasgun [6/6] and Combat Knife, rushing up the right side of the street. Disciplined.
1 Guardsmen at 8/25 HP with Lasgun [6/6] and Combat Knife, rushing up the right side of the street. Disciplined.
1 Guardsmen at 2/25 HP with Lasgun [6/6] and Combat Knife, rushing up the right side of the street. Disciplined-
1 Devil Dog at 650/650 HP with Melta Cannon [1/1], Heavy Flamer [10/10]

Spoiler: Firelordsky (click to show/hide)
Blue Wardens Squad
2 Guardsmen at 25/25 HP with Lasguns [6/6] and Combat Knives, rushing up the left side of the street. Disciplined.
1 Guardsman at 17/25 HP with Lasgun [6/6] and Combat Knife, rushing up the left side of the street. Disciplined.
1 Guardsman at 14/25 HP with Lasgun [6/6] and Combat Knife, rushing up the left side of the street. Disciplined.
1 Guardsman at 11/25 HP with Lasgun [6/6] and Combat Knife, rushing up the left side of the street. Disciplined.
1 Guardsman at 3/25 HP with Lasgun [6/6] and Combat Knife, rushing up the left side of the street. Disciplined.
1 Guardsman at 25/25 HP with Plasma Gun [6/6] and Combat Knife, rushing up the left side of the street. Disciplined.
1 Chimera at 500/500 HP with Heavy Bolter [8/8], Heavy Bolter [8/8]

Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)

Sergeant Wulfric Neras

The lights flicker out the moment Wulfric kicks open the door.

From the faint light filtering in through the windows he can tell they've entered a wide office-like room, with desks and banks of large file cabinets forming intercrossing lines of walls across the entirety of the chamber. Arbites insignia and Imperial Aquilas are omnipresent. A balcony overlooks the room, jutting out of the wall from the opposite wall. The room bears signs of heavy combat, but so does every other building on the planet now. This is the Arbites precinct house the judges he was supposed to meet up with are trapped in, though there's no sign of them.

[2] There are, however, signs of Orks. Two glowing pair of eyes turn at him and a earthshaking roar comes across the room. Wulfric hits cover behind a flimsy wooden desk and tells his men to do the same.

1 Ork Boy at 80/80 HP with Slugga and Choppa, on the balcony on the opposite wall. Nob Physique, Propa' Orky
1 Ork Boy at 80/80 HP with Shoota and Choppa, below the balcony, on the lower floor. Nob Physique, Propa' Orky
2 Gretchin at 8/8 HP with Gretchin Blastas, below the balcony, on the lower floor. Nob Physique, Propa' Orky

Spoiler: adwarf (click to show/hide)

Hell Wolves Squad
6 Guardsmen at 25/25 HP with Lasguns [6/6] and Combat Blades, coming through the doorway. Disciplined
1 Guardsman at 25/25 HP with Grenade Launcher [4/4], 4 Frag Grenades, 4 Krak Grenades and Combat Blade, coming through the doorway. Disciplined

LAAT, ouch. Don't worry, you have a guaranteed place in the next test. I did tell you lot I was going to be brutal.

Dsarker, the Punisher can fire up to 3 times per turn with its Gatling Cannon. One of them went to your turn and the two others to the infantry turn, but you don't necessarily have to fire all three times. You can choose how much ammo you want to waste.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #264 on: December 29, 2011, 06:33:00 am »

Wulfric popped up from cover, and opened fire at the Orks as he yelled "Jackson hit them with a frag! All of you take cover, and provide cover fire for Jackson!"

Open fire at the Orks while my men take position. Then have them cover the Soldier with the Grenade Launcher as he shoots a frag at the Orks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #265 on: December 29, 2011, 06:38:13 am »

(( :o , Poor Sgt. Cromstorm.))

Ronan screamed in evangelical fury, the xenos filth took out one of those under his command!

>Charge straight into the Ork Barricade, insult the Orks and perform a field execution on one of them [Laspistol]. Try to direct their fire onto him, inspire by action and re-moralize the Black Corvidae squad.

Also, if possible: Order the soldier with the Plasma Gun to fire into the barricade, at a bunch of Orks or to destroy the barricade outright for an easy charge and the Emperor's Wrath to move up and bring the heavy flamer to bear
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 07:00:34 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #266 on: December 29, 2011, 10:16:05 am »

"Shoot the big bastard!!" Urugur cries, "Shoot it to bits!!!"

Urugur will order Sunspear and Deathspear squads to concentrate all fire on the Nob, and order the Hellhound to come up to our position if possible, and then fire all weapons on hard fully auto at the advancing Boyz.

"Kill 'em all!!!!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #267 on: December 29, 2011, 11:46:11 am »

Thomas will tell the wounded troops with less than 15 health to take cover and patch themselves up.
Country Name: Lindiria
Name: Sir Alexei Robret
Region: North
In Thirteen Colonies Game


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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #268 on: December 29, 2011, 01:18:58 pm »

Fire the main cannon at the barricade and the bolters on the orks. We've got to win this, men!
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hammer of the Emperor - A Warhammer 40k RTD - Pseudorevival! Combat tests!
« Reply #269 on: December 29, 2011, 03:43:10 pm »

Wait for the men to arrive, then charge in and melee them to death.
You win Nakeen
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