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Author Topic: Ragespiraled: Community Fort  (Read 2569 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2011, 12:54:55 am »

Zas Ebal means The Crystal of Reverences.


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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2011, 01:25:40 am »

From the Journal of Udil Futurebronze
7th Sandstone:
With nowhere else we can possibly place a casket, i order Uvash interred in the cabin.  In a wood casket.  What an ignominous way to go.  May Armok burn the place with fire - hopefully while I'm not in it.

Dumat is unhappy about the death of his friend.  Morons they might be, but can't have a trained military dwarf (hah!) go crazy on us, i order the first completed bedroom be assigned to him.

23rd Sandstone:
I've been informed there is a large enraged honeybadger wandering near the settlement.  Having learned my lesson, i tell the whole military, such as it is, to meet up before going to tackle the threat.  We'll see how well that works...

Dumat, feeling suicidal, goes right after it, thwacking it in the throat with his training axe, and stunning the beast.  The militia quickly decides to move in for the kill instead of grouping up, hopefully the stunning blow will give them time to get there.  But even before the others arrive he has already downed the vicious creature, shattering its skull.  And they said those axes weren't good for anything.

13th Timber:
A caravan?  I have this sinking feeling I'm going to be stuck here for awhile...

Fortunately, the first level of the cabin is complete, at least it'll vaguely look like civilization...

We trade prepared food, bone crafts, and Uvash's clothes (ok, mostly a nice stack of Giant Jaguar biscuits, but I'm sure the rest helped) for picks (4 of them!), anvils, metal bars (just in case there's an aquifer in this cursed place), and an iron axe.  Because those wooden training ones weren't that effective when real danger threatened, and there's sure to be goblins hearing of our whereabouts now that bloody trade caravans are showing up. 

Time to start planning a real future for us since we're no longer surface bound...
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 01:40:49 am by Squirrelloid »


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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #17 on: December 05, 2011, 01:32:08 am »

From the Journal of Udil Futurebronze
1st Moonstone:
To get my new miners started I designated many of the sloped ground in the area for reshaping - to make it hard for hostile creatures to traverse it and thus help secure our perimeter.  I also Designated a place to sink a stairwell.  We shall finally make our way below ground!

I also have some dwarf construct an armor stand in a nearby field so the military can start training.  Its not a real barracks, but it'll do until we have one.

Zas Ebal has begun styling herself 'prophet'.  That's nice, I told her she could help with the mining since it didn't look like we'd need so many carpenters after all.

Rovod also started calling himself a hunter.  Considering his only 'catch' so far has been a Giant Jaguar that was exhausted, unconscious, and throwing up due to the actions of the military, I am less than impressed, but at least he hasn't gotten himself killed yet.

5th of Moonstone:
I take it back, Rovod managed to successfully hunt something.  Armok be praised.

Scratch that, apparently Cavy Sows aren't butcherable.  I suppose he's getting practice with that crossbow at least...

15th of Moonstone:
Figures, we have an aquifer.  A rather deep one at that.  This should be 'fun'.

4th Opal:
2nd floor of the cabin is nearly completed, which should house all of us until we can penetrate the aquifer.

The aquifer itself is too deep to handle by dropping earth into it.  We're going to have to pump water.  I'm trying to ascertain just how deep it is before committing to a particular pumping plan.  To this end, we are going to need mechanisms for power.  I'm not yet sure how i intend to accomplish that.

28th Opal:
Rovod managed to successfully hunt a camel.  I'm impressed.

1st of Granite, 805:
We've survived a year in this accursed stoneless wasteland.  I'm not even sure how we did it.

Of course, if we don't pass the aquifer soon, we won't survive many more years.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #18 on: December 05, 2011, 02:28:15 am »

From the journal of Udil Futurebronze
12th Felsite, 805:
Work proceeds apace in trying to penetrate the aquifer.  Unfortunately, i could make but 2 mechanisms, so screwpumps are functioning as gearing in most of the rube goldberg device i'm constructing.  I fear our efforts are doomed to failure, however, and some grand pumping on a massive scale will be required.

Tulon has given birth to a baby boy, the first child of the fortress.  Too bad we're all going to die.

1st Hematite:
Our outside is becoming more secure, although we desperately need more stone for mechanisms

Our military has wooden shields and leather armor.  It is something.

Rovod is becoming an accomplished hunter.

This plan for piercing the aquifer will never work...

9th Malachite:
Zas Ebal gave birth to a little girl while mining, who promptly drowned due to water mishap.  Whoops...

(Ugg, punching through this aquifer is a pain in the ass.  And I'm not even sure I've found the bottom yet.  Maybe I'll just stick on the surface, though the wood is starting to run low...)
« Last Edit: December 05, 2011, 03:27:05 am by Squirrelloid »


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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #19 on: December 06, 2011, 12:35:16 am »

19th Limestone, 805:
Rovod brought down an elephant.  I've revised my opinion of him, he may be the most effective dwarf we have!

The aquifer continues to eat time and effort engineering a solution.  I swear its 6 z-levels deep.  We've started new surface constructions, using the available fire claw we found before we ran into the aquifer.

15th Sandstone:
It seems the baby has returned to haunt the living, although its just standing over its body in 7/7 water.  I have no stone i can waste on a memorial and cannot fish its body out of the water, so I hope it stays there for now.

Scratch that, it has decided to haunt the mother.  Lovely.

22nd Timber:
A second caravan.  We're still, at best, halfway through the durned aquifer.  At least we have some mild defenses and have mostly secured our perimeter.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 12:38:20 am by Squirrelloid »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #20 on: December 06, 2011, 12:43:20 am »



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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #21 on: December 08, 2011, 01:39:04 am »

From the Journal of Udil Futurebronze

14th Slate, 806:
More migrants? 

Likot Uzolostar, adept Planter and competent Metalworker (all)
Urvad lolorethad, adequate Bone Carver (new hunter)
Tholtig Vabokethab, accomplished Glassmaker and mild fighting skills (Militia commander)
Momuz Olinbisek, talented Brewer and mild fighting skills (militia)
Zon Atheltulon, accomplished Weaponsmith, proficient Metalsmith, and decent military skills (militia)
Litast Keskalibmat, accomplished Armorer
Datan Mishoszon, skilled Animal Trainer and mild fighting skills (put in squad)
Dakost Sibrekkalur, talented Clothier
Zon Datansanad, talented Mason
Dishmab Kirlor, adequate Wood Cutter (put in squad)
Bomrek Cattenselor, talented Gem Cutter and mild fighting skills (militia)
Urdim odrigoth, talented Metal Crafter and competent Miner
Stukos Olinbomrek, adequate Building Designer
Rakust Ashmoniton, skilled Metalsmith and novice lots of things
Meng Aziningiz, adequate Lye Maker (put in squad)
Rigoth Cogdesis, high master Animal Trainer, proficient Building Designer, competent Hunting skills (squad B)
Logem Ledazin, expert Cook, accomplished Beekeeper (!?), minor fighting skills (militia)

Stukos Olinbomrek, my former student and friend from the architect guild.  I'd like to say its good to see him out here, but it doesn't take a brilliant dwarf to put 2 and 2 together.  Oh well, a friendly face is nice, and i could use the help - so many screw pumps to build!

The new dwarves have lead to the creation of two new squads.  Previous squad becomes Squad A and has most of the experienced fighters (and the expendable dwarves).  Squad B is the archery squad, currently two members, with additional members to be trained by hunting.  Squad C is the militia, comprising somewhat skilled fighters whose other skills are too potentially useful to waste on the front line except in a last ditch defense.  I'll need to find places for additional training areas.

They also brought a lot of animals with them - its time to start culling some of these.

New cook and brewer can definitely start work immediately, and i can see what can be done with my current multi-tasker.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #22 on: December 08, 2011, 03:11:53 am »

1st Hematite, 806:
Our first artifact... wood piccolo.  Sadly, it was a possession, because a legendary woodcrafter would have been quite useful (bolts!)

The elves brought us something strange, we just had to have one.

I wonder if it will do work...

I've drawn the current layout of our fortress, and included a summary of our standing at present, so i can report on our progress come autumn like i seemed doomed to do.

And on a more personal note, Chuck and I have become romantically involved.  Ok, maybe not the sharpest weapon in the armory, but have you seen that beard?  Woof. 

15th Malachite, 806:
A Giant Cheetah was spotted in the area, so i sent the military to take it down to avoid my hunter getting gibbed by it.  Its been fighting for 10 days.

Neo has become a dabbling Misc. Object User.  This can't be good.  Hasn't anyone told him there is no spoon?

25th Malachite, 806:
The Giant Cheetah finally died to our hunter's bolts while the military kept it beaten and unconscious.

And more migrants have arrived.  I have no idea what i shall do with all of them.
Zefon Litastcatten, talented Presser, mild military skills
Sarvesh Rithtangak, adequate Carpenter
Unib Nishsemor, accomplished Dyer, proficient Wood Crafter, mild military skills
Onul Thestaravuz, accomplished Weaponsmith, experienced military skills
Urdim Astelerith, accomplished Gem Setter
Unib Eralnish, talented Fisherdwarf (with a river full of carp!)
Olon Nakuthducim, competent military and novice a bunch of stuff
Monom Cattensherik, novice Stone and Wood Crafter
Sodel Bekarathel, child

That brings our population to 47 with almost as many animals.

19th of Galena:
An ambush, curse them!
-Meng Aziningiz was struck down after responding first.
-Oddom Nethineth, a noncombatant, was caught outside hauling wood and struck down (not a critical loss with the brewer and cook that arrived this year, and I'm not sad to see him go)
-Feb Keshshakdomas, grieviously wounded, knocks a goblin hammerdwarf unconscious and keeps going

-Zas Ebal, carrying her second child and followed by the ghost of her first, distracts half the ambush party and runs for her life.
-Chuck arrives to assist Feb and turn the tides, as does the squad of marksdwarves and Monom Olonimsal
-I realize i have no hospital yet.  Uh oh.
-Dumat discovers and pursues a goblin master thief, getting his army broken in combat with the thief
-Neo arrives to lay some smackdown
-2 hammer goblins and the lasher commander stop chasing Zas Ebal and begin advancing where Dumat has passed out from pain
-Human Merchants arrive with teh goblins between them and the fort, although they have a distance to travel (should be fun!)
-Iton Urdimgemesh, an herbalist i didn't even realize i had (!!!) is also caught outside, and the 2 hammerers and lasher descend on him as my military finishes taking down the other 2 goblin hammerers.
-Feb succumbs to the wounds and suffocates
-Dumat is struck down by a goblin hammerdwarf while the other 2 goblins continue pursuing Iton
-I realize i need more caskets
-My military catches up to Dumat's murderer, vengeance is righteous.  Iton gets taken out by the 2 goblins chasing him.
-Dishmab Kirlor, a recruit, is overcome in the goblin counter-attack
-Neo has apparently withdrawn to eat, leaving me shortchanged on numbers.  One goblin falls but Monom is greviously wounded, and so Atir has to face 2 on 2, although our equipment is much worse than our opponents.  We have crossbow support though.  Except then Atir goes down leaving Datan Mishoszon, a relatively untrained dwarf, alone 1v2.
-Chuck arrives to protect the retreating Monom as Datan dies.  He thrashes the goblin lasher, and the last hammergoblin runs away.
-Despite the successful rescue, Monom succumbs to his injuries before reaching the fort
-Neo finally returns to beat some unconscious goblins to death.  (No idea where Xenir is this whole time)
-I really need more caskets!
-My 10 dwarf Squad A has been reduced to 3 members - Xenir, Neo, Chuck.  Ouch.  The loss of two more original dwarves hurts.

Really wish dwarf squads would *actually move together* rather than arrive piecemeal.  Goblins stay grouped reasonably well...

Overview of the battle:
Upper red circle is where goblins appear.  2 Hammer goblins fight my military here while 3 other goblins follow the red arrows after some civilians.  Following the defeat of the goblins at the upper point, my military meets them near the lower red circle (where Dumat had chased the thief to and was unconscious).  Marksdwarves hold position at the green circle and fire.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 04:42:09 am by Squirrelloid »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #23 on: December 08, 2011, 06:26:04 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Quote from: GoombaGeek
That sounds gay. It's not. It's fucking terrifying.
Quote from: GoombaGeek
Olin isn't fucking around this time. He knows it'll take more punishment than a BDSM expo in a tornado made out of serrated blades. So he hits it until the head is mush. Then he hits the body until it's got a soupy texture too. When he's done, it doesn't look like a cat. It looks like a fucking meat puddle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ragespiraled: Community Fort
« Reply #24 on: December 09, 2011, 02:02:52 am »

Can I have an update on my stats and skills now? I wish to see how Neo is progressing. Also, I think you should build a wooden palisade around the camp.
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"
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