I'm just gonna wait till they make processors better, and stop gluing them together. I dont need your damn six core processor.
You do realize that the reason they are doing the "glue them together" thing is because there is a physical limit to the miniaturization and efficiency of processors, and that processors essentially cannot be made smaller than they are now without making them out of completley different materials, right?
A leap forward will come, but it may be quite a ways off, yet.
I do like lighting issues, but honestly, I'd like to see air quality issues come into play before light comes into play. I want oxygen-producing molds and lichens (especially ones that grow on magma vents... using noxious vapors like carbon monoxide that come off of magma vents to generate oxygen is just so dwarfy I get shivers) as well as ventilation systems and fans (possibly large enough for spies to crawl through the ventilation system)...
As for light, I'd like to see some sort of photoluminescent lichens come into play. Even better if they have some interplay with oxygen levels in the caves. Even better STILL if you have to keep both of those oxygen-producing and light-producing molds fed with minerals and fertilizer as per the Improved Farming upgrades.
The idea of organic cultivated fungus machines that rely upon beams of light as points of data for the inner workings of a megaproject makes me giggle like a child with a new toy.